Finance, Insurance
Survey services are a vital necessity
Surveyor is a word that not every Russian entrepreneur knows. We can say that in Russian it is synonymous with the word "expert". The Institute of Surveyors has long functioned in the system of trade, commodity production and transportation of goods from the sender to the addressee. And this process passes through all links of the transport chain. Surveyor services - is the establishment of the fact, the nature and size of damage to the cargo, as well as determining the quantity and quality of goods, their compliance with transportation or contract terms. In some cases, the expert is required to establish the circumstances of the incident and restore the full picture of the events.
Work specifics
The transport process is a chain of multiple links. In addition to the main three - the recipient, the carrier and the sender, it includes a number of additional storage facilities, freight forwarders, charterer, insurer, commodity producer, hydraulic engineering structures. The need for an assessment of the transport of goods can arise at any stage of transportation. And very often it happens that the punishment for damages is not at all a guilty party to the process. To identify the person responsible for the losses and there are survey services. This is a series of actions conducted by an independent expert with the aim of establishing both a source of monetary losses and the reasons for the occurrence of this event.
History of appearance
Abroad, insurance companies, as well as arbitration and judicial practice, have long used the services of surveyors. And it is necessary that they are independent and could not minimize or exaggerate the possible losses.
Most likely, in our country, survey services would never have appeared. This was the initiative of foreign partners whose interests collided with Russia on the maritime borders. The first domestic survey company for several years proved its right to exist. Russian manufacturers and traders for a long time could not understand the significance of such services. The understanding of their importance came with the analysis of the first precedents in foreign courts. Then it became clear that to win the case it is necessary to back up your own arguments with any evidence.
Draft survey
All participants of the transport process emphasize the importance of determining the number of goods. Tarno-piece cargo is easy to count, but with a massive problem arises. Weighing on special scales of containers, cars, wagons, etc., requires a lot of time and considerable effort. In each weighing, the probability of errors is large, which accumulate over time, giving the unfair participants of the transaction the opportunity to deceive. To ensure the integrity of such operations, survey services are required.
There is a technology that allows you to exclude fraud in weighing. It is called "draft survey". Its meaning is that the ship itself is weighed before loading and after. In this case, the weight of the load is determined with an accuracy of 0.1 percent.
Safety of cargo
This is one of the most common reasons why transport process participants conclude a contract for survey services. To avoid unauthorized access to the cargo, you need to install seals on trailers, containers, holds, etc. But it is important not so much the presence of seals, as the correctness of their formulation. And only an independent surveyor can professionally perform this procedure. At the final stage of delivery of the goods, he personally will make sure of the integrity of the seals.
In many companies, this procedure is included in the survey services. This is the receipt from the expert of the signed certificate, in which he certifies that for example the cargo is fixed and packed in accordance with international standards. Consequently, it is completely safe for the ship and will not be damaged during the sea transportation. All this is done both in the interests of the insurer (or the cargo owner) in order to avoid exorbitant expenses, and in the interests of the carrier for the release of liability for the integrity of the goods.
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