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Stamboli's dacha (Theodosius). History and description
The famous estate of Stamboli is the architectural heritage of Feodosia. The monument is constantly in the center of attention and attracts its own dissimilarity with other interesting buildings of the resort metropolis. Built in the distant 1914, Stamboli's dacha (Feodosiya) felt and suffered the battles and perestroika. Its beautiful buildings were enjoyed by more than one generation of local residents and visitors to the city. Stamboli's dacha-palace (Theodosius) is made in the unsurpassed style of the East. Visually, the building immediately stands out among other buildings of the same significance for the resort city.
Short description
In 1914, according to the idea of one famous designer from Petersburg - Oscar Emilievich Wegener - the dacha was built to finance one of the wealthy families of Stamboli. The fate of the chic mansion after the military upheavals and twists and turns of the twentieth century, it would seem, was a foregone conclusion, but today this excellent building is the pride of Theodosians and visitors of the city.
It is difficult to name this luxury villa, it is more like a castle, beautifully decorated with murals, gardens, fountains of marble. In the city, the Stamboli dacha (Theodosia) is considered one of the most unusual and even mystical structures. This is a true monument of historical heritage.
To date, it opened a restaurant, admire the entire beauty of the castle, unfortunately, there is no possibility. The villa is built in the style of modernism in the Moorish manner. The two-storey building is executed in a very rich and beautiful finish. Variety of marble, rare tree species, loggias and turrets inseparably united in the extraordinary creation of building art of the twentieth century.
From the main gallery of the palace you have a beautiful view of the embankment of the city and the Black Sea coast. Stamboli's dacha (Theodosius) is the last such structure on the Crimean peninsula, presented in such incomparably splendid features.
Here lives immortality
Already after the completion of construction in Russia, a chain of negative events swept: First World War, a coup, World War II. In the future, all buildings without exception were aimed at the wishes and needs of the population. Later, despite all attempts and opportunities to destroy the villa, it still survived. This is why the Stamboli dacha in Feodosiya is of such great importance for the whole Crimea. Her story is amazing.
Historical essays
The only idea regarding the copyright of the Stamboli estate plan is missing, since no documentation has survived. According to existing information, the creators of the castle can be famous designers. For four years Stamboli's dacha was built (Theodosius). A lot of capital investments were spent on its construction. The building cost the owners a truly crazy money. In recalculation on a modern currency it cost not less than one billion.
Initially, they wanted to present the dacha to Stamboli's wife, Rakhili Ilinichna, on the anniversary of the wedding. It was the last building created on the south coast. Then the war began.
The owner of the dacha lived in the castle quite a short time. In 1916 I. Stamboli, suspected of unpleasant events, sold out all his enterprises and factories. Together with his family, he flew abroad, opening a tobacco production there. With great dignity, Stamboli's dacha (Theodosius) survived difficult times. Photos, unfortunately, can only show its external grandeur. But the atmosphere that reigns here is better to feel by visiting this place personally.
Destiny of giving
The poet Maximilian Voloshin proposed to liquidate the dacha, the singer Kimeri considered such buildings to be tasteless palaces in the manner of "baths, stalls and brothels". These people offered to completely demolish them, so as not to demoralize people's tastes.
In 1920, the premises housed the headquarters of the Cheka, where in the evening time captured prisoners were taken. Then they were executed.
Difficult times
Later this two-story building acted as a sanatorium and health complex. Here the first sanatorium on 100 places was opened on the south coast. It was named after IV Stalin. In wartime, the building of the sanatorium was again useful. It housed a hospital for Russian wounded soldiers, and during the occupation, the injured Germans were already brought here. The territory that was near the dacha was given for burial for soldiers and officers. At the end of the war, the building and the bridge nearby were mined, they were planned to undermine during the retreat, but nothing happened. Strange, but the war somehow magically passed over the building, although on the nearby avenue all the famous and historically important buildings were destroyed.
Since 1944, after the liberation of the city, the children's health camp was justified in the premises. In 1952 the building was completely reconstructed, in it the 9th block-building of the therapeutic and sanatorium "Vostok" was founded. And right up to the 60s of the 20th century the estate of Stamboli was the border of the city of Feodosia. Later, there was a rehabilitation drug center named after A.R. Dovzhenko. The changes that took place in the early 90s of the 20th century also affected this memorable monument. Some time in the territory of this historical monument was a commercial bank. Later the place was occupied by a cafe with the same name as the estate, which allows it to be quite popular.
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