Food and drink, Recipes
Make a salad with eggplant, and tomatoes, and cheese
Salad with eggplant, and tomatoes, and cheese is prepared surprisingly easily and simply, but it turns out incredibly tasty and satisfying. There are several recipes for this appetizer. One of them involves the use of fried eggplant, and the other - baked. Which of the presented ways to choose is up to you.
Step-by-step salad recipe with aubergines, tomatoes and Adyghe cheese
If you are bored with the usual salads with mayonnaise and other ingredients, then we offer to diversify your table, making an easy, but very tasty snack with vegetables and slightly salted Adyghe cheese.
To implement this recipe, we may need the following products:
- Aubergines of medium size freshly cut - 3 pcs .;
- Tomatoes fleshy sweet - 4 pcs .;
- Adyghe cheese of any manufacturer - about 100 g;
- Fresh garlic cloves - 2 medium pcs;
- Soy sauce - about 2 large spoons (add to your taste);
- Peeled walnuts (apply at will) - about 30 g;
- Pepper black ground, sea salt not large - to your liking;
- Sunflower refined oil - according to your taste;
- Onion green (fresh feathers) - used to decorate dishes.
Processing of ingredients for snacks
How to prepare a salad with eggplant, and tomatoes, and cheese? First of all, you need to prepare all the ingredients. The eggplant is washed and dried with paper towels, and then shredded with not very large brusochkami. To deprive the vegetables of bitterness, sprinkle them with shallow sea salt and leave in this form for 35-50 minutes. After that they are thoroughly rinsed and thoroughly dried.
It is also necessary to separately wash the peeled walnut and grind it in a blender together with the garlic teeth.
As for fresh tomatoes, they are washed and cut with strips. In exactly the same way shred low-salted Adyghe cheese.
The process of preparation and the formation of snacks
To a salad with spicy eggplant and cheese turned delicious, part of the processed vegetables should be necessarily fried in oil. To do this, use a thick-walled frying pan. It is laid out a bar of eggplant and cook over medium heat for about ¼ hour. At the same time, vegetables are regularly prevented from burning.
After roasting the product, salt and soy sauce are added to it. In such a composition the eggplants are fried for a few more minutes. By the way, if you do not like the taste of soy sauce, then you can not use it.
After frying the ingredients until golden, remove the frying pan from the stove and cool completely.
How to form a salad with eggplant, and tomatoes, and cheese? In this there is nothing complicated. To the cooled vegetables add tomatoes, Adyghe cheese and a mixture of walnuts and garlic. All products are carefully hindered, peppered and served on a table in small kremankah.
Make warm salad from baked eggplant with tomato and cheese
If you like warm and hearty salads, then we suggest cooking them in the oven. How to implement this process, we describe below.
So, to make a salad with aubergines, and tomatoes, and cheese, you need to stock up the following ingredients:
- Tomatoes fleshy sweet - 4 pcs .;
- Aubergines of medium size freshly cut - 3 pcs .;
- Raw cheese - about 100 g;
- Fresh garlic denticles - two medium pieces;
- Sunflower oil - to your liking;
- Pepper black ground, sea salt not large - to your liking;
- Onion - 2 heads;
- Drinking water - ½ cup.
Preparing the components
Before you make a salad with aubergines, tomatoes and cheese, you must prepare all the products. The first vegetable is thoroughly washed, medium-sized shredded and savored with salt. After half an hour, they rinse it well and start processing tomatoes. Tomatoes are blanched and cut into cubes. As for onions, it is cut in exactly the same way as tomatoes.
In conclusion, on a small grater alternately rub cloves of garlic and hard cheese.
Heat treatment of the dish and its formation
After processing the main vegetables (aubergines, tomatoes and onions), they are laid in a deep form and mixed thoroughly. Also, the ingredients are flavored with pepper and salt. To them add a little drinking water and sunflower oil, and then carefully stir. In this form, the vegetables are sent to a preheated oven.
Bake the salad for about half an hour (at a temperature of 190 degrees). At the same time, it is regularly interfered with by a large spoon, so that it does not burn to the bottom of the dishes.
As soon as the vegetables become soft and transformed into a viscous gruel, they are removed and immediately mixed with grated cloves of garlic (if desired, you can add greens). After that, another hot snack is laid out on plates and sprinkled with grated cheese. Under the influence of temperature, this dairy product should melt slightly. If you want to give the salad a more creamy taste, then after adding a hard cheese to it, the dish needs to be thoroughly mixed.
How and with what to serve a warm salad for dinner?
You can use this snack in many ways. Someone puts it on a slice of bread and eats the product as a sandwich, and someone uses this salad together with other first or second courses. In any case, if you follow all the recommendations of the recipe described above, you should definitely get a tasty and nutritious snack, which will never be abandoned by any of your household members.
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