Food and drinkCooking tips

Simple and healthy dishes from frozen green beans

String beans are indispensable for those who want to provide a healthy diet for themselves and their loved ones. This is one of the most healthful foods that you can serve on the table. Dishes from frozen green beans have a low calorie content, because the main ingredient contains about 39 kcal per 100 grams, while only 0.3 g of fat, 8 g of carbohydrates, but rich in fiber - there it is almost 4 g per 100 g of product, and several essential Vitamins and microelements. Vitamin K helps to get better after illness, vitamin C is one of the most necessary to maintain health in our body. Manganese is especially useful for older people to fight and prevent osteoporosis, as well as for women to suppress premenstrual syndrome. Vitamin A is an excellent antioxidant that will help prevent cancer, heart disease and reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. And that's not all, the green beans are also rich in Group B vitamins, calcium, iron and other essential nutrients. If you want to live long, happy and tasty, you simply have to learn how to prepare dishes from frozen green beans. Semi-and kilogram packages of a useful product are sold in all supermarkets, and are quite cheap, not to mention the fact that unpretentious beans can be grown on their own private plot and harvested for the winter. Dishes from green beans frozen in factory conditions do not differ from those made from fresh beans . With proper storage, beans have the properties to preserve nutritional value for quite a long time.

Cooking dishes from frozen green beans

From the half-finished product you can cook a great variety of delicious dishes. It does not take much time, as the product does not need a long heat treatment, and the taste will surprise you unspeakably. Beans can be served alone, as an unusual side dish to meat or fish dishes, include in the vegetable stew, bake, stew, fry in the American manner with bacon. Let's look at the simplest and quickest recipe: "Parmesan cheese string beans and cheese." For cooking, we will need:
0.5 kg (can be slightly more) frozen beans - this is just one package,
2 tbsp. L. Butter (for those who follow a diet can be replaced with vegetable),
1 tbsp. L. Lemon or lime juice,
2 tbsp. L. Grated cheese "Parmesan",
Salt and black pepper to your liking.

First, boil the beans in salted boiling water until cooked (about 5-7 minutes), discard the colander and leave for a minute, to allow the glass to excess fluid. After you put the product in a deep dish, add butter, half of cheese (about 1 tablespoon), lemon juice, salt a little more if necessary and sprinkle with black pepper. Before serving, decorate with the remaining parmesan. Dishes from frozen string beans are usually very simple to prepare and do not require any special conditions, appliances, spices and other. To create healthy masterpieces you will have enough pans and pans. For example, to surprise loved ones with a delicious and unusual breakfast, by offering them a string bean roasted with bacon and onions, you will need only 20 minutes of time and the following ingredients, which are enough for 4 servings:

About 250 g of bacon,
1 small, grams per 100, onion, cut into pieces,
1 packet of frozen beans,
3 tbsp. L. Brown cane sugar (which is included in the classic American recipe, you can add it at will)
The required amount of salt and black pepper.

Cut the bacon into thin strips and brown it in a frying pan until it is crisp, put it in a separate plate. In the same oil, where bacon was roasted, bring onion until soft, transparent, but not golden in color. Add brown sugar as desired. After the same place, pour the packet of beans and bring to the ready, which will take about 5-7 minutes. Then add the bacon and mix well. And that's all, breakfast can be served immediately. Now you know for sure what you can cook from frozen string beans. Just fry or boil the main ingredient, and then proceed as the heart and the resulting appetite dictate.

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