HealthDiseases and Conditions

Types of stomatitis in children and adults

"Stoma" means "mouth" in Greek. That is, all medical terms in which this Greek word is present are associated with the human oral cavity. In particular, stomatitis is a group of diseases characterized by inflammation and ulceration of the mucosa in the mouth. There are different types of stomatitis, depending on the causes that caused it. Most species have similar symptoms, so many people who have experienced this disease and are self-medicated do not even suspect that their actions have no therapeutic effect, but only drive the disease inside the body. In this article we will try to figure out how to find out what kind of stomatitis takes place, how to get rid of it and what preventive measures exist, so that this disease never appears.

How does stomatitis develop?

The human oral cavity is lined with a mucous membrane called so because it is constantly covered with mucus secreted by epithelial cells. In a healthy state it is pink in color, without swelling, infiltrates and ulcers. For various reasons on the mucosa may appear foci of inflammation. This is a stomatitis. The types and treatment of the disease are already well known. But the mechanism of developing stomatitis is still being studied. The main version of the scientists is that the inflammatory processes in the mouth in humans are the response of the immune system to unknown particles (cells, molecules). When they are detected, lymphocytes begin to be intensively produced. They attack unidentified substances to deal with them. The result of active actions of the body's defenders are mucous ulcers, that is, stomatitis. It can be both an independent disease, and a sign of another ailment. That is why it is so important to know what kinds of stomatitis are, what they are caused by, what each of them has characteristic features and consequences.


Stomatitis can occur on dozens of very different causes, each of which leads to the penetration of foreign substances into the body. In medicine, they are called irritants. They can be:

- Smoking;

- Pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, fungi, bacteria);

- medicines;

- an overabundance or a lack of vitamins;

- hormonal failures in the body (age, during pregnancy, from taking birth control pills).

- sodium lauryl sulfate (found in dentifrices and oral cavity, helps to form plentiful foam).

Some types of stomatitis are caused by oral injuries of a different nature:

- mechanical (cuts, bites, punch);

- Thermal (most often from too hot food);

- chemical (ingestion of poisonous substances into the mouth);

- rubbing with dentures.

There are types of stomatitis, in which inflammatory foci on the gums, mucous, tongue, larynx act as one of the symptoms of the disease of internal organs - thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract, blood, heart and vessels, nervous system, connective tissues. Stomatitis can occur in HIV-infected people who have cancerous tumors on the face, nose, throat, mouth, neck, patients whose condition is accompanied by dehydration, anemia, and inadequate nutrition.

And, finally, the frequent cause of stomatitis is improper hygiene of the teeth and oral cavity, and its drawback and overabundance are harmful, when people brush their teeth many times a day or rinse the oral cavity with drugs that reduce the secretion of saliva.

Types of stomatitis in children

Based on the above reasons, we can say that stomatitis in adults and in babies can have both the same etiology (for example, viral, microbial, medicamentous), and different. In particular, children do not have inflammation of the mucous in the mouth from smoking or from improperly made dentures. But due to the fact that kids pull in their mouths all in a row - pens, toys, various objects, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity occur most often. The following types of stomatitis in children are diagnosed:

- traumatic;

- infectious;

- allergic;

- aphthous;

- angular;

- Vesicular;

- Candidiasis;

- catarrhal;

- pellagic (with a deficiency of vitamin PP);

- scurvy (with a deficiency of vitamin C);


Classification of types of stomatitis in adults

In people over 18 years of inflammation in the mouth mainly arise due to lack of immunity. For example, almost half of humanity smokes, and smokers' stomatitis develops only in 1 out of 100. Another common cause of the disease in adults is their labor activity associated with harmful production.

According to medical statistics, people over the age of 18 are most often diagnosed with such types of stomatitis:

- traumatic;

- aphthous;

- infectious;

- Vincent (ulcerative-necrotic, trench);

- gangrenous;

- from intoxication with salts of heavy metals (bismuth, lead, mercury);

- tsingotny (similar to scurvy);

- diffuse erythematous;

- beam;

- nicotine;

- medicamentous;

- Professional.

But such types of stomatitis, as candida, herpetic, angular, in adults are rare.

Candidiasis stomatitis

From the name you can guess what causes his fungus Candida. In the people this disease is more commonly known as thrush, because its main symptom is a white coating on mucous in the mouth, in the tongue, sometimes on the gums and larynx. Candidiasis, and with it infectious, are the most common types of stomatitis in children. The photo shows how the oral cavity of babies looks when the mucous membranes of Candida are affected. In addition to white plaque, the symptoms of candidal stomatitis are:

- hyperemia of the mucous membranes;

- tenderness when chewing and even when talking;

- children - capriciousness, refusal to eat, anxiety;

- in adults - a change in taste, bleeding of affected areas when removing plaque;

- Dryness and burning in the mouth.

Babies can catch Candida fungus from sick children through unwashed toys, from a sick mother while feeding. Very often candidal stomatitis is observed in premature newborns. Adults acquire this disease, as associated with diabetes mellitus, problems with the digestive system, dysbacteriosis, HIV infection, Sjogren's syndrome, pregnancy, antibiotics, lack of hygiene. Generally, Candida fungus is present in the mouth constantly, but it begins to manifest itself pathogenically with a decrease in immunity.

Treatment of candidal stomatitis is based on the strictest hygiene of the oral cavity, and for babies - additionally on careful processing of nipples, toys, mother's nipples. In addition to hygiene, treatment of the disease in children includes treatment of the mouth with antiseptics and antimycotic drugs, and in adults, taking antibiotics and rinsing the mouth with antiseptic solutions.

Infectious (viral) types of stomatitis in children, photos, treatment

This group includes not only thrush, but any inflammation in the oral cavity, caused by penetration into the mucosa of pathogenic microorganisms. In particular, viral stomatitis is brought to us by viruses, and not necessarily parasitic in the mouth. They can affect any other organ, and viral stomatitis manifests itself as a complication of the underlying disease. The most common in this group is herpetic stomatitis. It is caused by the herpes virus. Children in 100% of cases receive it from adults (by kissing, licks the nipples, spoons before shoving it into the baby's mouth and so on). On Earth, 9 out of 10 people are carriers of herpes, so it's easy to imagine how often they are infected by adults from adults. The visual symptoms of herpes infection can be not only in the mouth, but also on the face. External signs of the disease, except for herpes, are also angular (formation of congestion) and vesicular types of stomatitis in children. The photo shows which rashes are formed in the mouth of the nose when infection with herpes. Other symptoms of the disease:

- deterioration of health;

- temperature;

- hyperemia and soreness of mucous in the mouth;

- appearance on the mucous membranes, as well as on the gums, less often in the tongue of fluid-filled vesicles, which burst with the formation of small erosions.

An important feature of herpes - once infiltrated into the body of a person, it is already there is nothing derived, but, say there, lives quietly, does not manifest itself. In these cases, talk about the chronic course of the disease, which makes itself felt every time with stress, beriberi, infections, injuries, hypothermia. Treatment of acute form of herpetic stomatitis is carried out according to the symptoms and includes the use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, treatment of the oral cavity with antiseptics, copious drinking, elimination of toxins. In the chronic form of the disease, the main method of treatment is prevention. It consists in tempering the body, eating vitamin-containing foods, the right daily routine.

The causes of angular stomatitis are allergic reactions to certain foods and antibiotics, causing a violation of the balance of microflora in the mouth. The treatment is performed locally (treated with antiseptics and keratoplasty). If an allergic cause is established for the appearance of seizures, it is important to eliminate unacceptable foods from the diet, then restore the microflora in the oral cavity.

Vesicular stomatitis

There are non-dangerous for surrounding and quite infectious types of stomatitis in children. Treatment in these cases should be accompanied by isolation of the sick child. To non-contagious one can include allergic stomatitis, and to the most pathogenic vesicular. This disease is caused by the viruses Picornaviridae, which can for a long time be perfectly preserved in the environment. Vesicular stomatitis is more common in children, although it occurs in adults who do not observe hygiene. Characteristic symptoms:

- a rash on the hands, feet, in the mouth, sometimes on the genitals and buttocks;

- temperature;

- nausea, sometimes with vomiting;

- Irritability, fatigue;

- loss of appetite;

- itching of the rash (typical of the disease in adults);

- the appearance of blisters and painful ulcers.

Treatment is carried out by the following methods:

- taking painkillers and antiviral drugs;

- antiseptic treatment of rashes in the mouth;

- treatment of external rashes of greenery;

- vitamin therapy.

There are other types of stomatitis caused by viruses. The photo shows what the flu-like stomatitis looks like, which, according to the nature of the current, can manifest as a catarrhal, aphthous, ulcerative or ulcerative necrosis stomatitis. Foci of inflammation in this complication of the flu appear in the sky, gums, internal surfaces of the cheeks, less often in the tongue, not only at the acute stage of the disease, but also during recovery and even after it. The methods of treatment of influenza stomatitis depend on the form in which it manifested itself. So, the catarrhal requires local therapy, and aphthous, along with the treatment of foci of inflammation and general therapy. With chickenpox, children can develop blistering rashes not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes of the mouth.

Aphthous stomatitis

The name is also related to the Greek language, in which oral ulcers sound approximately like "aphtha." The reasons for their appearance may be:

- trauma of the oral mucosa;

- diseases of some internal organs, for example GIT;

- plaque;

- caries;

- gum disease;

- avitaminosis;


Aphthous stomatitis exists in two types: acute, arising when an infection enters the body, and chronic, revealing itself, when a person experiences stress, fatigue, and reduced immunity. However, during periods of remission, this is perhaps the only type of stomatitis that does not hurt. In other cases, inflammation of the mucosa always causes painful sensations of varying intensity.

The main symptom of aphthous stomatitis is a slight reddish swelling on the mucosa, which is painful when the tongue is pressed against it. In a day, less often two in this place appears a sore, whitish in the center. Around her, the mucous is inflamed and very painful. Without taking action, aphthas are capable of increasing in size and delivering quite considerable suffering to a person.

Treatment of this disease is carried out in the complex:

- use of external antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs (rinses, applications);

- a diet that excludes the ingress of acute, salty, acidic ulcers;

- According to the indications, taking antipyretics, analgesics, antiallergic drugs;

- strengthening of immunity.

Traditional medicine advises to hold rinses with decoctions of calendula, chamomile, a solution of baking soda and lubricate aphthies with sea buckthorn oil or rose hips.

Traumatic stomatitis

Of course, it is important to know how to determine the type of stomatitis. But in the case of traumatic parents, it is even more important to find out the reason why it developed. In children, traumas in the mouth often appear when sucking fingers with uncircumcised (and also dirty) nails, objects with sharp edges, bruises of the lips or cheeks. There are cases when very small hypertrophic foci in the mouth appear from too long sucking dummies of uncomfortable shape or poor quality. In older children, traumatic stomatitis can arise from a malocclusion, when the teeth, when chewing or talking, cling to the inner surface of the cheeks, from too hot food, from tasting the inedible objects and substances on the tooth.

The pathogenesis of traumatic stomatitis is as follows: a slight hyperemia appears in the oral cavity (swelling, redness), then a rather painful erosion opens up in this place. Its center can be red or have a whitish coating, the edges are usually surrounded by an inflamed infiltrate. Without treatment, erosion becomes an open gateway to the thousands of microorganisms that are always present in the human mouth. As a result, purulent ulcers appear, and in some cases necrosis of tissues begins. In children, the symptoms of the onset of traumatic stomatitis are a refusal to eat, a whiny mood, then a high fever occurs, and in severe cases signs of intoxication.

People over the age of 18 seldom suck their fingers and pull in their mouths inedible objects, but they can also injure mucous membranes, for example, when performing medical manipulations by a dentist.

In addition, ulcers with inflamed infiltration of nearby tissues cause other types of stomatitis in adults. The photo shows how the ulcer is seen when radiation stomatitis.

In order not to be mistaken with the diagnosis, additional studies are carried out that exclude such diseases as syphilis, tuberculosis, Vincent's stomatitis, and the presence of trophic ulcers.

Treatment of traumatic stomatitis begins with the elimination of a traumatic factor. Then the therapy is performed in the following sequence:

1. Antiseptic treatment (rinse with herbal decoctions, "Chlorhexidine", baking soda solution).

2. Applying to erosion one of the preparations: "Iodinol", "Fukortsin", "Ingalipt".

3. Application of medicines to inflamed areas for pain relief.

4. If necessary, sanation of teeth and taking medications that promote epithelization.

Occupational stomatitis

Whichever type of stomatitis we consider, it can be diagnosed in people of any age. This also applies to thrush, the disease of infants, who are often ill with the elderly, and to infectious stomatitis, and allergic, and to aphthous, even to leukemia (observed with leukemia) and to medicamentous. But there are such types of stomatitis in adults, which are associated with the characteristics of work. At children they if are, in the rarest cases. It's about inflammation of the mucous in the mouth when poisoning with harmful substances. This happens if a person works where it is very dusty, where it is necessary to deal with salts of heavy metals or with radioactive substances. So, with mercury stomatitis on mucous (more often on the gums) there is grayish pigmentation, and after necrosis not only tissues on the gums, but also in the tongue and mucous cheeks. With lead stomatitis there is a strong hyperemia of the mucous membranes, gray spots appear on the gums. With bismuth stomatitis, pigmentation of the gums is also observed, only in this case it has a characteristic blue-black border. In addition to all of the listed symptoms, patients have signs of intoxication - weakness, headache, frustration of the digestive tract. To the disease of adults can be attributed and nicotine stomatitis. Treatment consists in deducing from an organism of harmful substances. In parallel, patients are anesthetized, washed and treated with mucous antiseptics, with ulcers prescribe drugs that help restore the epithelial tissue.

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