HealthWomen Health

Signs of labor: when is it time to go into the hospital?

In the last weeks of pregnancy, a woman listens more and more often to her body, so as not to miss the moment of the onset of labor and in time to reach or go to the hospital. The very first signs of fights are more worried about the primiparas, because the woman has never encountered the process of childbirth. Although the contractions are so different with each pregnancy that even a moth does not always correctly assess the situation.

To begin with, it must be said that there are so-called precursors of childbirth. They manifest themselves a few days before the onset of labor and can show a woman that the birth of a long-awaited baby is just around the corner. These include the lowering of the abdomen, the departure of the mucous plug from the cervix, a slight loss of weight, pulling back pain and an increase in Braxton-Hicks contractions (false labor).

Abdominal abscesses indicate that the child's head has dropped into the pelvic floor. Thus the child is preparing to go out into the world. You can feel relief of breathing or a decrease in the appearance of heartburn during this period, as the baby no longer presses the diaphragm so much.

Departure of the mucous plug is the preparation of the birth canal for the onset of labor. Mucous plug during the entire period of pregnancy protected the uterine cavity from infection. Departure of the mucous plug is observed 2-3 days before the birth, so that soon you can expect the symptoms of contractions.

Before the very birth, standing on the scales, you can find that not only did not gain weight, but even lost a couple of kilograms. This is normal and indicates that soon you will need to go to the hospital.

The increase in false fights and low back pain is also a harbinger of childbirth. Many women confuse signs of labor and false contractions of the uterus called "Braxton-Hicks contraction." In fact, it is not difficult to determine the beginning of labor. If fights occur periodically and their intensity does not increase, then, most likely, this is a false alarm. The real signs of labor are not very difficult to notice . The onset of labor is accompanied by rhythmic contractions of the uterus and the gradual increase in their frequency and the increase in pain. How to determine the beginning of bouts? To do this, you need to monitor the time. When there is a certain amount of time between the first and the remaining fights, for example, 15 minutes, and after a while already 10 minutes and so on, then the labor activity has begun, and with a visit to the hospital, you should not hesitate.

In addition, fights over time are becoming more tangible and painful. This is due to the opening of the cervix. False contractions usually arise from time to time and are not very painful.

Some pregnant women are worried that they will not have time to notice the onset of labor, since the fights can begin at night when they are sleeping. Do not worry about this. The real signs of contractions will surely lift you from your bed.

After you have determined that it is birth pains, immediately go to the hospital. In some women, childbirth passes swiftly, so waiting for intensified labor at home can be dangerous.

If the houses have run out of water, and there are no fights, you need to put a clean hygiene pad and immediately go to the hospital. If amniotic fluid is absent, infection or hypoxia of the fetus may occur. Look at the color of the amniotic fluid. They should be transparent, slightly yellowish. If the water is green or shaded, this may indicate poor performance. In this case, the trip to the medical institution should be immediate.

Carefully watch for changes in your body. Thus, you will be able to determine the beginning of labor and in time to arrive at the hospital, where you will be monitored by competent specialists. Successful delivery!

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