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"The Blue Star" (Kuprin). Brief narrative content

The story "The Blue Star" is included in the school program on literature. Primary school students study it in the third grade. The author is AI Kuprin, the famous Russian writer of the last century.

The twentieth century gave the world many works, later listed as masterpieces of Russian literature. Among them are "Garnet Bracelet", "Olesya", "Duel", "Blue Star" (Kuprin). The brief content of the last text allows the reader to take a fresh look at the writer's personality and creativity.

Briefly about the author

Kuprin was born in 1870 in the family Narovchatsky official. Before becoming a writer, he tried himself in different areas. Kuprin's military service, acting, circus performances, management of the estate, the reporter's career.

The first works of Kuprin date from the end of the XIX century. In 1919, the writer left his homeland. In Europe, he stayed until 1937, but the return to Russia was short-lived.

In 1938, the writer died. Kuprin's story "The Blue Star" first saw the light in the French capital in 1927. Then he had the title "Princess-ugly." Later the collection "Brave Fugitives" was published, in which the story got its present name.

Kuprin "The Blue Star"

The theme of this work is beauty external and internal. The author brings to the reader the idea that different peoples' perceptions of beauty may differ. Moreover, the population of the same state at different times can regard the opposite of things as a standard of beauty. For example, it is not necessary to go far: the best examples of medieval European painting show the admiration of people of that time full-bodied women. Today, fullness is a defect.

Kuprin argues that external beauty is a relative thing. It is much more important to have a beautiful soul. If a person's soul is beautiful, then others will not pay attention to external shortcomings. It is about this work "The Blue Star" (Kuprin). The summary of the story is presented below.

The work is aimed at readers of all ages. It will equally be of interest to children and adults, since the focus of attention is on the process of growing up the protagonist.


In ancient times, one people lived high in the mountains. He was cut off from the whole world until one day the knights came from the south. The new area made a strong impression on them, so they decided to stay here. In the highlands people created a state, at the head of which they put the most worthy - Erna. For a thousand years the country has lived in peace and tranquility. The only grief is the ugliness with which certain heirs of the throne were born. However, the external shortcomings of the royal family were not a serious problem, since they had a beautiful soul.

King Ern XXIII was married to a local beauty. After ten years of joint life, fate gave them a daughter, but she was just as ugly as her ancestor, Ern First and many of his descendants. Parents still loved the princess for her kindness and responsiveness. At the request of the Queen, all mirrors were destroyed in the country. However, at the age of fifteen, the girl still learned about the shortcomings of her appearance when she found a hidden splinter of a mirror in her wet nurse's house.

Returning to the castle, the princess heard cries for help. The girl went to her voice and saw a foreigner as ugly as she. He was hanging on the edge of the cliff. Erna took off her blue dress, made a rope out of it, and with her help raised a wounded traveler.

The princess ordered to transfer the young man to the castle and personally nursed him. During this time, between the young people there were mutual feelings, so after recovery the prince made Erna an offer. After the wedding, they went to the homeland of the prince, to France, where the girl saw that all the inhabitants of this country are like her. Like Erna, they had long legs, small feet and arms, a high waist, big blue eyes and full lips.

A year after the wedding, the young couple had a son. Erne, he seemed very beautiful. When she told her husband about this, he laughingly translated to her the words carved on the wall in her father's house by King Ern the First. He wrote in Latin that the men and women who inhabit his country have a lot of virtues. But they are ugly.

The meaning of the name

A.I. Kuprin called the story "The Blue Star". In the text there is a mention of the prediction that was made to the young prince Charles. According to the prophecy, the young man will visit the northern lands. There he will look into the eyes of death, but will be saved by a blue star. It will illuminate his whole life. The princess Erna had blue eyes, and on the day of the meeting the girl was dressed in a blue dress. Charles recognized her at once. The author has chosen the blue color: he symbolizes infinity, selflessness, harmony with himself and the surrounding world, a departure from reality.

Let's sum up

For many readers, the story "The Blue Star" (Kuprin) is of great interest. The summary can not fully convey the author's intention. However, even a quick acquaintance with the text makes you think about some important things. Among them, the senselessness of the desire to be like the universally recognized standard of beauty to the detriment of one's own soul. The author is convinced that it is not necessary to have a beautiful appearance to remain a kind, sympathetic and sensitive person. This is what the heroes of the story "The Blue Star" (Kuprin) teach us. The summary of the work is presented above.

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