
How and what to wash the nose

When the season of catarrhal diseases comes, the probability of catching an infection of the nasal cavity grows several dozen times. Even if you yourself carefully monitor the temperature on the street, dress in the weather, never get wet and not freeze from sudden gusts of wind, then from the cough of a neighbor in the office or the common cold of passengers in transport is not insured by anyone. But everyone knows that such infections instantly spread through the air. To protect yourself from the unpleasant symptoms of the common cold and clean the sinuses already in place, it is necessary to carry out daily special procedures for washing the nose. This is a simple process that will take a little time. Nevertheless, it is very effective. Than to wash out a nose, and also the detailed description of the procedure read below. In the meantime, let's talk about the composition of the solution, which is best to drive out a cold from your body.

For prophylaxis is best suited water-salt solution. The proportions are as simple as possible: half a teaspoon of ordinary table salt (you can have a sea salt, if available), a couple drops of iodine from the first aid kit and half a liter of warm boiled water. How do I rinse my nose with salt if it irritates the mucous membranes? In this case, you do not have to worry that afterwards you will suffer from dryness and burning in the nostrils. Salt is an excellent antiseptic, as well as an anti-inflammatory and decongestant. If you suffer from blocked nasal passages, you can not breathe at night, then such a recipe will save you from such a problem.

All components must be combined and mixed very well. Do not leave solids in the solution. If they are still present, then strain the resulting liquid through the cheesecloth. If you have a sensitive nose, then this concentration will do just fine. The stronger the cold, the "steeper" the solution should be. But try not to overdo it, do not pour more than 2 teaspoons of salt into the water.

So, than to wash the nose, we found out. Now let's get down to the description of how to do it. Everything is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Distribute all actions and tips on the items.

  1. Use only warm solution. Cold liquid of the desired effect will not give, and hot can easily burn the nasal mucosa.
  2. For washing it is better and more convenient to use a special bottle with a "spout". It will ensure optimal dosing of water and will not allow it to spill in vain. Ideally suitable containers from under the drops or spray for the nose.
  3. Before rinsing your nose, take a prepared solution bottle in your hand and lean forward (90 degrees angle).
  4. Hold your breath, before taking a deep breath full of chest. Bring the vial to one nostril and enter the tip superficially. Sharply, but gently push the container. Keep your mouth ajar. Water should begin to pour out of the second nostril and from the mouth. Pull out the vial and then unclasp your fingers.
  5. On one nostril in total, it is best to use approximately half the volume of the solution obtained (250 ml).
  6. Repeat the procedure, but with the second side of the nose.
  7. Pull well and remove the remaining liquid in the sinuses naturally. The mouth should be kept ajar, since a solution can also come out through it.
  8. If you feel that the water is still in your sinuses, use an empty vial to remove it carefully. Now, instead of releasing the solution into the nose, first squeeze the container and only then tightly insert the tip. Pinch the second nostril with your finger. Squeeze your fingers.

Many people are worried about how to wash the nose with genyantritis. Act for the most part you need the same, but it is better to tighten the water in yourself, so that the washing was as deep as possible. In the solution should be added essential oils of eucalyptus and mint, which have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. It is enough to have a couple drops on the total volume of the liquid. You do not need to add more, so as not to damage the mucous membrane with caustic extracts. And remember, before flushing your nose, be sure to thoroughly clean it by blowing your nose. This will allow the water to reach more inaccessible bosoms.

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