
Can I take "ATSTS" during pregnancy? Recommendations of doctors

At a time when a woman is waiting for a child, she needs to be especially careful about her health. The human body is designed so that during pregnancy there is a decrease in immunity. This is necessary for the normal development of the future baby and preventing his rejection. Cough accompanies many colds, including those of expectant mothers. Help to cure the pathology will help the drug "ACTS" (pills). It is effective both in viral and during bacterial pathology. This is exactly what will be discussed later. You will find out whether "ACC" can be taken during pregnancy. Also find out what specialists think about it.

What is this preparation?

The medication "ACTS" - tablets. They are intended for solution preparation. Also in the pharmacy chain you can buy granules, which in the same way turn into a liquid mass. The active substance of the drug is the amino acid acetylcysteine.

The drug is mucolytic. In other words, it dilutes sputum and promotes its excretion from the bronchi. The drug is effective even with the advanced stage of the disease with the separation of purulent mucus.

What does the instruction for use say?

Before using any medicine, including "ACTS" effervescent tablets, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the annotation. The instruction says that the medicine is forbidden to be taken during pregnancy and after childbirth (during lactation).

The manufacturer does not have sufficient research data to talk about the complete safety of the medication for the child. The instruction indicates that the formulation does not have a teratogenic effect on the embryo, but can penetrate through breast milk.

Self-treatment: the opinion of doctors

Doctors say that the drug "ACC" during pregnancy can not be taken independently. The remedy is appointed exclusively by a medical professional. It is necessary to take into account all the risks and the expected benefits of correction.

Physicians report that in some cases, the use of the described medication is allowed. Thus doctors speak about the following information. Any cough is very dangerous for a pregnant woman, since it can cause involuntary contraction of the genital organ. This leads to unpleasant consequences in the form of threat of interruption or premature birth. That's why in these cases, doctors allow the use of the drug "ACTS" during pregnancy.

In what situations is the drug used to treat future mothers, and when should it not be used?

You already know that the drug helps to dilute and release sputum. The drug is indicated in diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, otitis and some other pathologies are indications for the use of the formulation.

Contraindicated drug "ACTS" during pregnancy in the following situations: in diseases of the kidneys and liver, during bleeding from the lungs. Do not use the compound with increased sensitivity to the constituent components.

Method of using the tool

The drug "ACC" during pregnancy is prescribed in a dose of 200 to 600 milligrams of acetylcysteine per day. The duration of correction is determined by the doctor in each individual case. In some situations, the composition is combined with other medicines.

Strengthen the action of the drug allows a large amount of fluid. Water in the body contributes to the effective dissolution of sputum and its separation. Recovery with this scheme is faster. The drug should be diluted in half a glass of water before use. Store the prepared medicine for no more than two hours.

Application of the drug in the first trimester

Approximately till 12 weeks of pregnancy there is a formation of the basic systems and important organs of the future kid. Any intervention from outside at this stage can lead to unpleasant consequences. Some of them become irreversible.

It is for this reason that the use of the drug in the first trimester is contraindicated. Even when a strong cough occurs, doctors are strongly advised to refrain from this drug and give preference to natural recipes or safer medicines.

Application of the medicine before delivery

The medicine "ACTS", the price of which is within 200 rubles, is not recommended to be taken one month before the expected delivery. Everything is explained by the fact that the active substance is absorbed into the blood and enters the breast milk. If childbirth occurs several days after the application of the composition, then there is a risk of getting medication into the baby's body.

In the last month of pregnancy, doctors advise to replace this medicine with something safer and more mild. Not bad with the treatment of cough in such situations are the inhalations.

Recommendations of doctors

  1. Physicians with the appointment of the drug "ACTS", the price of which you already know, is recommended to begin with minimal doses. If the medicine gives an effect, then increase the portion is not worth it. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing an adverse reaction.
  2. Doctors advise taking the formula after eating or during a meal, dissolving it in clean water. If you use a powder, it can be added to tea or juice. It is important that the liquid is not hot.
  3. Experts prohibit the simultaneous use of the drug "ACTS" with drugs blocking the cough receptors. This combination will not allow the development of a productive cough and only aggravate the situation.

Conclusion of the article or a small summary

You learned about the drug "ACTS", which is sometimes used to treat future mothers. It is worth noting that doctors try to do otherwise. Only in particularly serious and difficult situations is the appointment of the composition.

If you took the medicine "ACTS", but at that time did not know that you were pregnant, then do not worry about it. At the very beginning of the period, the harmful effect of the drug on the fetus is minimal. And, most likely, nothing terrible will happen. Henceforth try to be more attentive and more serious about your health.

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