Food and drink, Recipes
Stuffed mushrooms. Italian and French dishes
Stuffed mushrooms . Peel the red and rinse. One third of the mushrooms (smaller ones) should be cut, well fried, add grated bun, raw eggs, chopped fried onions, salt, ground pepper, mix thoroughly together. Prepared with filling fill the large legs of redheads, salt and fry in oil until cooked. Before you serve the table, the redheads tear with parsley. Ingredients: 800 grams of ginger - 4 tablespoons butter or pork fat, onion, 2 raw eggs, 100 grams rolls, parsley leaves.
Mushrooms stuffed with meat . With large mushrooms cut off the legs, brush them, finely cut, salt and puffed with the addition of parsley, until the water evaporates. Ham to pass through a meat grinder, boiled potatoes to mash, mix these products with raw egg and a small amount of sour cream. For 6 mushrooms you need to take one egg and one potato. Fill the prepared mixture with purified mushroom caps, put them on slices of buns or white bread and fry in a refractory, oiled, half an hour. From time to time you need to sprinkle mushrooms with sour cream.
Stuffed mushrooms "Father" . Remove the legs of mushrooms, hats 10 minutes to try in salted boiling water. Chicken fillet boil and fry along with the legs of mushrooms in a frying pan in lean oil (a small amount). Fried mushrooms and chicken fillet to allow to cool, cut finely, combine, add grated cheese, mayonnaise, salt, nutmeg. The resulting mass of stuffed prepared hats mushrooms and put them on a dish. 10 large champignons require 100 g of hard cheese, 100 g of chicken fillet, salt, mayonnaise, lean oil and nutmeg.
Stuffed mushrooms with minced meat from eggs and smoked bacon . Products for cooking: 250 g of champignons or white mushrooms, 100 grams of smoked bacon (or loin, brisket), butter, sour cream and rolls, 5 steeply welded eggs, black pepper ground, 50 g of breadcrumbs, salt.
In cleaned and washed mushrooms cut off the legs, finely chop them, pepper, salt and put out in a small amount of butter. Smoked lard and eggs cut into small cubes and mix with mushrooms, sour cream and breadcrumbs mix thoroughly. The received weight with a hill to fill boiled hats of mushrooms. The form is well lubricated with butter and put on it a thinly sliced loaf, and on top of the loaf put the stuffed mushrooms. Bake in a hot oven.
Stuffed mushrooms in French . Remove mushrooms from the legs. Liver pate in sour cream, fill it with mushroom caps and put them into the oven for 10-15 minutes. Before serving, add the leaves to the parsley.
Stuffed mushrooms in Italian . Mushrooms cleaned and washed, cut off the legs. Stew in the oil separately whole hats and chopped legs of mushrooms. Then mix the stewed legs with mashed potatoes, add the pepper and fill the cap with the resulting mass. On top of each hat decorate a slice of fresh cucumber. Proportion: 300 g of champignons, a spoon of oil, a glass of mashed potatoes, salt, pepper, one small cucumber.
Of the mushrooms, too, it turns out an excellent mince for preparing dishes from other products or the basis for the sauce. In the same France, for example, mushrooms are used as stuffing for rolls. In advance it is necessary to make a sauce: to dissolve 50 g of butter and fry in it two crushed bulbs, salt, pepper and pour a glass of meat broth hot, without stopping stirring. After that, the broth must be placed on a slow fire, so that it boils out halfway. Champignons (300 g) boil in separate water with the addition of oil, pour sauce into this water with mushrooms and give a little puff on a small fire. At round loaf it is necessary to cut off a bottom, to take out a crumb and to put on the big flat plate the turned out aperture upwards. To the mushrooms add a little lemon juice, butter, cream, 2 yolks, mix everything, quickly stuff the rolls and immediately submit to the table.
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