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Symptoms of bursitis of the hip joint, diagnosis, treatment with folk remedies, medication, photo

Inflammation of the hip joint, which leads to the onset of pain syndrome and restriction of the motor function of the thigh, is called bursitis. Pathology is quite common among women and can occur against the background of physical overloads, concomitant diseases or under the influence of infectious agents. In this article, we will examine in more detail what bursitis of the hip joint is. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of pathology will also be considered within the topic.

The concept of bursitis

Bursitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the synovial periarticular bag, or bursa. Synovial bags adjoin to the osseous joints - shoulder, elbow, knee, hip - and perform the function of shock absorbers, smoothing friction when the muscles slip in relation to the bone. Synovial bags contain a fluid that, under the influence of certain factors, can become inflamed.

The femur is characterized by a bony protuberance, which is called a large trochanter. This muscle is attached to this formation, which ensures the functioning of the hip joint. A synovial bag adjoins the trochanter in which irritations and inflammatory processes that lead to the development of bursitis of the hip joint may occur.

Other synovial bags are adjacent to the hip joint, however, the most common inflammation occurs in three of them:

  • A sturdy bag;
  • Ilio-scallop bag;
  • A sciatic bag.

Types of bursitis

The inflammatory process that occurs in the sternum bag causes pathology with the same name - the bursitis (trochanteritis). This kind of synovial bag is located near the large trochanter of the thigh. In case of inflammation, there is pain in the area of a large trochanter - a bone protrusion on the femur (external). In the neighborhood of this bag is a susceptible synovial bag, the inflammation of which proceeds identically to the inflammation of the sternal bursa and is eliminated by the same methods.

The iliac crested bursa is located in front of the lumbar-iliac muscle. The pathology in this synovial bag leads to ileum-scallop bursitis. Since this bag is connected to the joint cavity, the inflammation in it resembles a coke (inflammatory process of the hip joint). Pain occurs in the anterior inner thigh (just below the groin). When unbending the femoral joint, pain increases, and swelling or swelling may occur.

The sciatic bag is located in the place of attachment of the muscles to the ischial tubercle. Inflammation in it leads to sciatic bursitis, which is characterized by pain when flexing the hip.

Symptoms of bursitis of the hip joint

The main manifestation of bursitis is pain in the hip joint, which extends mainly along the external surface of the thigh. The early stages of pathology are characterized by acute and intense pain. With further development of the disease, the pain becomes less obvious.

Pathology takes on a chronic form. In the localization of the inflammatory process, there is a swelling, which becomes round in shape and is characterized by a soft consistency. The chronic form of bursitis does not cause disturbances in the functions of the affected joint. Patients report a lack of burning pain.

In the acute stage of the pathology, the amount of fluid in the cavity of the affected bag increases - cysts filled with exudate are formed, - special symptoms of bursitis of the hip joint.

If the inflammatory process in the synovial bag occurs under the influence of infection, purulent bursitis develops, in which there is a sharp soreness, especially with the withdrawal of the limb and extension-flexion of the thigh. On the outside of the thigh, edema is formed, the patient can not bend or straighten the thigh until the end.

In addition to pain, there are additional symptoms of bursitis of the hip joint:

  • A swelling occurs in the lesion site, the size of which can be up to 10 cm in diameter;
  • Swelling around the inflamed bag;
  • heat;
  • Worsening of the general condition.

Signs of bursitis in animals

Trochanteritis is a disease that occurs not only in humans, but also in domestic animals. Often dog owners face such pathologies of their pets as a hygroma is a swelling that forms on the surface of the ulnar process, in the calcaneus region, and also at the site of the localization of the large trochanter of the thigh. If a thick fibrous capsule is formed on the paw, the cavity of which is filled with liquid, we can say that there is a hygroma (bursitis) of the hip joint. Symptoms in dogs are as follows:

  • The area of defeat of the limb (paws) is hot;
  • The animal holds the limb by weight;
  • The body temperature of the dog exceeds the norm, sometimes reaching 39.5 degrees;
  • Under the skin are formed mobile swelling, which can spontaneously open, and pus derives from them.

Pathology often occurs either in very young or old animals. Large breeds of dogs are also more likely to be affected.

Bursitis can occur because of:

  • Infectious pathogens;
  • Incorrectly selected bedding for the animal;
  • Uneven physical exertion;
  • Supercooling.

Risk factors in humans

Bursitis of the hip joint is found mainly in women, rather than in men. In general, pathology is diagnosed in women of middle or old age. Young men are rarely diagnosed with "hip bursitis". Causes and treatment, which is required to eliminate manifestations of the disease, can be very individual. Everything will depend on the organism of a particular person. However, there are common factors, the impact of which leads to the development of pathology.

Bursitis of the hip joint is formed on the background:

  • Injuries of the femur - a fall on the thigh, a blow to anything, a prolonged finding of a person on one side of the body in a horizontal position.
  • Periodic excessive loads on the hip joint - when climbing the stairs, running for long distances, cycling, long standing in a standing position.
  • Pathology can occur with a physiological defect - a different length of the legs, which has a direct effect on the gait of a person. In this case, the synovial bags of the hip joint are subject to severe irritation.
  • Bursitis can be the result of concomitant diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, spine pathologies (scoliosis) and so on.
  • Surgical intervention in the hip joint area, as well as endoprosthetics can become a trigger mechanism in the development of pathology.
  • The presence in the body of deposits of calcium salts in the tendon area of the large trochanter of the thigh leads to irritation and inflammation of the synovial bag and, consequently, to bursitis.
  • Overcooling, inactivity (a sedentary lifestyle), overweight - satellites of bursitis.

I must say that sometimes pathology occurs without any external causes.

Diagnostics. Inspection

A set of methods is used to diagnose bursitis of the hip joint. The specialist conducts a conversation with the patient, as a result of which he determines the presence / absence of concomitant diseases, possible previous surgical interventions. Particular attention is paid to a thorough examination of the patient, taking into account all his observations. The specialist takes into account complaints of increased soreness and sensitivity in the area of the protruding portions of the thigh.

Of all the bursitis species, the most common is bursitis. This form of pathology is characterized by burning pain in the zone of the hip joint. Pain can spread along the outer surface of the thigh. It is hard for a patient to stay for a long time on some side during rest or sleep. Pain syndrome increases with active movement - when walking, squatting, sharp hip rotation, climbing the stairs.

If there was a bruised thigh and a strong pain - suspected acute bursitis. Often the development of pathology as a result of trauma is preceded by a strong click, which patients notice. Sometimes medical professionals are interested in the type of activity of the patient, because the described disease is common among athletes.

Other survey methods

Since the hip joint is surrounded by a layer of muscle tissue, palpation of the thigh area is performed at the first stage of the examination and diagnosis. With this manipulation, you identify the area in which pain is felt. Then the position of the joint is determined, in which the pain syndrome acquires the greatest amplitude (the doctor moves the patient's leg from side to side).

Often, the diagnosis is clear at the inspection stage, and additional diagnosis is not required, but additional research methods may be prescribed to the patient in cases that are ambiguous and controversial, or to exclude possible injuries and other pathological manifestations.

For example, x-rays in bursitis vertex reveal calcifications in soft tissues in the area of a large trochanter. On the magnetic resonance tomogram, the inflammatory process of the sternum bag and the accumulation of liquid in it are clearly visible. Performing ultrasound also helps to determine the accumulation of excess fluid in the bag.

Treatment of bursitis

The methods used in the treatment of bursitis depend on the period of the course of the disease. So, in the initial stage of the disease, for the successful recovery of the patient from him, it is necessary to perform exercises of therapeutic physical training, use of anti-inflammatory drugs and observance of the day regimen, the main component of which is the patient's complete peace and minimizing strong physical activity and activity. To eliminate the symptoms of bursitis of the hip joint, drug treatment is started with the use of anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs. It can be as oral preparations, and ointments, gels, for example, "Diclofenac". Often in therapy apply 2% solution of novocaine together with hydrocortisone (glucocorticoid hormones) for the removal of a strong pain syndrome. The patient is recommended to avoid movements that cause pain. After the pain syndrome is stopped, you can perform light physical exercises aimed at training and strengthening the gluteus muscle.

In advanced cases (if the above methods do not have the desired therapeutic effect), they resort to physiotherapeutic procedures - laser therapy, magnetotherapy, electroanalgesia, decimeter wave therapy, naphthalanic applications. Sometimes in the treatment of bursitis, shock-wave extracorporeal treatment is effective.

Insolvency of these procedures will entail the injection of drugs containing glucocorticoids (in the area of localization of the greatest pain), and sometimes to surgical intervention. The principle of surgery for sturdy bursitis is to relieve the tension of the iliac-tibial tract. Sometimes the exclamation of the spine of the joint is performed. The prognosis of recovery in such operations is overwhelmingly good.

Complications and rehabilitation

The main complication of vertebral bursitis is the transition of the disease from acute to chronic stage. When chronicating the disease in most cases, surgical intervention is necessary - surgery.

As a rule, the symptoms of bursitis of the hip joint disappear after a maximum of several weeks. However, there are cases when the symptoms of the disease do not pass for several months, in which case it can be said that the pathology has passed into a chronic stage. In this case, the pain syndrome and the restriction of the internal mobility of the hip are preserved.

In the case where an adhesive capsulitis is formed - the inflammation of the capsule of the hip joint, the patient feels a "frozen" hip joint.

The left part of the picture illustrates an inflamed joint. In this case, there is a partial or complete violation of its mobility. The right side of the picture reflects the healthy state of the capsule.

If there was an operative intervention, it is very important to undergo the necessary rehabilitation. During this period it is recommended to use auxiliary means - crutches, walking sticks, walkers. This especially applies to the first days after the operation. However, you need to start moving and getting out of bed already on the day of the manipulation. This contributes to the correct restoration of tissues. A few days after the operation, the pain syndrome usually accompanies the bursitis of the hip joint.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of bursitis with the help of prescriptions of traditional medicine is aimed primarily at stopping the inflammatory process. In most cases, sucking compresses are used for this purpose.

For example, with bursitis of the hip joint on the grater rubbing 1 tbsp. Spoon of laundry soap, add a spoonful of honey, grated onions (1 tablespoon). The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed and placed on a cotton cloth. The compress is applied to the inflamed area, wrapped with a woolen cloth, hold for 2-4 hours. Treatment is usually done for seven days.

There is another effective recipe for compress, which helps to eliminate the manifestation of the disease (bursitis of the hip joint), symptoms. Medicines are made on the basis of two glasses of alcohol mixed with a bottle of pharmacy bile, two glasses of horse chestnut fruit and aloe. The resulting mixture is aged for one and a half weeks. Then the linen cloth moistened in the product is applied to the sore spot. Keep the compress should be from 3 to 4 hours. Treatment is carried out for ten days.

In order to get rid of bursitis, use a leaf of burdock, a leaf of cabbage. These herbal remedies have an antitumor effect. Often traditional medicine suggests using vegetable compresses from beets, potatoes, cabbage. Vegetables are rubbed on a shallow grater and laid on a natural cloth with a layer of approximately 0.5-1 cm. The therapeutic compress should cover the area of the edema (swollen area) completely. Treatment is carried out from 2 to 4 hours, during the week.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that bursitis is a disease, the emergence of which is due to a number of factors, namely: excessive physical exertion, previous surgical manipulations, infectious agents. Pathology is treatable, but it is important not to start the disease, and when the first manifestations of the disease appear, contact a specialist and start therapeutic procedures.

The article describes in detail what bursitis of the hip joint is. Symptoms, photos, illustrating the manifestation of the disease, treatment methods are also covered in the materials of this topic.

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