HealthSupplements and vitamins

Sources of vitamin K1. What is Vitamin K1 used for?

Even at the beginning of the last century, doctors have established the undoubted benefits of vitamins and minerals for our health. But that these substances do not harm, you need to observe a strict balance of their content in the body. Both a lack and an excess of vitamins can lead to negative consequences, sometimes very serious. Therefore, the intake of any biologically active additives can begin only after consulting a doctor.

The main functions of vitamin K1

For good health it is necessary to provide the organism with various microelements. One of them is vitamin K1. It is not as well known as ascorbic acid or tocopherol acetate, but its importance for health is difficult to overestimate. In addition, it must be remembered that the body does not synthesize vitamin K1 alone. The formula of this microelement is such that it can be found only in foods and food additives.

For the first time, vitamin K1 was isolated in the 20s of the last century. A scientist from Denmark, Henrik Dam, after conducting a series of laboratory studies, found that blood is better folded under the influence of some substance obtained from the outside. Later he managed to get his formula out. It was called konakion, vitamin K1 according to the first letter of the word combination koagulations vitamin. What is the translation of this concept? "Vitamin, which promotes blood clotting."

This is one of the most important functions of the microelement. After all, blood coagulability provides a fast process of wound healing. This factor is very important in the conduct of medical operations. In addition, doctors often use phytomenadione (vitamin K1 of synthetic origin) in antihemorrhagic therapy. It helps to prevent and reduce the intensity of external and internal bleeding.

In the group of vitamins K there are several elements, but the most known among them are K1 and K2. Their difference lies in the fact that we receive the former from plant foods, and the second from animal products.

Properties of vitamin K1

As already mentioned above, the micronutrient in question affects the coagulability of the blood and reduces its loss during cavitary operations, as well as in the occurrence of wounds and scratches. This substance is classified as fat-soluble and quickly loses its useful properties under the influence of sunlight. However, scientists were able to create a kind of vitamin K1, which is not destroyed in the light. The most popular drug that contains it is the "Konakion", developed by physicians from Europe. It provides the necessary amount of vitamin in the case when it does not arrive with sufficient quantities of food. Often the course of the drug "Konakion" is prescribed for patients before carrying out an extensive operation. Sometimes it is recommended to women in the period of bearing a child. Vitamin K1 helps prevent the risk of bleeding during labor.

Especially useful is the drug "Konakion" for the elderly. With age, the body begins more and more inflammatory processes, and vitamin K1 can reduce the likelihood of their appearance. In no case should you take the drug yourself without consulting a doctor. But to eat foods rich in natural vitamin K1 is very useful.

Promotes phytomenadione and maintenance of youthfulness of the body. It neutralizes free radicals and toxins that destroy the body cells and lead to aging. There is an opinion that vitamin K1 can prevent the appearance and development of malignant tumors.

A very important role this micronutrient plays in the metabolic processes occurring in the bone and connective tissues. It supports the normal functioning of the kidneys and facilitates the absorption of calcium.

Practical use

Doctors may prescribe medications containing synthetic vitamin K1 in the following cases:

  • To reduce the risk of internal bleeding;
  • To prevent adverse effects after surgery;
  • For prevention of osteochondrosis and osteoporosis.

Most often the drug is recommended as one of the elements of therapy. In addition, the doctor advises eating foods rich in this trace element.

Deficiency of vitamin K1

It is easy to guess that a lack of a conacion in the body can lead to sad consequences. Fortunately, such cases are rare. Still, modern people use a fairly large number of products containing vitamin K1. And although it is not synthesized by the body, its deficiency is an uncommon phenomenon.

It can be observed in newborn children, since vitamin K1 in breast milk contains very little. Sometimes it becomes a consequence of the wrong nutrition of the future mother. Because of this, the baby may experience internal or external hemorrhages (bloody feces or vomiting). This is easily corrected by adequate treatment.

In adults, a deficiency of vitamin K1 can manifest itself in the form of subcutaneous, gastric, external bleeding. There is often a hemorrhagic syndrome. There is also bleeding gums. This is due to a meager diet or a number of medications.

Excess of vitamin K1

An excess of a microelement is very rare. This is possible in case of abuse of preparations containing conachion. Symptoms of overdose appear only in the case of prolonged uncontrolled intake of synthetic vitamin K1. They can be expressed in increased sweating, poisoning, stomach disorders, damage to liver tissue and even the brain. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Vitamin K1: where is contained

As already mentioned above, a person can get this microelement only from the outside. It is contained in the following products:

  • spinach;
  • Tomatoes;
  • asparagus;
  • cabbage;
  • potatoes;
  • avocado;
  • kiwi;
  • Bananas;
  • oatmeal;
  • Soybeans;
  • olive oil;
  • alfalfa;
  • seaweed;
  • green tea;
  • Rose hips.

Vitamin K1 for animals

Conakion is useful not only for humans. Vitamin K1 is required for dogs and cats. He takes an active part in the metabolism, the synthesis of cells and the formation of proteins in the liver, responsible for the normal blood coagulability. Its deficiency can cause various violations. So, when stopping, bleeding may appear. That's why vitamin K1 for dogs is very important. Especially this applies to animals older than 12 years. Vitamins K1 for wool are useful. They are available in various forms. It may be a drop, but some animals refuse to take them, and burying them violently is quite problematic, especially if the dog is large. Very much like home pets various pills in the form of a stone or a ball.

They gladly try them on the teeth and perceive them as a pleasant treat. To give vitamin K1 is necessary for courses, taking breaks. Before use, consult a veterinarian.

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