Law, State and Law
Retirement age in Kazakhstan for women decided to increase
In Kazakhstan, a woman over fifty years of age is almost impossible to find a job, so the adoption for women of the law on raising the retirement age from the current 58 years to 63
Kairat Kelimbetov, Vice Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, said at a meeting of the Parliament about the decision to raise the retirement age for women so significantly. He motivated his decision by the fact that women often give birth, earn little and live long. According to the vice-premier, in order to maintain the current level over the next decades, it is necessary to carry out reforms, however "painful" they are.
Women complain about health, they are sure that they will not have enough strength to work until age 63, and they call on the government to reconsider its decision, to think about the already difficult female fate.
At a meeting of the small assembly, discussing the retirement age in Kazakhstan, deputy Zhumatay Aliyev warned the assembled, indicating that if this law is adopted tens or even hundreds of people will be forced to leave the country.
People's deputies calm the population, actively explaining all the advantages of innovations for the country's economy.
Minister of Labor and Social Protection S. Abdenov explains that the pension accumulation of women is 25% less than that of men, as they go on to the decree, receive low wages and live on pension for an average of 21 years, while men do not More than 13.
As part of the pension reform, the government sees no other option than to increase the retirement age in Kazakhstan, but in some areas, an active collection of signatures against the new citizens' law, outraged by the government's decision, began.
Many residents of Kazakhstan, this news about the retirement age has significantly spoiled the spring mood. Do not hide their emotions and tens of thousands of Kazakhs who signed the petition to abolish the new law on the Internet in the hope that it will get to the president and their opinion will be heard. Of course, being a woman deputy or just having a high salary, you can sit in the office for up to 63 years, but what can ordinary males do for mortar: plasterers, painters, sleepers and wipers whose standard of living is extremely low, and the physical load is very high? In the opinion of the general population, before raising the retirement age in Kazakhstan, one should think about starting to improve working conditions.
The law that increases the retirement age in Kazakhstan, for women as a "lump in the throat," but many European countries are moving along this path , now Kazakhstan will join them.
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