Food and drinkRecipes

Rose petals: use in cooking

Rose is not only a flower that pleases us with its beauty, it gives a mood, pampering with the finest scent. A lot of delicious dishes are prepared using rose petals. "What can be done from them?" - The main question, the answer to which you will get, after reading this article.

Rose petals in cooking

Since ancient times, pink petals have been used to make a fragrant and very useful jam for the body. Nowadays, many recipes for this delicacy are known. But you can cook not only jam, the main component of which are the petals of the rose. They also found application in the creation of all sorts of desserts, salads, snacks, in which they can be used as the main or additional ingredient of the dish, as well as simply for its beautiful decor.

Recipes from rose petals

Ice cream

Ingredients : 200 ml of milk, 200 ml of fatty cream, 225 g of sugar, petals of four roses, 5 yolks.

In a blender we refine sugar and rose petals. You can use an ordinary knife. Pour cream and milk into a small saucepan, pour half the crushed petals and sugar mixture, mix and send to a quiet fire to dissolve the sugar. The remaining half of the petal-sugar mixture is combined with the yolks. Mix the resulting mass with a mixer until it has a light shade. As soon as the sugar dissolves, remove the pan from the fire, do not stop stirring, we introduce the sugar-yolk mixture. We put the dishes back on a weak fire, cook the resulting mass to the consistency of thick sour cream. Then remove the pan from the plate, but do not stop stirring the contents. You need to do this for a couple of minutes. Cool and send to the freezer our future ice cream. It needs to be stirred periodically, so that it evenly stiffens.


Ingredients : a cup of water, 500 g of pink petals, 2 g of lemon acid, 100 g of sugar.

In a flat vessel we place petals, sugar, water, leave the mixture in the sun for 7-8 hours. Then, for 20 minutes, cook the prepared mixture, stirring it constantly. In the end, add citric acid and put marmalade in the jars.

Today, many use to decorate a house, especially a bedroom and a bathroom, rose petals. Their use in cooking is also quite popular. Trying once a pink marmalade, you will remember its taste for a long time.


Ingredients : 300 g of pink petals, 0,5 kg of currant red, 1 kg of apples, 1.5 l of boiled water, 1.25 kg of sugar and a drop of rose oil.

Extrude the juice from apples and currants. The resulting fruit fresh cook with sugar until thick. Rose petals, the application of which in this recipe is mandatory, lowered into cold water, and then into boiling water and again into the cold. This procedure must be repeated twice. Then add them to the fruit boiling juice and cook the resulting mass over low heat until all the petals stop floating on the surface. To the ready, slightly cooled jelly, add a drop of rose oil and pour into the bowls.

By the way, rose petals are widely used in cosmetology, their application rejuvenates the skin. And in folk medicine, they serve as an excellent means for healing wounds and pressure sores.

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