HealthWomen Health

Candidiasis in women

The disease called candidiasis is familiar to most of the fair sex from around the world, and it is most often exposed to women of childbearing age. What is candidiasis in women, what unpleasant symptoms are typical for him, and what ways you can get rid of this disease - you will find out about all this after reading this article.

Candidiasis is one of the types of bacterial diseases of the genital area. Of course, this disease can occur in men, but candidiasis in women still appears more often. And the main role in this is played by fungi (yeast-like bacteria), related to the genus Candida.

This causative agent of the disease occurs in the body of every person, and in his environment. However, only its excessive and rapid reproduction can provoke the emergence of vaginal candidiasis (scientific name).

Some women consider thrush to be absolutely not dangerous and completely harmless diseases, but this opinion is too naive. To believe the commercials that you can get rid of candidiasis with the help of "just one pill" is not necessary, because in most cases, self-treatment is ineffective. And in time untreated candidiasis in women can provoke more serious consequences: the development of chronic forms of the disease and other ailments of the reproductive system.

By the way, the symptoms of thrush have a property to periodically fade away, but, often, after a while they resume. Therefore, the temporary "fading" of the disease and absolute recovery have nothing in common. And this moment should not be forgotten.

Many people mistakenly believe that it is possible to "get infected" with thrush only sexually. In fact, the reasons for this are much greater and they are absolutely not related to sexual intercourse.

So, the reasons for the development of candidiasis in the female body :

  • The onset of pregnancy;
  • Taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs for a long period of time;
  • HIV infection;
  • diabetes;
  • Weakened immune system;
  • The constant wearing of too tight synthetic underwear, in particular thong panties.

Candidiasis in women is characterized by some rather unpleasant symptoms. First, I want to note the fact that all the symptoms begin to manifest rapidly, literally 2-3 hours after infection. The first signs of thrush are burning, itching and redness in the female genital area, as well as white discharge (reminiscent of the curd mass) with a characteristic specific odor.

Candidiasis is often accompanied by painful sensations during sexual intercourse or urination. Especially acute all the symptoms are manifested for 5-6 days before the onset of menstruation. Increases the discomfort of taking a bath, so it should be avoided. Alternatively, the bath can be taken cool.

All of the above symptoms are somewhat similar to those that are sexually transmitted. Candidiasis often accompanies genital herpes, trichomoniasis, chlamydia. Therefore, noticing the manifestation of any signs of thrush, you need to start urgent treatment.

Diagnosed candidiasis in women after a doctor's examination only in the laboratory. Once an accurate diagnosis of thrush (candidiasis), treatment is appointed immediately. To tighten with time it is not necessary, after all it can render negative influence on a female organism and provoke many complications, in particular genito-urinary system.

Treatment of thrush should be phased and complex, because you need to prevent the re-development of the disease, and not just get rid of its unpleasant symptoms. Fortunately, modern medicine has many ways of treating candidiasis. The most effective of these is the use of antifungal drugs. These include topical medications (suppositories, gels, ointments) and oral medications (tablets). They all help get rid of the scourge in a short time.

In order to fully recover from thrush, medical preparations alone are not enough. You can use some folk remedies.

Bacterial candidiasis - treatment with folk remedies

The most effective and reliable way - syringing with a solution of soda and infusion of chamomile, calendula, sage. Do not forget to do daily douching every morning, you can get rid of the illness in just 10 days.

For the period of treatment it is desirable to adhere to the following simple rules. First, it is necessary to exclude sex. Secondly, give up synthetic underwear. And thirdly, to exclude from the diet sweet, spicy, as well as tobacco and alcohol.

Be healthy!

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