
Low-pressure medicines and low-pressure causes

Low blood pressure, hypotension, hypotension - what is it: a disease or a feature of the body? If the tonometer shows 90/60 day by day, should you go to the doctor or, with a wave of your hand, get used to his half-awake state? How to behave properly and what medicines to take from low pressure, when it falls particularly sharply?

This long but bad life

Why do people with low blood pressure have a long life? The blood slowly circulates through the vessels and does not press on the walls: the vessels are clean, the stroke with a heart attack does not threaten. But the life of the hypotonic every day develops according to the scheme: in the morning - sleepy fly, in the evening - squeezed lemon.

Not everyone would agree in the mornings with difficulty to tear off the head from the pillow, feel broken and spend half the afternoon in the afternoon. Fade with aching pain in the temples and constant dizziness, suddenly fall into fainting at the most inopportune moment. Annoyed for any reason and suffer from bright light and loud laughter. And the changes in the weather, which can completely fall into bed, causing severe headaches, nausea and vomiting. Add here pallor and circles under the eyes, constantly freezing hands and feet. Having learned that all these are manifestations of hypotension, any of us will hurry to find out what medicine to drink at low pressure? And what should be treated in this case?

Understand the terms

  1. Blood pressure is the force with which the blood stream presses against the walls of blood vessels. When the heart pushes blood intensively into the arteries, systolic pressure arises : the upper one, measured at the time of contraction of the heart muscle. It depends on the strength of this reduction.
  2. When the heart muscle is relaxed, the blood continues to flow along the vessels by inertia, filling the hollow veins. Such pressure is called lower or diastolic, it depends on the elasticity of the vessels, their ability to expand and contract to push blood.
  3. Normal pressure - "like those of astronauts" - is 120-115 / 80-75 mm Hg. Art. The deviation of indicators from normal to 20 units is in many cases considered a pathology and requires treatment. Thus, the pressure is considered to be low starting from 90/60, mm Hg. P. At such indicators of a tonometer it is necessary to establish the reasons and to pick up medicines from low pressure.

Low blood pressure on the walls of the vessels is called hypotension - this is a strict medical name for low blood pressure. It can have many reasons. Hypotension is a decreased tonus of blood vessels - one of the causes of hypotension.

The terms denote different phenomena, but in everyday life they are considered synonymous.

Physiological hypotension: no danger

Deviations of blood pressure from the norm can have different causes, so the decision, which medicine to take at low pressure, depends on the diagnosis. Physiological hypotension is a normal reaction of the body to external conditions, it is not a disease, although it has unpleasant symptoms. The reasons for this state are different.

  1. Heredity. From birth a person lives with low pressure and does not notice this, this is his normal state. The efficiency of such people is low, and they themselves do not produce the impression of health-ravishing. Improvement of well-being in such cases helps hardening, motor activity, necessarily an interesting job and an exciting hobby.
  2. "Hypotonia of fitness" - the pressure of athletes and dancers. In people who are experiencing physical stress, the body has adapted to protect the heart, to economically consume oxygen and not to wear itself, driving blood through the veins. But even trained athletes faint from overexertion and suffer from low pressure under stress and unfavorable weather conditions. The best medicines for low blood pressure for them are rest and sedatives.

  3. Adaptation. Adapting to the terrain with a different climate, short-term stress, fatigue can lead to a short period of hypotension. In such cases, sleep and good nutrition will quickly restore normal pressure.

When hypotension is a disease

There are three forms of hypotension as pathologies.

  • Acute - shock, fainting on the background of a sharp drop in pressure; Requires immediate medical attention.
  • Primary arterial hypotension is an independent disease of low blood pressure; Its main causes are heart failure and decreased vascular tone.
  • Secondary hypotension - accompanies the main serious disease. Such diseases include diseases of the thyroid gland; Infections of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract; Heart disease, liver, acute poisoning. In these cases, the main disease is treated, during recovery, the pressure also normalizes.

Actually, low-pressure disease is the primary arterial hypotension - a disease with dangerous consequences, which has several modifications.

Neurocirculatory dystonia - nerve disease

Neurocirculatory dystonia - such a diagnosis gets after the examination of most hypotonic patients. The lowered pressure is connected in this case with "neurosis of the heart", and hence, with low systolic pressure. The reason for this is a disruption in the activity of the centers of the brain, especially the hypothalamus, as a result of such negative phenomena as:

  • Stress, generating neuroses;
  • Lack of sleep, emotional, intellectual or physical overexertion;
  • Chronic fatigue or depression.

A prolonged depressed state drives a person into a vicious circle: it provokes hypotension, which, in turn, is the cause of depression. To get out of this circle will help drugs from low pressure in conjunction with other means that increase the tone of life.

Hypotension - plague of the XXI century

This disease affects about 80% of the population, and doctors spread their hands: people are ill, very bad, but all organs are relatively healthy and there is no danger to life.

Vegetosovascular dystonia is another variant of hypotension. In this case, there is a disruption in the work of the autonomic nervous system responsible for the smooth operation of the vessels. The interaction of the processes of contraction and relaxation occurs due to the hormones produced by the glands: thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands. If they lack vitamins (especially E, C, group B), trace elements, iodine or there is an intoxication of the body (alcohol, nicotine), then the coordinated work of all organs, including the vessels, comes to an end: their tone decreases, the vessels stretch, the pressure In them goes down.

Caution: low pressure

Hypotension can have very unpleasant consequences.

  • Ischemic stroke: Sluggish blood is not enough to nourish the brain cells, and they die.
  • The development of deafness and a sharp decline in vision.
  • Under reduced pressure during pregnancy, congenital malformations develop in the fetus; There is a danger of miscarriages. The supervising physician should determine which medicines at low pressure can be drunk during this period. Most likely, it will be "Cordiamin" and tinctures of levisei, magnolia vinegar, ginseng, etc.
  • Tachycardia with low blood pressure is a hypotonic crisis. The pulse rises to 100 beats per minute and higher, the heart is ready to escape from the chest; The head is aching and the feeling of fear prevails. High pulse, low blood pressure - what medicine to apply? Treat such a condition, calming the heart "Valocordinum", "Motherwort" or "Valerian" (tinctures). The pressure must be raised with the right breath (inhalation - breath holding - exhalation); Make acupressure: press the roller hard against the nail on the little finger, and then - the hollow between the nose and upper lip. And, of course, do everything to this state is no longer repeated.

Everyone Can Kings

Mode and nutrition are treated with low cardiac pressure. Medicines play a secondary role here. Kings of products for hypotension are coffee, cheese nuts.

Caffeine tones the heart, the cheese has an optimal fat and salt balance, nuts are a source of vitamin B, pantothenic acid, necessary for glands. In addition, hypotensive patients are shown:

  • Delicious smoked meat, eggs;
  • Fish and meat;
  • Cakes;
  • Tea, coffee stronger;
  • chocolate;
  • alcohol.

In short, everything that in other diseases is under strict prohibition, for hypotension is recommended for use. Now, when it was found out which "medicine" of low pressure is most effective, it's time to talk about medications. They can be divided into three groups.

1. Preparations for rapid increase of pressure. Are accepted only under the prescription of the doctor and courses for some days, otherwise it is possible to upset the nervous system.

  • "Caffeine" and preparations containing it: "Pentalgin-N", "Citramon", etc.
  • "Cordiamin".
  • "Ephedrine".
  • "Noradrenaline."
  • "Fludrocortisone."

2. Adaptogens - tinctures from plants that enhance the tone of the body:

  • "Tincture of Chinese magnolia vine".
  • "Tincture of ginseng."
  • "Tincture of the Leuzea".
  • "Tincture of Eleutherococcus."

They are effective at a strong decline of power; To drink them it is necessary too courses, not to receive nervous breakdown.

3. Healing herbs:

  • Sagebrush.
  • Tansy.
  • Nettle.
  • Yarrow and others.

Toning herbal teas have a softer effect and can be taken for a long time.

Run, but not to the doctor.

No medicine and food will radically change the life of a hypotonic for the better, if he does not adapt it to the needs of his organism.

  1. The regime with a normal sleep is not less than 8 hours.
  2. Hardening, contrast shower - training of blood vessels.
  3. Medical gymnastics, walking at a pace, running, biking, swimming, skiing.
  4. And the top of the victory over a hypotonic is a "medical path" - climbing a mountain.

A clever hypotonic, contrary to all the sayings, will go uphill!

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