
Shrub deren: species, planting, care

Most people who have garden and garden plots try to create a beautiful design, decorate their territory. Many people like to plant ornamental trees and shrubs as hedges. Deren blood-red and white will be an excellent option. These tall bushes decorate the lawn, give the site as a whole a well-groomed and attractive view. Today we will tell you about the types of the derevy, we will describe these plants, and you will be able to learn all the rules of planting and caring for decorative shrubs.

Shrub deren white: description

To decorate the site, this deciduous shrubbery is certainly perfect. It can grow up to three meters. If you do not take care of it, it becomes too spreadable and untidy, and all its charm disappears, so you need stable pruning. Of course, it may seem that this is too tiring, but it's worth it! If you do not run the plant, it does not take much time and effort for the "hairdressing" procedures.

So, the bush of the deren white color is very bright. His shoots are red color, which eventually grows brown. Save the color saturation will help all the same pruning, removing old shoots. After the fall of the leaves, the beauty of the bush does not disappear, it will be especially fascinating in the winter, against the background of snow.

The foliage is painted very effectively. The underside of the leaf has a dark green hue, and the upper side is light. In addition, each leaf is decorated with an uneven white border, and on the rest of the plot there are white specks. No edge, no spots will not be lost in the autumn time, when the foliage becomes purple.

Do not overlook the moment the flowering white shrub deren. Flowers fill the whole tree, they have a white and yellow color. They are small, only one and a half centimeters in diameter, flat, assembled in elegant five-centimeter inflorescences. In the fall, blue and white fruits appear on the dendrites, they are unsuitable for eating.

Where to plant?

Shrub derene is absolutely not picky about the quality of the soil. It perfectly tolerates both heat and frost, it grows well on the sunny side and in the shade. To droughts, the durene is stable, but also feels high when exposed to high humidity. If you have a wetland on the site, you can plant the described decorative shrub there. He will not only decorate a damp place where not every plant can survive, but will drain it pretty much.

Shrub derene white can be planted as a hedge. It looks great alone or in combination with other ornamental plants. Particularly elegant looks the neighborhood of the white and bloody turf. Decorative shrubs and trees are popular for decorating city parks. They perfectly tolerate haircuts, not particularly whimsical in care.

Shrub deren red: description

This plant came to us from Europe. It refers to corneline, like all other species of the turf. In nature, it can be found on the slopes of lakes and rivers, in shrub thickets, on forest edges. Growing in the wild form, the bush of red turf can grow up to four meters, it turns out spreading.

The new shoots of this plant have a green color, but eventually become red. The leaves are plentiful, dark green on the inside and light green with the bottom. Unlike the bush of the white derea, they are not decorated with spots and a border of white color, their charm lies in the other. Each leaf has a "hair coating", they look very nice. In autumn the foliage becomes blood-red, like stems, hence the name.

The shrub shrub starts from the end of May, and lasts for three weeks. If the climate is favorable, then another blooming is possible in August. For the first time the tree is covered in color at the age of seven. Flowers are cream-white, collected in the same neat, as in the white turf, inflorescences. In autumn the shrubbery is covered with fruits of black color, but they, as attractive as they look, are completely inedible.

Very beautiful shrub deren in winter, especially when the abundance of snow. On the white canvas, the red streaks of plant stems are clearly visible, which can not but attract admiring gazes. It looks amazing, in a fabulous way.

Shrub deren, photo of which is available in this article, should be planted in a place such that there was a contrast of colors. It is winter-hardy, excellent for both drought and high humidity. In the root system there are many small branches, so the plant can be used not only for decoration, but also for strengthening the soil on the slopes.

Planting of the shrub bush

As we wrote, both white and red species grow well in the shade. But the coloring of foliage and shoots with insufficient sunlight can fade in ornamental bushes and trees. Derain in this case will stretch, his crown will become less dense, and shoots will be pale, and from an aesthetic point of view it is ugly. It is worth noting that the more intense the sun's rays warm the bush, the more intense the red color of its shoots becomes.

Shrub deren in the first two years may not grow very quickly, but then it will sharply increase in growth, so when planting, consider the possibility of its free growth.

Soil selection

The plant described is absolutely unprincipled to the quality of the soil, it can grow in any. But for a better growth and beauty, he still needs a fertile soil, or you can make additional fertilizing. Before planting it is necessary to make fertilizer organically in the pit - it can be manure and compost. If the area is too wet, drain the drainage so that the water does not accumulate near the roots.

Landing rules

When choosing a seedling, ask the seller to pick up for you the one that has not reached the age of four. If the roots of it have dried up a little, it will be necessary to place the plant for several hours in the water, so that they are straightened and well-nourished. If there is a desire, you can process the roots by stimulating growth. After that, the shrub shrub must be cut up to fifteen centimeters so that the shoots do not stretch all the forces that will be useful for the roots for development.

Landing can be done in spring and autumn. The latter is more preferable, because after the snow falls the plant will immediately begin to grow, it will take much less time to adapt. In addition, in autumn the soil is saturated with moisture, and the bush will need to be watered only once, during planting.

If the procedure is carried out in the spring, the plant is planted with a large lump of soil on the roots, so as not to disturb them. After the land is mulched, the sapling is watered stably. Do not allow the site to dry out.


With arid and hot summers, you will need to water the ornamental shrubs of the turf every week. If the moisture is not enough, the foliage will lose its elasticity, but after a drink with water it will quickly revert to its original form.

If the bush is planted together with other plants, which are stably watered, there will be no need for individual procedures.


In the feeding process the bushes do not need, but in a literal sense it rejoices. If you sometimes pamper your handsome man with fertilizers, he will reward you with more succulent, bright shoots, a lush crown. Derain, which is taken care of, blossoms more abundantly, it is more dense. Autumn in the bush will be a lot of berries, which, although not edible, are still needed. They look spectacularly against the background of a color that has changed color.

The right top dressing is:

  • In the spring mineral waters are needed (from 100 to 150 grams per bush);
  • In the summer, organic matter is needed (5 kilograms of manure in the near-trunk circle of each plant).

The data are fed once a year.


Shrub deren without stable haircuts will lose its beauty. The shoots will become brown, and the lower part of them will be bare. In addition, without the removal of shoots and scraps, the plant will quickly expand on the sides. Its branches will settle down on the ground, the roots will sweep everything around. Externally, the bush will look very untidy and will cease to be an ornament of the site.

For the first time, cropping is required after reaching the age of three. In the spring it will be necessary to cut off all the old shoots by twenty centimeters. In autumn, the procedure provides for the removal of all the weak, spoiling the appearance of shrub shoots. It will also be necessary to shorten the old ones, which in the spring could have been overlooked.

Are pests and diseases terrible for the bush?

Deren almost never gets sick. The shrub can develop badly if the area is very swampy, in which case it is possible to create drainage. To do this, along the plantations digs pits, they need to be filled with stones or rubble.

Prevention of pests is not carried out, since the shrub shrub rarely undergoes their attacks. But this requires a regular inspection of the plant: it can accommodate aphids, sucking juices, yellow-orange fly larvae or sawfly, which will feed on foliage. If one of the listed insects is found, it is necessary to eliminate them with the help of insecticides.


There are several ways to decorate your site with shrub shrub. Let's consider each of them.

  1. Seeds must be planted in autumn, and if it is planned to produce this in the spring, then they need to be tempered, placing for two months in the refrigerator or under snow. Of seeds, a full-bush will only grow after seven years.
  2. Assemble the layers is the easiest way. To do this, the lowest branch is tilted to the ground, pressed and fixed by a bracket. The place of contact is sprinkled with humus, by the autumn there will be roots. A new plant can be planted from the main bush in the spring.
  3. Cuttings can also propagate the turf. To do this, fresh, just begun rustic shoots in June at an angle cut with a sharp pruner. All the lower leaves are removed, the top, the stem is placed in the soil in a hotbed, stably watered. By the fall, roots will appear, and the stalk can be planted in the open ground.
  4. You can divide a large bush into several small ones by digging it completely.

Using our recommendations, you will grow a surprisingly beautiful bush!

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