
New technologies for growing potatoes, as well as planting potatoes under straw

One of the most labor-intensive vegetable crops that are grown on household plots is potatoes. Traditional technology of its cultivation differs considerable time and labor resources, which makes many owners of cottages and vegetable gardens sometimes refuse to cultivate it. However, there are a number of other ways by which you can get at least as much, and in most cases, a bigger harvest, and the labor on the part of a person will be much less.

So, one of the highly effective ways of growing this crop is planting potatoes under the straw. Despite the fact that many people are skeptical about this method, in practice this method yields a rather productive result, pleasing its followers with a stable and good harvest. In order to understand the secret of success, one should talk about the very principle of growing potatoes and what micro and macro elements are needed for this.

Potatoes are an interesting root crop, a feature of which is the growth of tubers around the seed root. For the successful development of potato culture, nutrients are needed in sufficient quantities, of which potassium and phosphorus are the main ones. In addition, aeration of the soil plays an important role, because through penetration of air into the soil, the culture develops strong and strong. Planting potatoes under the straw provides the necessary microclimate, as a result of the gradual decomposition of straw, potassium fertilizers are released, and excellent air exchange under the straw favors the tie of a large number of new tubers. Simultaneously, straw acts as a wonderful mulch, which protects the soil on hot summer days from overheating, and after rain also retains moisture on the soil surface, preventing it from weathering and evaporating.

By the way, planting potatoes under straw is not a new way of growing root crops, since this method was widely used by peasants of our country in the 19th century. However, during the period of distribution of Michurin's teaching in the USSR, this method was undeservedly forgotten, and people began to grow potatoes in such a way that we see today. The only difficulty in growing potatoes in straw is the need to stock up a large amount of straw, since for normal development of the tubers its layer must be at least 10 cm.

Adherents of the traditional technology of potato cultivation also do not stand still in their development, but gradually master new methods that greatly facilitate the cultivation of this crop even by conventional methods. So, gradually the popularity of such a method as the planting of potatoes under a motoblock is increasing, due to which the work of a person is greatly facilitated. With the help of a motor cultivator, even the average power on which a special cutter is installed, you can plant potato tubers on your own without spending a lot of effort. Today in free sale you can buy not only gasoline cultivators, but also powerful enough motoblocks with the help of which it is possible to plant even a potato field in 1 hectare. Thus, you can see that planting potatoes under the straw in such a large area is impossible because of the lack of covering material. However, the planting of a potato by a motoblock at 1 hectare is quite possible and fully justifies itself both in terms of productivity and in terms of the rationality of the use of time.

Thus, summing up, it should be concluded that if the planting area for growing potatoes exceeds 20 acres, it is best to use a motor cultivator. If a person is engaged in growing potatoes in his dacha section, the size of 4 to 8 hectare, the straw is the most correct way, in which you will be able to provide yourself and your family with a good harvest.

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