
Who and When Invented Makeup: An entertaining story

Scientists agree that it is impossible to say exactly who made up the makeup, but we can easily find the oldest, but reliable information about it. Recently, archaeologists in one of the Egyptian tombs have discovered some evidence that the Egyptians used different means to obtain and apply makeup. Clay containers with cosmetics, buried next to the dead, were found. Containers contained color palettes with black eye paint, green eyelid paint, and bright pigments were also found which were used as lip colors.

Found funds for eye makeup, it turns out, were stored there for more than 3000 years. Other findings from the Dead Sea attributed to Cleopatra are skin care products made from potassium chloride, magnesium chloride and bromine.

In written sources, there is evidence that the Egyptians began the very first to use different means for make-up. Pliny the Elder describes in detail and with great enthusiasm the Egyptian method of mixing substances and how to correctly apply all these means to the eyes.

Later civilizations, such as the Greeks and Romans, also resorted to the use of make-up, although these civilizations were more restrained in this respect.

Why did the Egyptians start using cosmetics?

Makeup lovers and historians call many reasons why people started using cosmetics. There are many options, ranging from spiritual beliefs to improving their appearance. This list represents the most popular opinions why the Egyptians used cosmetics:

  • Ancient fashion trends.
  • Expression of belonging to a particular class.
  • Protect eyes from hot sunlight.
  • To protect the owner from the evil eye.
  • Protects the skin from sunburn.
  • Prevention of eye diseases.

What did it look like?

Egyptian makeup styles are well imprinted on stone reliefs that have been found in tombs, monuments and preserved public buildings. For centuries, men and women have enjoyed this style of "heavy" make-up, especially during Halloween. To understand how it looks, you can look in the encyclopedia.

In the online magazine National Geographic there is an interesting article and photos on the theme of ancient Egyptian makeup. French researchers focused on the spiritual significance of the traditions of applying cosmetics to this early civilization.

Other civilizations

Over time, other civilizations began to share the interests of the Egyptians in this matter, but in comparison with our traditions and rules that exist now, they had a completely different idea of make-up. The largest civilizations of that time - Greeks and Romans - had their own cosmetic means, which they preferred to use.


Greek women were carried away in order to attract the attention of a young man to their person in every possible way, as long as possible to preserve youth. Love for natural beauty and eternal youth provoked the appearance of certain traditions regarding the use of make-up. Women who could afford expensive lead makeup, put it on their faces. Others used olive oil to give the skin a fresh and healthy appearance. Greek women basically did not apply blush, but they did their best to darken their brows.


For centuries, Rome was considered the center of style and fashion. Roman women liked to look pale and used white paint based on lead to achieve this appearance. The red paint was applied to the lips and cheeks. Smokey-ice make-up, like ours, was a success, but it was a bit darker. The Romans were well aware of the proper use of fragrant essential oils as spirits.

Cosmetic Inventions

Many different cultures have also made their invaluable contribution to make-up traditions. Our modern styles are less vivid than the ancient, cosmetic procedures are also significantly different. Nevertheless, personal style is everyone's business.

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