HealthDiseases and Conditions

Myopia of an average degree - what does this diagnosis mean?

Myopia is a disease of the eye, in which the image is focused not on the retina of the eye, but in front of it. This is due to the fact that the muscles supporting the eyeball are weakened, and it becomes more prominent, and the image of objects in the distance is vague. Therefore, these changes are also called myopia. It has different severity. If you have diagnosed "moderate degree myopia," then the vision loss is between three and six diopters. If this condition is not accompanied by other pathologies, then the situation is not tragic, and it is easy to correct with glasses, lenses or laser surgery.

Myopia of the middle degree will be wrongly called a disease, it is a specific change in the eye. Most often it is inherited. Both parents "ochkaryks" - the probability that the child will be reduced vision, is 50 percent. Another serious factor contributing to the change in the shape of the eyeball is the frequent tension of the eye muscles. If another 20-30 years ago the main risk group were schoolchildren and students for quite understandable reasons, now it includes small children. And the fault is the computer and the TV. The many-hour stress of sight without relaxation does not pass in vain.

With the diagnosis of "medium degree myopia," the army or military school is not threatened. Perhaps, this will please some, but we should not forget that if the decrease in vision is six or more diopters, obtaining a driver's license is also not shining. In addition, medium degree myopia imposes certain restrictions on occupational occupations related to vision tension. Although the level of development of medicine allows to solve this issue positively. There would be money, in the absence of serious pathologies, you can perform an operation that allows you to return 100% vision. But before rushing into the first clinic that has come across, go through the examination in different places to make sure that this procedure is not contraindicated for you. The fact is that it's not a pimple, it's impossible to fix an unsuccessful result.

But if the diagnosis sounds like "myopia of a weak degree," treatment can be done in other ways. Which ones? This will depend on the severity of the pathology. For example, reduced vision to one is corrected by special exercises. But they only benefit when they are performed correctly and for a long time. This is a good method for children and adolescents, as the young organism is still developing, and minor flaws can easily be corrected, the main thing is to show willpower and patience. It does not hurt also to adjust the food so that the eyes get enough vitamins. The old carrots have not been canceled yet, but there are special complexes of vitamins, they can be prescribed by a doctor.

What else you need to know if you are diagnosed with moderate degree myopia?

  1. Short-sightedness can not be cured without surgery completely. If it appeared, it's forever.
  2. Reducing vision may decrease after 40 years, when age changes begin.
  3. Eyes are in constant tension, so you need to take care of them.

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