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Prefrontal cortex: functions. Violations of the functions of the prefrontal cortex

Prefrontal cortex is a region of the brain that is responsible for a huge number of functions. The degree of her activity depends on the person's mental abilities, and his behavior, and emotionality.


The prefrontal cortex is located directly behind the frontal bone, in front of the hemispheres, and is supplied with blood through the front and middle artery. That is, in fact, it is part of the frontal lobe of the brain, which can be divided into three divisions:

  • Dorsolateral;
  • Medial;
  • Orbitofrontal.

Most of the functions are carried by the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, as it directs emotions and cognitive functions. It is called the "slate" of consciousness, to which we can place the image or information we need at a given time.

But in order to understand the importance of this department of the brain, it is necessary to consider all aspects of his work, as well as the functions for which he is responsible.


Empathy is a term that is often mistakenly interpreted as the ability to empathize and empathize, but in fact this feeling is more important. It allows you to see and feel how people around you are treating you.

In the modern civilized world, empathy has only a sociocultural aspect, but for a primitive man, the ability to quickly recognize an enemy or friend was the key to preserving his life. Therefore, we can safely say that the prefrontal cortex of the brain carries a protective function.


It is common for a person to experience emotions - from strong joy to deep sorrow or anger. But on how relevant he expresses his feelings, depends on his perception of others as a mentally healthy person.

Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is responsible for both the ability of a person to experience emotions, and for the opportunity to assess the situation before expressing them in a nonverbal manner. Immediately, the emotion itself is formed by the limbic system, then, through the neural connections, it enters the prefrontal cortex, which evaluates whether it is worth expressing emotion and how. That is, in this way a certain protective function of the brain, capable of reducing the degree of heat of human emotions, works.

However, it is important to understand that the abilities of the prefrontal cortex are not as strong as they seem: if the limbic system is overexcited, the cortex can not suppress the emotion, and most likely it will break out. For example, if a person is moderately angry, he can pull himself together and express resentment in silence, but if the degree of his anger is strong, he may well yell at the offender, cry or even apply physical strength.

And this will not testify in favor of the fact that in the prefrontal cortex there are functional disorders or organic lesions: it is simply physiologically able to cope only with moderate emotions.


In order to make plans, one should not only imagine a hypothetical picture of the future with its capabilities, difficulties, nuances, but also turn to their experience, compare situations. Thus, the prefrontal cortex allows you to engage in effective forecasting, which is necessary in any area of life of a capable person.

Implementation of the plan

In order to obtain a concrete result, it is not enough for a person to simply evaluate the initial data and see the image of what he wants to receive. He needs to have a plan for achieving the goal, a step-by-step instruction, compiled for him by the brain. At the same time, it is not necessary to solve important and complex tasks.

For example, after feeling hungry, a person can realize that a plate of hot soup is a good solution to the problem that has arisen. But if he is not able to make an algorithm for action: go to the kitchen, open the refrigerator, cook food, then his ability to know what he needs is completely useless.


One of the most important diagnostic factors used by psychiatrists is the person's ability to be critical. At the same time, it is important to assess with an appropriate level of criticality both the events taking place around, the actions of other people, and their own actions.

As a rule, people who have mental illness or who have disrupted the development of the prefrontal cortex, are not capable of self-criticism, assess their behavior as appropriate to the norm even with the most insane acts.

Cognitive functions

The most important properties of the brain are the perception of information, its processing, memorization and recovery from memory, if necessary. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for all these processes. That is, the ability to learn, remember, analyze depends on how well the front section of the frontal lobes of the brain is functioning.


The concept of self-control is very closely related to emotions, the level of criticality and planning of actions. For example, if a person suddenly wanted to sing a song loudly in the middle of the street, his prefrontal cortex, most likely, will not let him do it, slowing down the rush that would be perceived by others as an act of an uncontrolled individual.

But when a person has an addiction, that is, a strong dependence on any habit, control of the prefrontal cortex may weaken. For example, an avid smoker can light a cigarette indoors, despite the ban, because the core of the brain requires a dose of pleasure.

Disturbances of the prefrontal cortex

Problems with the activity of the prefrontal cortex can be easily recognized by the features indicated below. But it is important to understand that these signs are not specific, that is, they can be caused by the defects of the prefrontal cortex or other diseases.

  1. Problems with attention - a person can not concentrate on the problem, the task, the conversation, it is difficult for him to concentrate on any subject for a long time, even if it is a question of watching a movie.
  2. Errors in interpreting the events happening around him, that is, a person can incorrectly perceive the attitude of other people towards him, do not understand the danger of close contact with them, or, on the contrary, conceal an offense, suspecting that behind every word or deed of another person is the intention to harm him.
  3. Repetition of the same mistakes - the ability of a person to learn from his experience is one of the most important tools of evolution. Having put his hand into the fire and realizing that it is painful and dangerous, a person brings this information into his consciousness and further avoids the direct contact of the flame with the skin. With pathologies of the prefrontal cortex, a person can repeat the same mistakes again and again, causing himself physical or emotional harm.
  4. Disorganization - speech can go about the inability to plan your day, in time to do all the work. The popular psychological term "procrastination", which denotes a pathological tendency to postpone all cases for later, may also be a consequence of a disruption in the activity of the prefrontal cortex.
  5. Impulsiveness, or rather speaking, the inability to suppress its impulses. This can be expressed in the inability to control their emotions or in the inability to deny themselves the pleasure: eat forbidden for medical reasons, food, drink alcohol and so on.

Restore functions

The weakness of the prefrontal cortex can arise for various reasons. In particular, it appears with age, under the influence of strong stress and for other reasons. If a person, comparing the signs of a violation of the work of the prefrontal cortex, noted some signs, the recommendations listed below can help him:

  1. It is necessary to avoid any spontaneous decisions, especially in a complex emotional environment. In the event of a conflict, you should gently leave the conversation and carefully think over what is happening. In order to get out of the conflict it was easier, you can in advance come up with a reason that you can use if necessary.
  2. For effective organization it is necessary to make plans and write lists. A simple diary can make a person's life with a weakened prefrontal cortex much easier and more convenient.
  3. In order to develop cognitive functions, we need to look for new ways of assimilating information. For example, talking out loud, drawing a diagram, writing on paper - one of the ways will certainly prove effective, and a person can perceive and remember information much easier.
  4. It is important to learn how to reflect - analyze your actions, clearly understand why this step was taken in this situation, what it led to and whether you should do so in the future. Thus, a person develops a habit to apply the accumulated experience to solve any problems, if due to organic disorders the brain does not resort to such an algorithm independently.

So, the prefrontal cortex of the brain, the development of which has made it possible to avoid making rash acts, can be developed by a person provided that there is the will and ability to control one's limbic system and emotions.

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