
Moles and their meanings in medicine and folk signs.

Perhaps, there will be few people around the world who would not have a spot on whose body. Someone marks the fate of even at birth, others acquire them during life. Either way, the topic of the birthmark and their meanings are very curious for an inquisitive research mind.

Let's start with things known to everyone. During the Middle Ages, when the fires of the Inquisition burned without fading, any owner of the birthmark on the body could please the purifying flame . For the sake of justice, we note that there was a certain criterion for the selection of human material. Otherwise, a good part of the European population would have to be dispelled by the wind. First, the witch's label should have been combined with a number of other signs. The list included red hair, unusual eye color, pale skin, and another hundred distinctions of Satan's servants. The second prerequisite was the insensitivity of this part of the skin to pain.

Similar reasoning about birthmarks on the human body is found in some eastern teachings. We will try to circumvent subtle matter side, so as not to get bogged down in them and deviate from the main topic of the conversation. We simply summarize the fact that moles and their significance in the East are closely related to human karma. It is these marks of fate that leave black forces on the bodies of those who violated cosmic laws in their past lives. Birthmark resembles a stain placed on the skin. It does not react to mechanical effects and does not bother its owner, it always has a very dark color. The karmic sign does not always appear at birth, it can also form during life. It is also believed that rapists and murderers have marks of the devil.

Since oriental healers believe that the zones of the skin are responsible for each internal organ on the surface of the skin, in their opinion, it is the moles by their location that can indicate the path to the healing of the patient.

With the advent of the science of physiognomy, birthmarks and their meanings acquired a qualitatively different meaning. Now, according to the location of the mark, it is proposed to determine the character of the individual. So, for example, a birthmark on the nose gives a person who is laughable and easy to climb. With this it is not difficult to find a common language, but it is not worth it to try and deceive.

The mark on the cheekbone is considered a sign of a strong and strong-willed character. Its owner is equally successful, maybe a great politician, and a virtuoso criminal. In that he will go to all things to achieve the goal, you can even not doubt.

Birthmark on the chin - a sign of a rare stubborn. In ladies this feature has more in common with the capriciousness of a small child than with perseverance and perseverance in deeds. But the representatives of the stronger sex, having such a mark, are often real tyrants.
Have noticed at the counterpart the overhanging birthmark on a century - be cautious with this person, he adores to utter crouching about others for eyes.

Moles in the ear give out with a head of a person boastful and unrestrained.

Markings in the area of the temple: on the left - in front of you a person is sentimental and romantic, on the right - the individual has a highly developed intuition.

In many Slavic peoples, birthmarks and their meanings are closely related to divine predestination, but are not related to his past lives. Rather, they predict that a person is waiting on this earth.

So birthmarks on the neck of a woman are considered a sign of irrepressible coquetry, and the man is promised wealth.

Moles on the head under the hair - a sign of dreamers and thinkers, regardless of the gender of the owner of the mark.

The "fly" above the lip indicates a high sexual potential. Such women and men will never be ignored by the opposite sex.

A mole on the left breast means that a woman will become a mother more than once.

A spot on the tip or wings of the nose suggests that a person will find his happiness away from his home.

As you can see, birthmarks and their significance are a very curious question, although very controversial. One would like to add to the conclusion. Treat your moles seriously. Be sure to watch how these marks behave. It is not necessary at all to study moles and their meanings on one's own experience. The fact is that these seemingly innocuous spots (not any, of course) tend to turn into melanomas. Therefore, if the nevus (medical term for a birthmark) changes size, shape or color, contact your doctor immediately.

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