Education, History
The catacomb is a view of the past through the prism of a centuries-old history
The catacomb is A term that designates a kind of grouped rooms that are underground and have the appearance of a branched chain. They can have both artificial and natural origin.
What were the catacombs used for?
Most often the catacomb is the creation of human hands. They are also called quarries.
The first Christians used them as a refuge, hiding from persecution and persecution. Later, these places became popular with pilgrims from all over the world.
The origin of the oldest known quarries dates from the beginning of the second century. The explored catacomb is "Time machine", opening before us the traditions and cultural heritage of antiquity. It is from the artifacts discovered here that historians and archaeologists can learn about the era of the decline of Rome, learn about the first martyrs and holy Christian teachings, admire the ancient frescoes and mosaics, read ancient inscriptions, and explore the attributes used during the ancient rituals.
Famous catacombs in world history
Catacombs are the unknown secrets of the ancients. Among the most famous catacombs of the world are the Roman, Maltese, Souski (Tunisia), Znojmov (Czechia) catacombs, as well as Kom-el-Shukaf, located on the territory of Egypt.
Especially I want to mention the catacombs of Paris, because these meandering caves have a length of up to 300 kilometers.
Modern tourists have the opportunity, traveling, plunge into the ancient world of history and try to unravel the secrets of our ancestors, visiting the most mysterious places of our planet - the catacombs.
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