HealthHealthy Eating

Separate nutrition is the only way to preserve health

Separate food is when protein and carbohydrate foods are not combined in one meal. This is not a new trend in nutrition and not some kind of tradition, although many people interpret this in the course of time. Now many diet and diet rules can be seen on TV. For example, dumplings are not the best food for health or the combination of potatoes with meat or fish, but you will not be told about this by "specialists". Think about whom it is profitable to listen to any specialists.

Take a simple example, not pleasant for many - the smell from the mouth. The Guru of Medicine and the so-called specialists in dietology tell you a lot of things, but they will not tell the main thing. And the main thing is that the smell from the mouth is not a consequence of the formation of some odorous bacteria in the cavity. Take it deeper. The main reason for this rotting smell is rotten formations in the thick and thin intestine that accumulate there for years when you violate the principle of separate nutrition .

As a result of the fact that proteins and carbohydrates in the body are digested in completely different ways, by different enzymes that neutralize each other, the food is not digested to the end unless the separate food is observed. The remains of not digested food are not thrown out by the body, but are glued to the walls of both intestines, where from them, through the walls, the body continues to suck out useful substances.

However, as a result of the long stay of these glued food clumps to the machines, the process of decay of these lumps begins and the formation of a thick layer of rotten, toxic and completely harmful consonance in the intestine. Here comes an unpleasant smell from there and until you clean the gut and start to observe the separate food, not one clown from the TV with your advice will help you, but you will get a lot of money from you for every miracle of medicine.

Few of these "respected and respected" doctors openly dare to say that with the formation of such debris in the intestines the immune system weakens, and the organism will not have to wait for a long time to colonize the body. The fact that parasitic nature and rotting environment in the gut is the main cause of the appearance of diseases in the body is not voiced. This is just logical, because who will then feed our pharmaceutical industry, the horde of therapists and the grief of doctors.

If you come to an appointment with a therapist and he does not prescribe any medicine, then what will he live for? Sick people are their jobs and a source of income. That is why such information is not taught at school, much less in medical universities. So it turns out that the less enlightened a person is, the less he knows, the more beneficial it is to manage such a person.

If you are not indifferent to your health, it is more logical and more correct to learn the nature of cause and effect relationships, the nature of the interaction of substances and organisms in the environment. Fortunately, that now there is a lot of literature on the topic of not traditional medicine and it is very difficult for a person to understand where the truth is, and where the fiction. That is why a lot of time is spent on education, or rather, on self-education and a break in the stereotypes imposed on us.

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