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The best love stories of all time

Books that we take with us on the road, with which we fall asleep and think about, are our irreplaceable teachers and comrades. To give a universal list of "necessary reading" is impossible. The best love stories are not studied in the school curriculum. Although, of course, among these can be called "Anna Karenina", and "Eugene Onegin." However, more often than not, the soul of an adolescent who is immature and unripened for complex feelings rejects everything that school officialdom impose.

The best love stories are not cheap "ladies' reading". Rather, it is worth turning to the classic of world literature, because the theme of passion and tenderness has always been the leading and most important. The overwhelming feeling, sweeping away any barriers that can stand and survive for many years, is what fascinates readers of all ages and generations. Classic best love stories - this is the "Jane Eyre" by S. Brontë, and "Gone with the Wind" by M. Mitchell. For many, the prose of Georges Sand, Alfred de Musset, Guy de Maupassant, André Maurois, Simone de Beauvoir, Françoise Sagan became the real literature of strong feelings. However, the best authors of romance novels are not only the French and the English. Among the finest books about this feeling, many are called "Masters and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov and "Doctor Zhivago" Boris Pasternak.

And for the generation of young readers, the best love stories are represented by Latin American literature. Mario Vargas Llosa, Gabriel Marquez, Julio Cortázar ... "One Hundred Years of Solitude" or "Love in the Time of the Plague", "Playing Classics" are wonderful books that, in their own way, brightly and strongly depict the depth of feelings. For some, the top of the best romance novels will include historical or sentimental "women's prose" (D.Devero, D.Maknot, J.Benzoni, N.Sparks), for others - works of such ambiguous authors as Henry Miller with his "Tropic of Cancer" Or John Fowles ("The Mistress of a French Lieutenant"). It is worth mentioning, and Remarque, and Fitzgerald, and Steinbeck ... Among the authors of unforgettable books can be called Richard Bach, and David Lawrence ("Lady Chatterley's Lover"), and Eric Sigala. Many works have produced outstanding films or wonderful serials.

According to the classical canons of the genre, loving hearts can not unite for one reason or another, according to the evil will of fate or because of internal torment. However, literary mastery is to make readers empathize with heroes, so that the scenes of meetings are shaken and remembered. Remember the yellow flowers that Margarita carried on the day of the meeting with the Master? It is these details that create a very special climate and mood. "War and Peace" is not for everyone a book about love, but here, for example, "Garnet Bracelet" Kuprin or "Anna Karenina" Tolstoy, of course, are devoted only to this all-absorbing, subordinate to the whole person's feelings. And it does not matter whether the work is written two hundred years ago or reflects the realities of our time (like at least the creation of the Polish author J. Vishnevsky "Loneliness in the network"), whether the characters communicate in letters or in chat, fly by airplanes or go a long way in the diligence or On horseback - the power of emotion is important. They control all actions and thoughts.

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