Food and drinkRecipes

Omelette with tomatoes

Omelet with tomatoes is famous for being a breakfast that is delicious, but it is prepared, nevertheless, very quickly. You can do it in various ways. Let's start the study with the simplest option - in a frying pan. Culinary books offer different recipes for cooking this dish. Let's take the most common one for the beginning, which we consider to be the base one. According to this recipe, in order to prepare an omelette with tomatoes, it is necessary to take tomato and eggs for four pieces, onion, a little flour, a glass of fresh milk, a sprig of parsley or kinza, oil for roasting.

Remove the peel from tomatoes, cut into slices. Cut the onions finely and fry it, and then add the prepared tomatoes and stew, covered with a lid, for about two minutes. We fall asleep flour and salt, we mix. We beat the eggs with milk so that a homogeneous mass is obtained, and pour the tomatoes into the frying pan. Stew under the lid until the dish is cooked, about five minutes. The resulting omelet with tomatoes is decorated with parsley sprigs, add for taste ketchup or tomato paste.

A little more time requires this dish for its preparation in the oven. To fulfill this recipe, you must select tomatoes with a fleshy pulp, containing a little juice. The ingredients for omelette are also different . Eggs and tomatoes are taken a little more, five pieces each, and milk is twice less. The remaining components remain unchanged.

The beginning of cooking is no different from cooking it in a frying pan. Tomatoes are dropped for a few seconds into boiling water, in order to easily peel them off, and then cut into slices. But then the actions that are different from the previous recipe start. Sliced tomatoes are spread on a pan with melted butter and fry until all of the liquid comes out of them. While the liquid from tomatoes is boiling, whisk a mixture of eggs, milk, flour, salt and pepper. Pour the resulting mass of tomatoes in a frying pan. Put the skillet with the mixture in the oven for about half an hour. The oven should be warmed up to 180 degrees. At the end of this time, a delicious omelette is ready.

No less delicious omelette with tomatoes and cheese. To do this, we need to take four eggs and four tomatoes, weigh about 150 grams of cheese, measure the spoons two oils and add a green onion. Salt the dish to taste.

After all the ingredients that are included in the omelet with tomatoes are prepared, proceed directly to the cooking process. The first thing you need to remove the tomato peel, beforehand having poured with boiling water, and then cut them into pieces. After that, tomatoes are laid in a frying pan and fried in butter. Fried tomatoes are placed on a plate.

Finely cut the onion and cheese, beat the eggs with salt and mix everything. Lay the remains of butter on the pan together with tomatoes and fill them with the resulting mass of eggs. Fire for baking to get a delicious omelette with tomatoes, it is necessary to maintain a small. Cook for about 8 minutes. Omelette with tomatoes will look very appetizing, decorated with branches of greenery.

In addition to this recipe, cooks offer other types of omelets, with different additives. You can cook a very delicious omelet, taking as an additive potatoes. By adding potatoes, this recipe will be different from the previous one, and the rest of the actions describing how to make an omelette with tomatoes, and the ingredients for it remain the same.

Potatoes are taken a little, about 200 grams, cheese is less than in the previous recipe - only 100 g. Eggs and tomatoes, which form the basis of the dish, also need to take four pieces, adding spices, greens and butter. In order to prepare an omelette with tomatoes and potatoes, tomatoes are cut into cubes, cheese and peeled potatoes are rubbed using a large grater for cheese, and for potatoes - fine. Crumble the greens and mix with crushed tomatoes, cheese and potatoes, and then add everything to the beaten eggs. In the resulting mass add spices to taste and spread it on a pan, which is pre-oiled with sunflower oil. The dish is covered with a lid and baked on medium heat for about a quarter of an hour, resulting in a delicious omelet.

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