
The main signs of absolute royal power. Power is inherited

In the form of government, the state is divided into two groups: republics and monarchies. It depends on this factor that determines how the supreme power is organized in the country. This kind of government, when all power belongs to a single person, is called a monarchy.

The Power of the King

Monarchies are different:

  • Patriarchal;
  • Sacral;
  • Absolute and theocratic;
  • Constitutional and estate-representative;
  • Dualistic;
  • Despotic.

In all these ways of governing the state there is one thing in common: power is in the hands of one person - the king. The sacred and patriarchal states are characterized by the sacrifice of the ruler. Traditionally, the monarch was considered and perceived the father of his people, his subjects. It was here that the principles of the sacredness of not only the royal person, but also the royal blood were formed.

An example of a theocratic form of government is the Vatican. The power in this state is for life owned by the Pope, elected by the College of Cardinals.

A kind of dualistic, limited, monarchy is the constitutional form of government. Legislative body is the parliament. Funds for the maintenance of the monarch and his family are regulated in accordance with the civilian list. The powers of the king are representative functions, in addition, with his signature, he holds together the most important government documents.

The main characteristics of absolute royal power

This kind of monarchy can be distinguished on the following grounds:

  • The existence of a lifelong ruler who is the bearer of the sole sovereign authority;
  • Complete, absolute impunity of the royal person;
  • Hereditary order of transfer of power according to customs or laws of the state;
  • Exaltation and deification of royal persons.

The concept of unlimited power presupposes the establishment of complete control in all spheres of the life of the people and society. In a country with such a form of government, all democratic principles and any framework for the desires, whims and whims of the ruler, whether it be fun or the creation of laws, are denied. The power of the king is one: he issues laws, through the same appointed officials and ministers governs the state. All subjects have, by default, only those rights that the sovereign grants them, and obey, serve him unquestioningly. The monarch is the personification of the inseparable unity of the highest judicial, legislative and executive leadership. However, the main signs of absolute royal authority indicate that the king can violate the freedoms and rights of his subjects only in exceptional cases necessary for the salvation of the country.

Why do states need kings

Strengthening of the individual unquestioning authority in the period of the collapse of the feudal system was necessary for the territorial unification of the lands, the formation of a single nation. In strengthening the power of the king, the clergy and nobility needed to preserve their positions and possessions in the conditions of the emergence of the bourgeoisie and industrialization. Only the ruling monarch had the right to manage the treasury of the state solely . The main signs of absolute royal power are the pyramid of an extensive bureaucratic apparatus, the permanent police and the army, subordinated to the reigning monarch and headed by him. All the possibilities of the legislative, executive and judicial systems were concentrated in the hands of the supreme hereditary ruler. It was believed that the King's unlimited personal power is given to him by God's mercy, so the ruling person belongs to the state and works for the good of the Fatherland.

Crown, scepter, power

Gold as a symbol of absolute royal power, regalia and other distinctive signs are known since ancient times. All these signs have a certain similarity in most developed countries:

  • Crown on the head and a robe on the shoulders;
  • Scepter in the left and power in the right hand;
  • Sword or sword;
  • Throne and throne.

Other symbols include banners and stamps, signs and seals, helmets and masks, names and images, palaces and shields. Radiance and divine origin of the ruler are embodied in gold and precious stones, which are used in the decoration of royal headdresses and clothes. The crown as the emblem of absolute royal power symbolizes the solar sky, and the four bands that rise up are power spreading to all directions of the world.

The power in its form resembles a round globe, and the scepter is an attribute of the ancient Greek gods. Both of these symbols are signs of monarchy dignity.

Only a ruler with all regalia deserves full submission to his loyal subjects. These basic signs of absolute royal power make him the best of the best, the chief military leader and legislator.

About the coronation

According to researchers, the prototype of the royal diadem was the Roman laurel crown. The emblem of absolute royal authority (crown) was originally made in the form of a golden hoop with teeth resembling the sun's rays. In the future, the creation of royal tiars worked the best jewelers and used the largest and most valuable precious stones.

The ritual of putting this dress on the head of the future ruler is called coronation. It is this ceremony that signifies the legality of the monarch's access to the acceptance of power with all its attributes. In addition, the entire procedure of coronation is an important religious rite for the people, during which the anointing of the kingdom and admission of a new monarch to the traditional hereditary continuation of the chain of rulers. The whole ritual is permeated with a special meaning of the Divine blessing.

Can all kings

Having considered the main signs of absolute royal power, it can be concluded that in order to use its capabilities, the monarch needed to defeat the feudal opposition and resistance of the Church. Full sovereignty of the state was impossible without a constant police and army, without the creation of a centralized administrative apparatus.

The development of the bourgeois system led to a gradual restriction of the power of the king to the emergence of a dualistic monarchy, under which a parliament with legislative power was created.

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