Sports and Fitness, Weight loss
Separate food menu for a week or how to shape yourself
Each of us wants to be beautiful, attractive, smart and in a good mood. How can this be achieved?
Fundamentals of proper nutrition should be laid down from childhood, then many problems can be avoided. The diet of a healthy diet will not only help restore our body, but also improve the appearance, mood. If the diet is not adhered to, the nervous and digestive system suffers, the person is constantly tired and irritated over trifles. Scientists have long proven that the body experiences tremendous stress, if not to stick to a healthy diet, so it is best to make a separate menu for a week.
Everyone should make an individual meal menu for a week, but there are general principles, following which, it's easier to do it competently. Let 's talk about the rules of healthy eating, healthy way of life and give advice on how to professionally make separate meals for a week.
All doctors unanimously assert that it is better to take food at about the same hours of the day. This beneficial effect on internal processes, creates a kind of reflexes, so the stomach normalizes its work, food is easily digested, the whole body is getting better. Every single person should determine for himself the individual hours of food intake, but the main thing is that it takes place at least three to four times a day. How to distribute the norm of the food you eat? During breakfast it is recommended to eat about thirty-thirty-five percent of the entire diet for the day. During lunch - no more than forty-forty-five and, finally, during the afternoon snack and dinner - about twenty-twenty-five percent. For your body and figure, it is more useful that food is delivered in small portions throughout the day. When a lot of food gets to the body at once, all useful substances are absorbed worse, and harmful ones immediately, leaving the fat folds on the figure.
Before the onset of warm seasons after a long winter, everyone needs a form correction. The first rule of weight loss - there are small portions of more useful products, excluding food with a huge content of fat and carbohydrates. Also, do not jump on food. Even if you are very hungry, try to stretch the food as long as possible. Saturation of the body occurs not earlier than in twenty minutes, during this period you can eat much more than necessary in reality. Try to thoroughly chew food, drink it with liquid, enjoy and do not rush. Another secret: if you can not deny yourself a sweet, use it only in the morning. By eating a cake in the evening, your body will not have time to digest it.
Before starting a healthy diet, you should study a large amount of information. We will tell you about how much this or that food is in the stomach. The biggest time, up to five o'clock, in the stomach is roasted meat, chicken and salted herring. Boiled meat and poultry, bread are held in the stomach for up to four hours. No more than three hours in our body are eggs, coffee, light bread and fish. The most minimal time, from an hour to two, in our stomach, simple water and tea, light soups, dairy products will linger. This is very useful information, analyze your diet and exclude the heaviest foods from dinner.
So, we make separate meals for the menu for a week:
- Take food at least three times
- Take breaks for at least two hours
- Observe the rule of the ratio of fats, carbohydrates, proteins
- In the morning, allow yourself more calorie foods, in the second - more liquid and light foods
Do not forget, a healthy diet needs to be combined with a healthy lifestyle. Go in for sports, walk more and enjoy life.
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