
Clematis large-flowered: varieties, photo

Recently, gardeners have seen an increased interest in clematis. This is explained by the fact that the species of this representative of the family of buttercups can be used both as herbaceous cultures, and as a half-shrub or liana. This is what makes clematis simply irreplaceable in landscape design.


The name of this plant from Greek is translated as "a branch of a liana" or "a vine escape". In the genus there are about two hundred and thirty species. Among them there are deciduous, evergreen, and even large-flowered clematis, photos of which can often be seen in specialized magazines.

Of the many names that call this vine - grandfather curls, a wart, etc. - in Russia they often use "clematis". Apparently, clematis was named because of the strong smell of its roots or because the seeds have a strongly curved outgrowth.

In total, there are about three hundred species of this representative of the buttercup in nature, which are found on all continents, in addition to Antarctica: in the steppes, forests, gorges along the banks of rivers and on stony placers.

Leaves of clematis - simple or complex - paired. They consist of seven, five or three leaves. In addition to the usual green leaves, varieties with a purple color are also found. The flowers of the clematis, as a rule, are bisexual, are collected in inflorescences with various forms - in the scutellum, whisk or half-zonotik. The role of the petals is played by sepals. In the center of simple flowers are the so-called lush "spiders" with a lot of pistils and stamens. Often they have a different color, different from the "petals", which gives the plant a special charm.

Painted delicate flowers are sometimes very whimsical: in white, yellow, all the nuances of the transition from pale blue or pink to shimmering shades of blue and red. Some species exude the aroma of almonds, jasmine or primroses.


With all the variety of varieties, species and forms of clematis there is a convenient division for gardeners, which makes it possible not only to group flowers in a form and color, choosing appropriate agricultural techniques for them. In addition to dividing into shrubby, herbaceous and curly forms, the plant is classified according to the most important feature. This - the size of the flower, based on the size of which exist as small-colored species - in diameter up to five centimeters, and large-flowered clematis, whose varieties and shapes, judging by the photographs, are particularly beautiful and spectacular.

Choosing the right kind of plants, you can achieve its flowering in the garden, starting from spring until the middle of autumn. After all, early varieties are covered with buds only two months after waking from the winter, and late - from the end of summer.

Small-flowered clematis is characterized by abundant flowering, and their original seed heads are adorned with clematis in autumn. In addition, they are very undemanding, easily propagated by seeds and give a lot of green mass.

Large-colored subspecies

The popularity of florists, including professionals, clematis due primarily to varieties of this type. For planting, for example, in the northwest in the European part of our country, as well as in Siberia and the Far East, where the summer is relatively short, and in the winter there are severe frosts, it is better to choose early or mid-early clematis of large-flowered varieties from the Viticella group, Jacquman or Integrifolia , Which blossoms abundantly on the shoots of the current year.

For those who are just beginning to get acquainted with this amazing plant, it is best to pay attention to those species that do not need to preserve shoots for the winter. By planting just such varieties, lovers will be convinced how easy it is to get an abundantly flowering elegant plant for their dacha.


Clematis large-flowered in the vast majority represented by hybrid varieties. Among them, there are subgroups of this plant that bloom on the shoots of last year, as well as those whose buds appear on new branches.

For example, Jacomann's clematis, Viticella or Integgrifolia belong to the latter variety. In autumn they need to be cut off, leaving two kidneys at a distance of ten to twenty centimeters from the surface. In this case, there is one secret: it is noted that if one or two strong and healthy twigs are left untouched, the next bloom of the clematis will be more abundant.

Another feature: the bulk of the buds of Clematis large-flowered is observed on the upper sections of the shoots. This circumstance must be taken into account when constructing suitable supports for the plant.

Planting and care

Lomonos saplings should be purchased in autumn or spring. You can not buy layers at the end of spring, or - even worse - in summer, because at this time the young clematis large-flowered is vulnerable and very badly takes root. When planting, you should choose a sunny part or partial shade. The flowers of this plant, whether Clematis white large-flowered or, for example, Franziska Maria, have a characteristic feature: they are always turned towards the light.

They need to be planted in fertile, loose soil, which has good drainage. After planting, the stem needs to be strengthened on the support, then it is good to water and mulch with grass. To water a clematis large-flowered it is necessary from a watering-pot without a nozzle once a week, but if the heat is strong - that three times. Avoid getting water on the flowers.


Clematis large-flowered is very effective. Many of its varieties are excellent for decorating walls and fences. They look great on vertical garden grilles, such as clematis large-flow Omoshiro, as well as on arches. They are often used in landscape design of gazebos.

Clematis large-flowered is divided into the following groups: Jacqueman, varieties of woolly species Lanuginoza, patchy Patens, purple Vititsela, Florida and whole-leaf Integrifolia. All of them differ not only in color and size, but also in the appearance of buds - in last year's or current year's shoots.

Representatives of the Jacquemann group

This group received the most recognition from amateur growers. The reason is in huge flowers that are incredibly beautiful. And some representatives of this group are so much like Lomuginosa's clematis, that only specialists can distinguish them. In appearance, these are large creepers with a well-developed root system. Their shoots with proper care reach four meters. Flowering occurs on the branches of the current year, it is plentiful and quite long - from the beginning of June to the middle of September.

Varieties of the group, such as clematis large-flowered Gypsy Quinn, Ernest Markham, Space Melody, Hagley Hibrid, as well as Luther Burbank and many others, are easy to care for.

Lanuginosa group

These varieties bloom twice. The first time they are abundantly covered with buds on the last year's shoots. This happens from June to October, and very weakly - on the branches of the current season from July to the end of September. They have large flowers, reaching up to twenty centimeters across. In comparison with representatives of other groups, for example Clematis large-flowered Comtis de Bouchot, the number of sepals in Lanuginoz is slightly less: from four to six. The flowers are mostly painted in blue, purple or purple hues. Pruning of these varieties is carried out in autumn: shoots are cut almost to the level of the soil, with two or three buds left on them. The most popular representatives of the Lanuginosa group are clematis Balerina, Prince Hendrik, Bal Flower, Olympiad-80, Hope, etc.


These are the early large-flowered clematis. Lianas of the Patens group grow to a length of three and a half meters. Flowering occurs on the last year's shoots and is very weak and rare enough - on current ones.

For winter, only the faded part is cut off from these varieties. The shortened vines are sheltered from the cold. They have single flat flowers, shaped like stars, which are always directed upward. In many varieties they are double or double. The diameter of the flowers ranges from ten to twenty-two centimeters with the number of sepals from six to eight. Representatives of the group, for example, clematis large-flowered Multi Blue, Lord Neville or Nelly Moser, are painted blue, there are light or dark purple, such as Andromeda.

Lomonosov group Patens prefer fertile sandy loamy or loamy soil, rich in humus, loose. They grow up to three meters, perfectly developing in sunny areas. Some representatives, for example, clematis large-flowered Vivian Pennel, are very common in gardens with vertical landscaping.

The Vititsel Group

It is an ideal choice for beginner gardeners, as the clematis of varieties of this species are very easy to grow. Their vines for the season reach a length of up to three and a half meters. Flowering occurs on the shoots of the new year, it is abundant and prolonged from June to September. In the autumn, the shoots of Vititsel's group must be completely cut off.

Flowers appear single, double or semi-double, widely open. They are not as large as, for example, Jacquemans: their size reaches twelve centimeters with four to six sepals, but they are stunningly beautiful and painted in shades from pink-red to purple velvety tones. The most popular varieties are Purplea Plena Elegance, Ville de Lyon, Vanguard, Madame Grange, and Lesnaya Opera.


The group is also known as Fortunei Group. This is a variety of shrubby lianas with shoots up to three meters. Flowering is carried out on the branches of the current year. Pruning is carried out as follows: in the autumn the shoots are shortened to a length of two meters, then carefully covered for the winter. The flowers of the representatives of this group are semi-double or double open, they are directed upward, and in diameter reach up to twelve centimeters. Their coloration is quite diverse, although mostly there are light colors. The clematis varieties of this group are Jeanne D'Arc and Mrs. Cholmondeli, as well as Proteus, Jacquemna Alba, and so on.


Its representatives are semi-shrub and semi-grassy erect plants. Their lower lignified part is retained for several years, whereas the upper one dies off every year. Unlike other varieties of clematis, this group does not clamber itself, although it forms long stems. Under the weight of foliage and flowers, the branches fall to the ground, but if you tie them up, you can point vertically. Semishrubs reach a height of one and a half meters. Their flowers are beautiful, bell-shaped, with a varied, but always bright coloring. The varieties of Integrifolia are Alenushka, Durandii, Memory of the Heart, Siza Bird, Arabella.

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