
Paint corner: advantages and types.

Carrying out repairs, one often has to deal with such a problem as uneven slopes and corners. For the plastering of such surfaces and giving them the necessary geometry, a very attractive device is the painting corner.

Advantages of the paint corner

This object is made of materials resistant to corrosion, so it can be used in both indoor and outdoor work.

Due to the perforation angle available along the entire length of the perforation corner, it is ensured its qualitative fixation when performing the finishing works, which does not allow sliding and reduces the weight load on the base. In addition, the perforation allows the use of a paint station as an auxiliary level.

Convenience in work is achieved due to the fact that this device is installed quite simply. It is only necessary to press the profile into the putty put on the outer corner and cover with a second layer of the solution. Low weight, durability and safety for health supplement the list of its advantages.

Types of paint angles

The perforated paint corner is a long profile. There are several types of corners, depending on the material used in their manufacture and designation.

For lining, reinforcement of various structures inside and outside the room is most suitable made of aluminum. It has standard sizes (30x30 and 50x50 centimeters) and can be of different lengths.

Paint galvanized corner is designed mainly to strengthen partitions from gypsum board. A special fiberglass mesh is attached to the corners of the corner, which provides more reliable grip and additional fasteners for installation. This ensures durability and special strength of the outer corner.

The plastic corner is used to decorate the outer corners in the room and protect them from abrasion. It has a variety of colors, which allows you to choose the most suitable for the color of wallpaper.

Wherever a particularly high-quality reinforcement is required, a corner with a paint or metal mesh is used.

The arched paint corner helps to easily give the design the desired curved shape, if you need to install an arch. It is made both from aluminum, and from plastic.

Application of the paint corner

Installation begins with a measurement. First you need to measure the required size and cut it off. For example, to finish the window opening will require 3 angles. Next, a mortar of a putty specially designed for this purpose is prepared. You can apply a mixture of plaster and putty in a ratio of 1: 1. At the angle, which must be leveled, apply the prepared solution along the entire length. After that, the painting corner is installed, with the alignment being carried out using a rule or a building level.

When decorating almost any internal structure, this device can be used: window and door slopes, niches, walls and other various external corners. The corner serves as an effective protection of all corner elements that are inside or outside the room.

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