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Sea bass: harm and benefit to the body

Fish is a unique natural product, which has been used for several millennia in the cooking of different peoples of the world. Of particular value is the deep-sea fish grouper, the benefits and harms of which have already been well studied. The perch fillet is famous for its unique taste, and the dishes cooked from it always become the highlight of any feast. What is harmful and useful for grouper?

General information

In nature, there are about 90 species of sea bass. They dwell in the cold waters of temperate and northern latitudes of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Sea perch belongs to the suborder of percoid, the family of scorpion and the genus of bony fishes. A distinctive feature of this species are large round eyes and luciform fins with sharp tips, pricking which causes a painful local inflammation. These fish are predatory and deep-sea, but they do not live on the seabed . They can be found at depths of 100-1000 m. The most common are individuals of monophonic or striped color of pink-red tone. The second characteristic feature is live birth. Female individuals do not spawn, but give birth to already formed fry. The smallest species of this fish have a length of about 20 cm, and the largest ones can reach 1 m. The maximum life expectancy of sea perch is 15 years.

Composition and calorie content

An amazing set of vitamins and trace elements has a sea bass. The harm and benefit of this fish is determined by its composition, including magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, iodine, chromium, calcium, sodium, potassium, chlorine, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, fluorine, molybdenum, nickel. Also this fish is rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, B, PP. In addition, sea bass contains polyunsaturated fatty omega-3 acids, taurine and easily digestible by the human body protein.

Despite such a rich composition, the calorie content of this product is rather low. 100 g of fresh fish contain 103 kcal, smoked - 88, boiled - 112, and fried - 137. The same can be said about fat. Atlantic perch contains 6%, and Pacific 3.3% fat. Therefore, fish can be used in dietary nutrition.

Popularity in cooking

The fillet of this type of fish in the frozen form is stored for a relatively long time and at the same time remains fresh. It also has a pleasant taste and aroma and contains negligible bones. It is these features that have caused the huge popularity of sea bass in cooking. This fish is fried, boiled, stewed, smoked, baked and salted. The best taste is salted fish.

Particularly popular in Japan is the grouper, the harm and benefit of which are known here firsthand. The Japanese call this type of fish spring, because it is at this time of the year that fishing of sea bass begins. Another name for this species is the mebaru, which the perch received because of the huge eyes that are disproportionate to the body. For Japan, this fish is traditional, as it is used for sushi, sashimi, soups and other dishes.

Sea bass: harm or benefit?

Fish, of course, should be present in the human diet. However, there are such kinds of fish that can be not only useful, but also harmful to humans. For example, sea bass, the harm and benefit of which will be discussed below.

Harm and contraindications

It is known that many useful vitamins and trace elements contain sea bass, the benefit and harm of which has long been known to people. What are the harmful properties of this fish?

In recent years, more and more information has appeared about its harm. This is directly related to the improvement of the ecological state of water bodies, since heavy metals accumulate in fish. Harmful sea bass and non-observance of storage, processing and preparation technologies.

Quite definitely it can be said that salted fish is contraindicated to use for people suffering from kidney diseases. Doctors also do not recommend eating perch if there are the following diseases:

  • Allergy to fish;
  • anemia;
  • Gastritis in the stage of exacerbation;
  • Hyperkalemia;
  • Hypercalcemia;
  • dyspepsia;
  • Heart disease;
  • Stones in the gallbladder;
  • Leukopenia;
  • Small hemorrhages;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • Lack of zinc in the body;
  • oncological diseases;
  • Increased anxiety;
  • gout;
  • Thyrotoxicosis;
  • noise in ears;
  • Endemic goiter;
  • Erythrocytosis.

Sea bass: useful properties

As already mentioned above, the useful properties of this species of fish are determined by its composition. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the normalization of metabolism and cholesterol levels in the blood. They prevent the development of diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Taurine is required for the growth of tissues and cells and metabolic processes. B12 is needed for the synthesis of DNA molecules. Also, the perch fillet contains the myelin antioxidant, which is necessary for fat metabolism.

Thus, this fish is perfectly suitable for the diet of people suffering from diseases of the blood, nervous, digestive systems, skin and pancreas, diabetes, hypertension, brain hypoxia, hyper- and hypoglycemia, acid-base balance disorders, cervical erosion, memory impairment , Increased fatigue, depression. Marine perch should be present in the diet of pregnant women and the elderly. This fish is useful for children, because it helps to prevent rickets and slowing growth, as well as nervous and physical exhaustion, recovery after a disease, poor performance. The perch will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, the brain and spinal cord, bones, skin, hair.

Precautionary measures

Speaking of fish, sea perch, the harm and benefit of which have already been discussed above, it should be noted that when preparing it, you must be extremely careful and observe some precautions. The fact is that the sharp rays of the fins at their ends have poisonous glands. When the fin is pricked, there is local strong inflammation, which is accompanied by a palpable pain. Sometimes with this contact, there is local paralysis. If you suffer from hypersensitivity or allergies (especially fish), you are absolutely not allowed to cut this fish. It is recommended to cut the fins with scissors.

One of the most popular types of fish in cooking is sea bass. Benefits and harm to the human body are determined not only by its composition, but also by the method of preparation. To eat this kind of fish can not all. If you have serious diseases, especially in the acute stage, an allergy, it is better to refuse from sea bass. When cutting fish carcasses, precautions should also be followed.

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