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Czech National Dishes At Grüne Woche (Green Week)

A crocodile shish kebab, alpaca steaks, cactus juice and hundreds of other delicacies literally from all corners of the world were offered recently to its visitors by the 78th international largest exhibition-fair of food products and agriculture. Every year, about 400 thousand visitors visit the Grüne Woche (Green Week) in Berlin. This year it was held from 18 to 27 January, as usual, at the Berlin Exhibition Center "Messe Berlin", and sixty-seven countries of the world were represented there, among which the Czech Republic was traditionally also.

The Czech Republic attracted visitors to the largest food fair Green Week with its traditional beer and national dishes.

"The turn in front of the Czech tent with traders is getting bigger. Guests are curious as to how this Czech pastry with Hungarian roots is prepared. "

The Grüne Woche presented the most modern agricultural machinery, it is possible to find pavilions with livestock, lectures on ecological agriculture were also held. But crowds of visitors attracted exactly culinary delicacies.

When asked about Czech cuisine, one of the visitors remembered dumplings, beer and payments (traditional wafers). You could try dumplings right here, by going to the real Czech pub, erected this week in the middle of one of the exhibition pavilions.

"We offer classic dishes of Czech cuisine - such as svichkov (beef sirloin in sour cream sauce), pork with sauerkraut and dumplings and sweet dishes. The public is usually interested in both Czech products and the country as a whole - its regions, tourist information and the like, "Emerych Vacek from the Ministry of Agriculture proudly noted.

Alpine horns from neighbors from Switzerland were called for tasting cheese, but visitors were also gathered in front of a Czech tent with pea dishes brought to Hraška by the husband of Shkvarzhilovs.

A dry mixture of peas, which among other products their spouses offered, referred to the name of the exhibition Grüne Woche - Green Week. And yet, most of the guests went to Czech tents for beer - after all, Czech beer is one of the best in the world. They had a choice of several brands. There were bottled both traditional, well-known beer brands in Germany , and, for example, Rohan beer, which was represented this year by Czech mini-breweries. "This kind of beer can be a good blow to the head. True, the man who drinks it, does not feel anything like this - he really likes Czech beer. "

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