News and Society, Nature
Rauwolfia snake: description and habitat
So wisely arranged is nature that it has everything a person needs to live happily ever after. Even plants are endowed with special properties that allow you to avoid diseases or prevent them. For example, rauwolfia snake, which includes more than 25 alkaloids, is able to stabilize blood pressure. This people have known for a long time and used its roots for the treatment of hypertension.
Description of the serpent's rauwolfia
It is an evergreen shrub that has a rod-shaped curved root up to 3 m in length. It has no fibrous structure and gives large lateral roots. Although it has a narrow bark brown, inside the root is light, odorless and bitter to the taste.
The leaves are located from three or more pieces on one site, rarely there is a rauwolfia snake with a regular distribution. They have a dense, smooth and shiny structure, mostly oval in shape with a short stalk.
The flowers of this plant are collected in inflorescences - apical or umbelliform, white or pink. Corolla of tubular five-lobed structure, the lobes of which are superposed one on the other. The fruits of rauwolfia are black in color, like drupes with a juicy pulp, fused to the middle.
The name rauwolfia snake, the description of which is presented in the article, was obtained due to the fact that in India it was used in case of bites of these reptiles. In each peasant hut, several bushes of this plant had necessarily grown before.
Medium of growth
Today, rauwolfia is cultivated in some countries, but in the wild it has long been found in parts of India such as the tropical regions of the Himalayas, Central and Northern Bengal, Sikkim. Today it can be found in Sumatra, Peru, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Java. Rauwolfia snake is cultivated in Georgia.
At one time the medicine men and shamans of Asia actively used its roots to treat not only humans, but also animals. The main application - from snake bites and insects, with fever, cholera, diarrhea, to children, as a mild sedative, and in Java it was used as anthelmintic.
Chemical composition
Valuable are the roots of rauwolfia serpentine, since they contain 2% of alkaloids, including:
- Reserpine: the main property is the blockade of adrenergic neurons;
- Aymalin has antiarrhythmic properties;
- Yohimbine improves blood circulation, increases motor activity;
- Papaverine has antispasmodic properties;
- Sarpagin lowers blood pressure;
- Thebaine is a poisonous substance.
This is not all alkaloids, identified in the roots of the plant. According to some sources, their number ranges from 25 to 50 species. Leaves and stems are rich in flavonoids, carotenoids and milky juice. Reserpine is the main alkaloid of rauwolfia serpentine, which is used in medicine and homeopathy.
In many ways the place of growth of this plant and the time of collection are directly related to the amount of alkaloids in its roots. For example, if the plant was harvested in December in the Indian state of Assam, then their percentage will be 2.57, which is a record in comparison with other habitats. At the same time the age of the plant has nothing to do with these indicators.
Application in medicine
Scientists only in the 20th century were able to properly study and evaluate the pharmacological properties of this plant. They revealed:
- Reserpine has an effect on the peripheral nervous system. At the same time, the heart rate slows down in the human body without changing the minute volume of the heart. Reserpine has the property of gradually lowering the pressure in any form and stage of development of hypertensive disease. It also noted its positive effect on lipid and protein metabolism.
- Raunatin is most effective at the 1 st and 2 nd stage of the development of hypertension.
- The aim of Aimalin is to calmly lower the pressure without jumps and sharp changes. It has a negative inotropic effect, that is, it reduces the force of contraction of the heart, in which the excitability of the myocardium decreases.
Preparations containing alkaloids rauwolfia snake, today are widely used in medicine. When scientists in the 20th century were able to isolate from it the reserpine and tested its effect on animals, and then in a clinical setting on humans, it became possible to manufacture drugs based on it. This and today relieves hypertensive crises and makes life easier.
Application in folk medicine
It is not known how the Asian peoples had discovered in ancient times that the Rauwolfia snake can be useful and under what diseases, but there are data that even hunters used it. They greased her with the juice of arrows and spears, so that they would become deadly, and thus they killed animals.
In folk medicine it is used:
- At early stages of a hypertension, but at observance of a dosage. Only using 1-1.5 grams of uvra three times a day for two weeks will be the first result. The course can be extended for another 2 weeks and increase the dose by 1 gram, if there is no allergic reaction. Complete recovery can be achieved after 3-4 months. If there are any side effects, then the treatment can be suspended for a month, and then again to continue until full recovery.
- With mental disorders in the decoction of rauwolfia, several drops of tincture of dichlorothiazide should be added.
- In gastrointestinal diseases, the leaves of the plant are used. It is enough to take 1 tbsp. L. Leaves, pour 1 tbsp. Steep boiling water, insist, and then rub the mixture into gruel and insist another 4 hours. Strain the mass and divide into 4 daily portions.
- When insomnia is used, both the bark and the leaves are in equal proportions. Take 25 g of the mixture, pour 1 tbsp. Water and boil in a water bath to half a glass. After this, add the boiled water to the previous level and drink 75 g before going to sleep until a positive result.
- With a rapid heart rate per 100 g of water, 20 g of Rauwolfia root serpentine go. Root with water, bring to a boil and give another paw for 1-2 minutes, after which the hot broth pour into the thermos and insist the night. Ready broth strain and drink 1 tbsp. L. Before eating a month.
Rauwolfia serpentine, the application of which is widely known both in medicine and in homeopathy, should be used only on the instructions of a doctor and under his supervision. This is due to the fact that it can be poisonous, if not to comply with the dosage.
Procurement of raw materials
Since the need for alkaloids, which are part of the roots of Rauvolfia snake, in the world is very high, it is specially grown on plantations. The cultivated plant is suitable for use at the age of 3-4 years. When it is in the fruiting stage, it is excavated along with the root, which is carefully trimmed along with all the roots and cleaned of dirt, trying not to damage the bark in which there is the largest number of alkaloids.
If the bark is damaged in some way, then such a commodity is considered to be defective and can not be further processed. Rauwolfia snake cut into pieces and leave to dry in the sun or in specially made ventilated areas with the help of dryers at a temperature of + 50-60 degrees.
Reserpine therapy
This drug is one of the oldest and proven drugs in antihypertensive therapy. It is used by clinics and research institutes all over the world. For a 60-year-old practice of studying the properties of rauwolfia snake scientists have revealed:
- Reserpine therapy significantly increases resistance to stress and fatigue with increased physical activity. Thus, the mood improves in the patients, the manifestations of anxiety disappear, which is especially significant in the complex treatment of hypertensives - people suffering not only with increased blood pressure, but also excessive nervousness and irritability.
- When reserpine is combined with Piracetam, mental performance and memory improve, and the general mental background of people working under stress is equalized.
- "Adelfan-Ezidreks" is a reserpine-containing drug that gently balances the pressure without showing side effects. The use of this drug stops the development of such manifestations of hypertension as nephrosclerosis, heart failure and hypertensive retinopathy. Patients taking "Adelphan-Ezidrex" regularly, can lead a full life without fear of complications
Thus, rauwolfia snake, preparations from which ("Raunatin", "Kristepin", "Brinerdin") can be bought in any pharmacy, remains still in demand, despite the fact that every year there are new means for hypertensive patients. Apparently, 60 years of positive results - a sufficient time to trust her.
Side effects
If you follow the dosage, then side effects of drugs with rauwolfia snake was not revealed. In the event of its violation, there may be such manifestations:
- skin rash;
- Increased blood flow in the mucous membranes of the eyes;
- Stomach cramps and pain;
- Weakness and dizziness;
- dyspnea;
- Nausea with vomiting;
- Nightmares.
In some cases, course treatment may manifest insomnia, anxiety and depression. If these symptoms occur, stop taking the medication immediately and consult a doctor to adjust the dosage.
The History of the Study of Rauvolfia the Serpent
While in India this plant was used for centuries to treat snake bites as a sleeping pills for children, to relieve spasms and lower blood pressure, in Europe they were only interested in it in the 30s of the 20th century. The first alkaloid was isolated in 1931, then the discoveries of its new properties were followed one after another.
For example, in Germany they began to conduct research not only on pharmacies from rauwolfia snake, but also on its individual components, checking their properties one at a time and in combination with each other.
Varieties of Rauwolfia
In the world not only rauwolfia snake (photo below) is known, but also its varieties, which also have pharmaceutical properties.
For example:
- Rauwolfia emetic grows in the forests of the Congo;
- Rauwolfia graying comes from Australia, India and South America;
All without exception, varieties of this plant are used for the needs of pharmaceutical companies.
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