Burns often happen in everyday life. In the first place because of their curiosity, young children suffer. Therefore, every person should know the main types of burns. And first aid, of course, must follow immediately. The most common damages in everyday life are thermal (hot liquid, steam, iron). Any adult or even a teenager should know how to treat a burn with boiling water, so you should always keep the proper means in the home medicine cabinet. It should be noted that if a large area of the skin is affected, then a pain shock may develop .
There are four degrees of burns. The first is the easiest, in which there is redness of the skin and a small swelling of the affected area. The second degree, in addition to the above features, is also characterized by bubbles, some of which can immediately be opened. The third degree is a deep burn with damage to soft and bony tissues, as well as the formation of a scab. The heaviest form is the fourth, at which charring is observed. As a rule, trauma of the third and fourth degree is always combined with the first and second burn, that is, the focus of deep lesion is surrounded by areas with redness and blisters. The severity of a patient's condition depends on the degree of damage and the area of the affected area.
As mentioned before, most often in the home people turn over their utensils with hot liquids, so further on, it will be told how to treat the burn with boiling water.
First of all, it is necessary to take emergency measures, which means that you need to quickly place the burned place under a stream of cold water. This will reduce burning, will not spread swelling and redness. Then the damaged area of the skin should be dried and not tightly tied. If only redness is observed, then the place of injury should be wiped with vodka and a solution of alcohol. If blisters are formed, then they can not be pierced, because it is fraught with penetration into the wound of the infection. Also, do not apply iodine, zelenok, cream, butter, ointment. Fatty products create a wound on the wound, which prevents the removal of heat. The burn requires cooling, so you need to apply wet towels or sheets to the sore spot (for a large area of damage). If the burn happened through the clothes, then you need to gently cut it, but do not try to tear it away from the damaged place.
How to treat a burn with boiling water? The modern pharmaceutical industry offers excellent means of such damages. To them it is possible to carry a gel and ointment "Solcoseril". First, you need a gel, which is used in wet areas. It forms a film on the skin, due to which the healing of burns occurs right before your eyes. Apply several times a day as the film disappears. Ointment will need to be used when the wound withers. Thanks to gel and ointment, there will not only be a quick recovery, but there will be no traces of burns, of course, if you do not open blisters and do not separate the burnt skin.
How to treat a burn with boiling water using popular methods? Among the people there are a lot of those who are used to trusting only the old proven methods. Since ancient times, potato starch has been used to treat burns. To do this, they poured the affected area, put a napkin and not tightly bandaged. From simple and accessible means it is possible to offer a sheet of aloe, which must be turned into gruel and tied to a burn.
Having tipped over a cup of hot tea, it is not necessary to rush to the doctor immediately. It is necessary to assess the severity of the injury and go to the hospital if:
- A large area (with palm and more) is damaged and the skin peels off;
- There is a burn disease (the area of damaged tissues is 10% or more);
- There is a strong redness, swelling, fever;
- Already the third or fourth stage.
In some cases, even have to call an ambulance.