Arts & Entertainment, Literature
Flibusta: genres of the library
As is known, "Flibusta" is one of the largest online libraries on the Russian Internet. Another interesting fact from the point of view of the domestic user is that the site is blocked on the territory of our country. This, however, does not prevent us from considering several interesting points about the library, for example, a list of genres. "Flibusta" offers the reader absolutely free of charge the opportunity to read almost any text ever printed or published on this planet.
Short story
Naturally, for the Russian reader the important question will be: why "Flibusta", whose genres, by the way, cover almost any direction in which authors ever wrote on this planet, is closed in the domestic segment of the Internet. Well, let's go deep into history.
In 2008, an active Internet user who lives abroad and appears on the network under the name of Stiver, decided to create a clone of the Honorable "Libruсek". However, our hero, who is a pirate to the depths of his soul, unlike the owner of the above-mentioned resource, did not go to meet such large players of the domestic literary department as the publishing house "Eksmo" or "Litres". Serious disassembly began, right up to the trial. As a result, this summer the site was blocked on the territory of our country, but those wishing to familiarize themselves with the content do not make it difficult to access it through specialized browsers. But this is already a topic of a separate material. And we will continue on the topic of the article.
List of genres
"Flibusta" offers a fairly well-optimized system of genres, the main ones of which include such names as "Business Literature", "Home and Family", "Dramaturgy", "Science and Education" and many, many others. Each genre contains a lot of sub-genres, which does not make sense, because the volume of the article is simply not designed for such a large number of characters.
Anyway, the library of "Flibusta", whose genres contain such names as "Religion, spirituality, esotericism" or "Ancient", has a really immodest amount of literary and scientific material. Therefore, at least, this treasure of freebies should be known.
Talking about ethics in relation to Internet users in general is quite a slippery trail. It's hard to judge pirates to the core with their seemingly honest desire to help a simple user who does not have the opportunity to shell out 200-300 blood rubles for a book that you want to read so much. On the other hand, there is such a tough side of life as the copyrights and desire of writers and those who struggle in this field to earn money on their offspring, suffered almost by physical efforts spent on putting letters into words and sentences.
In a word, we again deviated a little from the topic. "Flibusta", whose genres can be found in the full list on the corresponding tab in the "Navigation" section, that is located on the right side of the page, offers a really wide variety of literary sources. And for it, more than 600,000 registered users appreciate it.
So we threw a glance at the library of the "Flibusta". Her genres and the search for them are not limited to the above list. Here you can find a book, for example, by the author or on the recommendation of the community. And finally. "Flibusta", the genres of which are not limited only to literary sources, gives an idea of what a real big library should be. Therefore, wars on the pirate theme, apparently, will continue, because the popularity of the resource continues to gain momentum, despite the hard pressure from the discontent.
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