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Paper form for baking. Tips for using
The paper form for baking is a unique invention of the present, without which many housewives do not imagine preparing delicious desserts. Universal cups differ in size, density and color, but they are all multifunctional, environmentally friendly and cheap. From this article you will learn everything about paper baking forms: how to use and what are their advantages.
Forms for muffins and muffins
There are many kinds of forms for baking small pastry from dough. The most comfortable ones are made of thick paper (it can be corrugated or smooth), because you can bake cupcakes right in them. If the paper baking dish is made of a thin material, it should be placed in an aluminum or silicone form before placing the dough into it. Prepare with us delicious muffins according to a simple recipe:
- In a suitable saucepan, heat 100 grams of butter, 40 grams of chocolate and two tablespoons of instant coffee.
- 130 grams of sugar whip with three chicken eggs.
- Connect four tablespoons of cocoa, a glass of flour, 60 grams of grated chocolate and a teaspoon of baking powder.
- Stir thoroughly all the prepared foods, and then put the dough into small paper forms. Note that cups should be filled only 2/3.
Bake the food in a preheated oven for about 15 minutes. Ready muffins can be decorated with glaze or powdered sugar. When they cool slightly, serve them to the table with tea or coffee.
Baking cakes in paper form
In the last century our mothers and grandmothers baked cakes in tins or aluminum cans, despite all the difficulties that accompanied the cooking process. In our time, a paper form for baking has come to replace, which has a number of advantages. First, it is dense enough and does not require additional support. Secondly, the cake will never burn in it, and the paper will not get wet during the cooking process. And, thirdly, you can easily decorate the prepared dish, cutting the paper to the desired mark. Baking cakes in paper form will not create any difficulties for you. To make sure of this, prepare a dish according to our recipe:
- Lightly heat a half cup of milk and dissolve in it 40 grams of dry yeast.
- Add 500 grams of sifted flour to the bowl and mix.
- While the opara rises, divide the six eggs into squirrels and yolks. Yolks whisk with sugar (enough to take a glass or one and a half) and vanilla (to taste), and whip the whites until thick and thick foam.
- Combine all the products, add to them another 300 grams of soft butter, a little salt and 500 grams of flour.
- Knead the dough and leave it in a warm place to increase in volume. In the dough that came up, add the washed raisins, crushed candied fruits and nuts.
Then you can start baking. Please note that the paper form for baking should be filled only by one third. When the dough rises to half, the future cake can be put in a preheated oven.
Pastry in paper forms
To prepare another indispensable dish for a bright Christian holiday, you will also find disposable forms. Thanks to them, the dish will look beautiful on your desk. Recipe:
- One kilogram of fresh cottage cheese twice wipe through a sieve.
- Add two eggs to the bowl, sugar to taste (0.5-1 glass), 100 grams of soft butter, vanillin and 200 grams of sour cream. Beat products for about ten minutes until they turn into a homogeneous mass.
- Add the chopped candied fruits, raisins and nuts to Easter, and mix it again.
- Cover the colander with a damp gauze, place the curd mass in it and place it on a suitable pan size. Send the design to the refrigerator for the night.
The next day you need a paper form for baking - tightly tamper with Easter and put the dish on the festive table.
As you can see, disposable forms have densely entered our life and become irreplaceable helpers in the kitchen. They are suitable for both traditional dishes of Russian cuisine, and for new ones - capkey and muffins. Cook cupcakes in them, and use bright paper cups to decorate your favorite sweets.
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