HealthDiseases and Conditions

Treatment of seborrhea and its types

Seborrhea is an abnormal condition of the skin, which is accompanied by a violation of the functions of the sebaceous glands. This reduces the antimicrobial properties of the skin, which contributes to the development of various types of infections. This disease manifests itself on the areas of the body that have a large number of sebaceous glands - on the scalp, breast, face. Seborrhea is divided into three types - dry, mixed and fatty.

Dry seborrhea occurs with reduced fat loss, which is accompanied by the appearance on the scalp of scales of dandruff. The reasons for the occurrence of this type of disease are many:

  • Reducing the protective functions of the body as a consequence of malnutrition or physical and emotional stress.

  • Lack of vitamins.

  • Genetic predisposition.

  • Increase the number of sex hormones in the blood.

  • Obesity.

  • Diseases of the intestine.

  • Diabetes.

  • Tumor of the genitals.

With dry seborrhea, the natural process of falling off of skin cells decreases several times, which leads to the formation of dandruff and a violation of the normal structure of the hair. They become brittle, dry and thin, which in the end result can lead to their loss.

Oily seborrhea develops, if in the human body there is an overabundance of male sex hormones (androgens). The disease begins, as a rule, on the face, after which it gradually passes to the head, and then spreads to the body.


  • The skin becomes shiny and oily, quickly becomes soiled and covered with a so-called "orange peel".

  • On the head appear fatty scales of dandruff, which are easily scraped off.

  • Hair gets untidy shine as early as a day after washing your hair.

  • In severe and neglected cases, hair loss can occur.

Mixed seborrhea is a simultaneous combination of the two previous ones. For example, oily can occur on the skin in the area of the t-zone, dry - on the cheeks.

Diagnosis and treatment of seborrhea

Only the dermatologist can make an accurate diagnosis of the disease, and then only if there is evidence of an anamnesis and general clinic of the disease. Very often, to identify the causes of the development of this disease, a whole complex of examinations is appointed, which will help to prescribe the correct treatment of seborrhea. If the disease is associated with age-related physiological changes, there is no need for such events.

Treatment of seborrhea should begin with the normalization of the amount of hormones in the body and with the restoration of the functions of the nervous system. To do this, you need to temper your body and engage in exercise therapy. Also in the treatment of seborrhea, an honorable place is occupied by psychotherapy, which helps cope with the chronic stress that often causes this disease. With hormonal disorders in women prescribe the appropriate medications.

Treatment of head seborrhea includes the intake of a number of vitamins (E, D, A, B) and preparations of sulfur and zinc. In combination with all the above methods, physiotherapy is also applied, which includes massage, mesotherapy, phytotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation, cryotherapy.

Particular importance in the treatment of seborrhea is the proper care for hair and scalp. For this, there are many medical and cosmetic products in the form of creams, ointments, lotions and shampoos.

It is also possible to treat seborrhea folk remedies. For example, the most common baking soda, mixed in equal parts with glycerin, is an excellent assistant in the fight against this ailment. To prepare this drug you need to pour the indicated mixture with boiling water, and wait until it cools down, apply massaging movements on the scalp. Do the procedure every three days. There should be enough 4-5 procedures.

Onion is also an effective remedy against seborrhea. For this, it is necessary to mix its juice, vodka and castor oil in equal proportions and rub this mixture into the scalp. It helps to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, while eliminating scales of dandruff.

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