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Norwegian scabies: ways of infection, symptoms and treatment. Ointments for mange

Norwegian scabies are a dangerous and serious disease with a chronic course. It is worth saying that this disease is rare. In medical practice, about 150 cases of the disease were reported. The disease is accompanied by deep skin lesions and in the absence of proper therapy can lead to dangerous complications until the patient dies.

Characteristics of the pathogen

It was believed that the causative agent of this disease is Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis, itch itch, which is infected by contact with a sick person. But with further research, scientists managed to find out that the disease develops and against the background of invasion by an ordinary scabies mite. By the way, for the first time Norwegian scabies were officially registered in Norway at the end of the 19th century, which, in fact, explains the name.

The tick affects the skin of a person regardless of age or sex. These are small parasites with a body size of 0.25-0.3 mm (males are slightly smaller). Dangerous are the females, as males die immediately after fertilization. Female individuals move in the layers of the patient's skin, forming "moves" and laying eggs. Larvae emerge from them, which become sexually mature after 4 to 7 days, after which they exude through the skin through the ventilation ducts that the female lays.

Are there risk factors?

Norwegian cortical scabies develop against a weakening immune system, as it allows mites to multiply actively. Scientists identify several risk factors:

  • The presence of HIV in the body;
  • Systemic autoimmune diseases, including lupus erythematosus;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • General candidiasis;
  • Tuberculosis, leprosy and some other diseases;
  • Depletion of the body, arising against a background of nervous overstrain, severe stress, alcoholism;
  • Neurological and psychiatric disorders, including infantilism, dementia, dementia;
  • Long-term therapy with the use of cytostatics and hormonal steroid preparations;
  • Paralysis, impaired sensitivity of peripheral nerves.

Ways of transmission of infection

Norwegian scabies are an extremely contagious disease. One infected person can lead to an outbreak of the disease. Scabies mites can live in the environment for up to 2 weeks. The most common is the contact path of transmission - the parasite can be picked up by contact with the human skin, for example, by shaking hands, hugging, during intercourse. By the way, the most active pathogens become in the evening and at night.

Possible and household way of transmission. For example, when living in the same house with a sick person, the infection can be picked up using the same dishes, bed linen, towels, clothes, toys and other items.

Clinical picture: what symptoms are accompanied by the disease?

The incubation period lasts about 2 - 6 weeks. Further the disease can develop for years and even decades. Fever in the patient is rare, but the skin becomes very dry and feels hot - this is the first symptoms of scabies in adults.

Ticks multiply very quickly - during the diagnosis in the upper layers of the skin are often found thousands of microorganisms. Parasites move under the skin, which is accompanied by swelling, redness. Itching is present in only 50% of patients. The scabies of an itch mite usually begin with the lateral surfaces of the fingers. Concentration of pathogenic microorganisms can be observed on the skin between the fingers, on the back of the knees and elbows, in the area of the mammary glands. Parasites affect the lower part of the abdomen and the foreskin of the penis.

Due to the formation of the strokes, the patient's skin gradually becomes thicker and coarser. It forms scabs of gray, yellow and even greenish color. In the absence of treatment, the upper skin layers become a kind of carapace covered with grooves. When removing the top crusts you can see reddish skin with foci of erosion.

Norwegian scabies are accompanied by the appearance of scabs all over the body, including the face. The patient's nails thicken, become loose and change color - the process resembles a fungal lesion of the nail plate. Human hair becomes dull, thin and brittle. From the patient comes a characteristic sour smell, which is an important diagnostic criterion.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is very important to diagnose the disease correctly. Medicine knows the case when the patient was diagnosed incorrectly and prescribed treatment for psoriasis. This led to the generalization of the process and the death of the patient.

Of course, the collection of anamnesis and examination of skin tissues should prompt a specialist to think about scabies. The epithelium is covered with crusts, and the skin on the folds of the neck, groin and armpits acquires a more pronounced pigmentation. Then the patient gives blood for analysis - in the samples the specialist can detect an increase in the number of eosinophils and leukocytes. There is a more accurate technique that allows you to diagnose ailment. The samples are taken from the thickened stratum corneum of the skin. Norwegian scabies are characterized by the presence of scabies in the biopsy. In the skin samples, you can also see eggs and larvae of ticks, as well as adults.

Basic principles of therapy

Treatment of Norwegian scabies is carried out with the help of special ointments:

  • The first stage of treatment - removal of crusts and keratinized skin areas. For this purpose, ointments made on the basis of sulfur or salicylic acid are used. These drugs soften the tissues and facilitate the easy removal of damaged areas.
  • The second stage is skin treatment with antiparasitic agents (mainly those containing benzyl benzoate). There are several rules. Ointments are applied to clean, dry skin (before the procedure, you must take a shower). Means need to process the whole body, not just the affected areas. The cream should stay on the skin for at least 12 hours.
  • During therapy, you must always change bed linens, clothes and towels every day (they must then be washed at high temperature).
  • Often against the background of the application of ointments, severe itching and burning occur. This is not an indication for discontinuing therapy. The fact is that in connection with the mass death of parasites and the release of toxins into the blood of the patient, an allergic reaction often develops. In such cases, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines.

The preparation "Benzyl benzoate": instructions for use, price

As already mentioned, this drug is most often used to treat Norwegian scabies. What is Benzyl Benzoate? Instructions for use, price, properties - these are the questions that interest every patient.

The drug is available in the form of a cream intended for external use. The active substance of the drug is able to penetrate the chitinous carapace of the tick and accumulate in the organism of the pathogen in toxic concentrations. Using this tool allows you to get rid of adult individuals and larvae, but in relation to the eggs of parasites it is inactive. Apply the cream to the skin, first trying to clean it as much as possible from the crusts and the upper dead layers. Sometimes the rubbing of the product may be accompanied by a slight burning sensation.

Ointment (or emulsion) can not be used if there are abscesses on the skin. The price of the drug is not too high - a jar of cream with a volume of 50 g will cost about 60 - 100 rubles.

Sulfur Ointment: simple instructions for use

There are a lot of other drugs used in Norwegian scabies and similar diseases. For example, sulfuric ointment (simple) is considered effective . The instruction for use says that the preparation has antiparasitic, antifungal and keratoplastic properties, promotes softening of the skin and facilitates the process of removing scabs. The ointment contains precipitated sulfur, as well as petroleum jelly and an emulsifier. With external application, the components do not practically penetrate the bloodstream.

The drug is used to treat scabies, acne, psoriasis, demodectic, pediculer, dandruff. Before applying the ointment on the skin, you need to take a shower. The remains of the ointment can not be washed off during the day. The procedure is repeated for three days in a row. Sulfur ointment is a cheap and effective remedy. But today the drug is rarely used. The fact is that the remedy has a sharp, unpleasant smell, while the clothes and bedding remain stained.

Preventive actions

Norwegian scabies are an extremely dangerous and contagious disease. Therefore it is necessary to adhere to some safety rules:

  • If you had to contact a sick person, you need to see a doctor - he will prescribe preventive antiparasitic drugs.
  • If there is an infected person in the house, then you must strictly adhere to the rules of hygiene. All towels, clothes and bed linen, which the patient uses, must be washed at high temperature (the itch mite perishes at a temperature above 60 degrees in 2 hours). Boiling and ironing kills parasites.
  • The room also needs to be treated using alkaline and chlorinated solutions for cleaning.
  • Patients after the end of antiparasitic therapy are also prescribed antibacterial agents for the prevention of complications.

This is a serious disease - it can neither be ignored nor attempted to heal on its own. Folk methods and home remedies can be used only with the permission of the attending physician and only along with medical therapy.

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