
Sexuality In Every Woman?

"I and the horse, I and the bull, I and the woman and the man"


Probably, each of us has familiar ladies, manners are inherent in a man, even a "peasant", if I may say so - than a woman. I also have several acquaintances with a similar character, outwardly different from each other: one is a large middle-aged madam with a firm gait and a straight stare, another is a fragile red-haired woman on a hairpin, on her mind, the third is the mother of two children in jeans With a hammer and a screwdriver in his hands. It may seem strange, but their behavior under certain circumstances is so uniform that it even strikes me sometimes - I mean their non-free independence in decision-making and their implementation. In addition, irrespective of completely different images, they have absolutely no sexuality, the very attraction for real men! Why do you think?

Deciding this to find out, over a cup of tea I had to listen to their long stories about trips to the construction market behind tile glue, about cleaning the injector in the car service and repairing the sanitary ware with a wrench and some pads. And it's not that they had no one to entrust these fascinating duties, they do not have any - they have satellites and gentlemen who will happily take upon themselves all these troubles that can rightly be considered male, but my young ladies do not consider contacting them for help Necessary. This is the secret of the fact that real men do not see sexuality in them! After all, the very definition of sexuality implies the presence of qualities that can cause sexual interest in the opposite sex. And this interest is caused precisely by the distinctive qualities of a woman from a man. But, there is no similarity.

Let's try to understand why they became such.

Many times we tried to understand with them where this lifestyle comes from. I call this the way of life, because the desire to solve everything on your own is deeper than just a habit: they need to take literally everything under their control. And for this, apparently, there are reasons.

Every woman who takes over the masculine character and man's manner of doing, does this for one single reason - because at the right moment next to her there was no man who would have solved her problems for herself. The rest of the details: one has financial problems, another has unfavorable neighbors, the third has divorce, a child, a rented apartment and work. And now, please: they repair themselves, defend their rights in state institutions, repair the car and drive the hooligans themselves from the shops at the entrance. As a result - the loss of femininity is not only in the image, but in fact. What here sexiness ....

In principle, what's wrong with that, you ask? It would seem - live in your own pleasure, if you are the smith of your happiness and no one can tell you a word across.

There is also a fly in the fly in this way of life. As practice shows - women with a strong character can be hard in their personal relationships. I think I will not be mistaken if I say that each of us needs a real man - strong and confident. But such a person, unfortunately, will not tolerate competition in his field, and two strong personalities get on very hard. Well, to get a chevalier who will carry a purse for you - this, of course, is also not an option. Here also it is necessary to meet, disperse, quarrel, be reconciled and wait for the next conflict.

I think that the best recipe in this case is to surrender to a man, even after a dispute, and leaving the last word for him. Even if you are sure that one hundred percent are right, sometimes it's better to leave it to yourself. Of course, in full accordance with the ancient male military principle: to lose the battle in order to win the war. After all, as you can see, harsh principles can also occur in the female character.

Carrying out trainings for women and individual consultations, I help women to return their former, given by nature, qualities. Naturally, this is possible only when the woman herself makes a decision to find inner harmony and to accept in her life the happiness of being loved and loving with a real man! Imagine how much easier, joyful and multi-faceted life becomes when a loved one is around, ready to always share both joy and sorrow.

And once again I will remind you about the qualities. Which are so appreciated by men and who distinguish us from women from men-sexuality, weakness (in which women's power lies))), tenderness, softness, flexibility and wisdom, slowness, finesse and many other qualities that define femininity.

And, dear women, before deciding to "score" another nail, think how sexy you will look from the outside!

Always with you, with love,

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