Health, Acne
Internal pimples on the face: how to deal with them?
Often girls, as well as young people, face the problem of acne. And if ordinary eruptions are eliminated quite simply, the internal acne on the face is a very unpleasant phenomenon and difficult to treat. What to do, if under the skin once again formed a solid painful ball? There are several options.
Internal pimples on the face. Causes
Surely you have repeatedly heard that acne is a signal of internal problems of the body. This is especially true of the so-called subcutans. If they appear periodically, moreover in the same zone, hurry to the doctor. Probably, there are some problems with the organs. For example, if a girl often has internal pimples on her face in the chin, almost certainly she has problems with the organs of the genitourinary system. On the nose, the skin is formed when the heart and vessels are broken. And if they are on the cheeks, you need to examine the organs of the digestive tract, especially the intestines.
If these unpleasant "balls" are rare, you can try to deal with them yourself. Well help in this different means of a national character.
Internal pimples on the face. Treatment
Aloe - one of the most effective and popular in cosmetology plants. It has an effect that prevents further inflammation, removes it and slightly dehydrates the skin (but not in the same way as, for example, alcohol, but delicately). If you have large internal pimples on your face, cut off a piece of aloe and divide the leaf into two parts with a sharp knife. The fleshy side of the plant must be attached to the shader, which must be previously cleaned with a tonic, for example. This "compress" should be kept on the face for at least 12 hours, so it is important to fix it with adhesive plaster. If the pimple is deeply "sitting", you may need not one, but 2-3 procedures.
Another good recipe is a honey dough. Honey just need to mix with a little flour. The dough should turn out to be steep. From it you need to roll the ball, and then attach the latter to the pimple, flattening. The dough should also be fastened with an adhesive plaster.
Internal pimples on the face can be cured with the help of onions. You need to take one layer of the vegetable and cut out the box, which will be a bit larger than the shaving. Then it should be put on the heated frying pan (without oil!) And wait for the middle to become transparent, but the edges will remain white at the same time. During this time, it is better to prepare a patch. When the onion comes to the condition, remove it from the frying pan and wait 10-15 seconds until it cools down a little. It should be quite hot, but not burning - then it can be applied to the face (at night), fastened with adhesive tape. Onion juice gives an excellent effect!
No matter how you want to squeeze out a subcutaneous pimple, you should not even try. At you all the same it does not turn out, and infection of a blood is not jokes. It is better to use the recipes described above and eat more raw fruits and vegetables. Either consult a doctor. And then your skin will be healthy and clean.
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