Spiritual developmentMystic

A man who does not age: myths and reality

In the spring of 2016, 70-year-old singer Cher laid out in the "Twitter" photo, which she is depicted next to her 90-year-old mother. "So in my family look in 70 and 90. Mom without make-up," - wrote Sherilin. The inner glow, the slenderness of women is explained by the favorable genetic heredity. Many people now thought: "So that's why there are people in the world who do not age!" But practically everyone has the opportunity to curb the "age races".

Do not run, life!

Fans of the singer in their comments wrote that they do not believe in a miracle - photos are retouched. Cher replied that she did not know how to do it. For the unfading skin, she thanks not the art of drawing, but her grandmother, who looked beautiful until her death. However, do not underestimate the power of good genes. A person who does not age, causes admiration of others.

But is it possible to stop this natural process forever, turn it around? Or at least slow the running of minutes, hours, months, years? In the arsenal of those who actively resist nature, and can, on the contrary, live with it in harmony - fitness, cosmetics, diets, rejuvenating procedures and many more ways. On this path, people win, they suffer defeat. But both are just preparations for leaving ...

Is it worth while desponding to the fact that the human body is aging? I think not. Recently gerontologists have made an interesting discovery: those who "hovered" in time and space, often have many problems in their personal lives. They do not develop or break up their families, or even do not have a more or less serious relationship with the opposite sex. That is, youthfulness is not a panacea for earthly problems.

In the photo below, Sister Collins: Joanne (born 1933) and Jackie (born 1937). Last on the right.

80 is the sign of infinity

Nevertheless, there is hardly any earthling who does not dream of revealing the secret of eternal youth. It's so tempting - to remain forever full of vital energy, a merry fellow, a romantic, ready to embrace the immensity! But "no way to twist the string" ... Sooner or later, the first wrinkles appear on the face, silver whiskey is gray. And, as the poet Sergei Yesenin wrote, the heart, touched by the cold, does not really beat.

Some surrender already on the verge of the fortieth. Others transform their "eighty with a tail" as a sign of infinity. Why? Maybe the long-livers use the fabulous elixir of youth? Or do they know the magic spells that they say every evening, at a time when the sun is hiding behind the horizon? Hardly…

Rather, the "infinite" (each of them - the proud owner of the title "A man who does not age"), comprehended the essence of simple but very important things: you need to eat a balanced healthy food, remember a clear mode of wakefulness and sleep, to lead an active lifestyle. And, of course, under no circumstances lose optimism.

Old age will not find us at home

So why do people grow old? Physiologists believe that the human body grows old when the systems of breathing, blood circulation, excretion of "waste" of vital activity begin to steadfastly "flounder". Because of accumulation of products of decay (zashlakovki), internal organs do not receive sufficient nutrition, quickly wear out.

The situation can be "turned" like an hourglass: the heart, liver, kidneys gradually "get tired", they do not work 100%. The vital activity of the systems of the human body is disrupted, it falls ill and dies. But, whatever one may say, the essence is one: there are no eternal individuals.

Is everything so sad and irreversible? Scientists have long been trying to find a way to "lull" the processes of degeneration and "cheer up" the regenerative, (regenerative) processes. Optimists in science insist that it is humanly possible. It is only necessary to thoroughly study the mechanisms of immortality.

We do not need such ballast

There are people who consider saving the procedure for a deep cleansing of the body. They assure: a person who does not age is just one who cares about removing slag. Exchange processes are accelerating, systems and bodies begin to work as a clock. If you eat properly, the cleaning effect is saved for a long time. But too zealous in this direction is also not worth it.

No one argues with the fact that in the human body over the years a lot of "scum" (decay products) accumulate, which must be periodically removed. There are many ways to cleanse the intestines, liver, kidneys. However, before applying them, it is good to consult a doctor, since the restoration of useful trace elements (and they are derived together with "harmfulness") is a complex and time-consuming task.

The lack of necessary substances in the body can also be found outside the purges. For example, if a person eats an unbalanced food in which carbohydrates, fats or proteins predominate. A harmonious combination is important. You can not get involved in "fast food" (fast food), marinades, smoked products. Products containing dyes, taste enhancers, preservatives, quickly settle in the body, turn it into a kind of "chemical warehouse", which sooner or later starts to poison every cell. The photo below shows Elijah Wood.

Do not forget about water and sleep

There are people who underestimate the role of water in the body. But without this priceless component, metabolic processes can not proceed. And although some nutritionists offer to consume almost 2 liters of clean water per day, while others recommend drinking only "at will", one can not forget about the spring pharynx. Sometimes the body gives a false signal ("I do not want to drink"). Then it is better to turn on the brains and, in spite of everything, "refresh" H 2 O. The inflow of strength is felt almost immediately.

It is important to lead a lively lifestyle: walk more , do sports, rest not with a book on the couch, but strolling in the fresh air. If you can not cope with intense physical activity, do the simplest gymnastic exercises every morning.

Do not stop admiring the simplest things: the first snow, the warm rain, the passerine flock on the asphalt ... Do not let the problems turn you into pessimists. Look at life with kindness and joy, and you will notice how you are getting younger!

Today the world is full of lovers of night vigil by the computer: correspondence with friends, games without beginning and end. Virtual life has risen in the way of the real. If you want to live long, remember: the day is for wakefulness, the night is for sleeping. The body should rest on average 6-8 hours. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to be among those who are called "people who do not age". In the photo below - Paul Rudd.

A little about nutrition

If you are accustomed to eating not fractional and often (as desired), but "rarely, but accurately" (in huge portions) - sores are not far off. To prevent this, normalize the regime of the day and food intake. In the morning, lean on protein foods (chicken breast, beef, cottage cheese, etc.). This will allow you to be energetic, will start the right metabolism. A person who does not age is a fictional character. But pushing back old age is quite realistic.

Remember popular advice: they will find everything, including rejuvenating recipes. These include herbal teas. One such, widely known as the "Tibetan", includes flowers of chamomile, birch buds, St. John's wort, immortelle. Monks from Central Asia called the infusion of garlic infusion on alcohol.

It is drunk, adding drop by drop to the milk. Regular use increases stamina, stress resistance, as well as a mixture of ground lemon, garlic and honey (insist for a week, take on an empty stomach for 4 teaspoons). Take care of yourself! Do not panic about the fact that people quickly grow old. Love the world. Then in your album necessarily there will be cool photos with the signature: "So in our family look in 70 and 90". Be healthy.

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