Food and drinkLow-calorie products

Low-fat kefir: benefit and harm

All types of dairy products contain useful substances that improve the overall tone of the body. Kefir is an indispensable product not only for adherents of proper nutrition, but also for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.

Low-fat dairy products are quickly digested and leave no weight in the stomach. Everyone knows that a glass of kefir is the best dinner. Because of low caloric content, the drink is used for weight loss, and the saturation with useful substances makes it an excellent snack for athletes.

On the supermarket shelves you can find dairy products of different fat content levels. Processed yogurt seems to be the most useful option, but it has a number of drawbacks that can not be overlooked. In the end, many nutritionists are advised to give preference to raw foods.

Useful material

Kefir is saturated with minerals and vitamins even more than ordinary milk, since many of them are formed during fermentation. The product is saturated with calcium, which helps strengthen bones, teeth and nails, and choline, which helps normalize cholesterol levels. In addition, kefir in small concentrations contains potassium, phosphorus, manganese, chromium and copper.

The composition of the drink includes a significant amount of vitamins A, E, H, C, D and group B. Positively affect the body contained in kefir bacteria and amino acids.

The nutritional value

All dairy products are rich in useful substances. Nevertheless, the body absorbs protein better, which contains defatted kefir, than those that we get through ordinary milk.

When choosing a drink, it is important to pay attention to the packaging with a table of nutritional value. Between yogurt of different types, there are no noticeable differences even in the amount of calories contained.

Useful substances (per 100 g)





2.8 g

2.8 g

2.8 g


0.3 g

2.5 grams

3.2 g


4.0 g

4.0 g

4.0 g

Caloric value

30 kcal

50 kcal

55 kcal

Benefits of natural kefir

It is important to understand that dairy products with a low percentage indicated on the package are not necessarily useful. Fats are just as important as proteins and carbohydrates. Insufficient use of this component can lead to deterioration of the general condition of the body, metabolic disorders and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Many experts believe that an ordinary drink better affects the body than fat-free kefir. The benefits and harms of the latter have their own nuances.

Positive impact

The beneficial substances contained in the product have a positive effect on the body's condition and help cope with many diseases. Regular use of kefir promotes the removal of toxins from the body, and the bacteria it contains will help improve metabolism and restore the microflora. For this reason, the drink is recommended for people with gastrointestinal disorders. The product also strengthens the immune system, helps cope with sleep disorders and nervous disorders.

In particular, low-fat kefir (0-1%) has some peculiarities of influence on the body. It is much lighter than an ordinary drink and is recommended for use by the elderly, as well as patients with atherosclerosis, hypertension and obesity.

Influence of skimmed yogurt on the figure

Diets based on the use of dairy products are very popular. Caloric content of low-fat kefir is low - from 25 to 35 kcal per 100 grams, and therefore it can be safely consumed for dinner or as snacks. In addition, the product improves metabolism and contributes to the destruction of excess kilograms. There are many diets using this drink. It is also useful to arrange unloading days, which are allowed to use exclusively low-fat kefir. This is a great way to cleanse the body of excess toxins.

People who practice sports are advised to drink skimmed yogurt after doing the exercises. The fact is that dairy products contain a large number of proteins, which take an active part in increasing muscle mass.

The harm of skimmed yogurt

The product itself can not negatively affect the body of an adult healthy person, but there are a number of contraindications. In addition to allergies, kefir can not be drunk to those who have ulcer, pancreatitis and gastritis with an increased level of acidity, as it irritates the walls of the stomach. In addition, it is not recommended to give a drink to a child in large quantities because of the high concentration of salts in it, especially for babies up to 8 months. It is advisable to purchase dairy products for children with a special label.

Skimmed yogurt does not bring much benefit to the body, as natural, as it contains less vitamin, so doctors recommend using an ordinary drink to people who do not have contraindications. In addition, during its preparation in the liquid, the amount of natural substances is reduced. Processed kefir contains trans fats, which in large doses contribute to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

When is it useful to drink kefir?

The product has a different effect on the body (depending on the time it is stored). In diseases of the stomach associated with high levels of acidity, it is important to consider that the longer the kefir is stored, the more acid it becomes. Fresh drink has a laxative property, whereas a three-day drink strengthens. Given that kefir in packages contains various additives, this rule is more likely to apply to a product cooked at home.

Alternative use

Skimmed yogurt can be used not only as a drink, but also as an ingredient for dietary dishes. The product is used as a basis for smoothies and light desserts. It can also be used as a dressing for salad instead of oil and harmful additives. In addition, low-fat kefir is an effective ingredient in natural hair and face masks. It is well suited for people with oily skin.

How to choose kefir?

When buying dairy products, it is important to pay attention to the label. If the composition of a natural beverage can be predicted, the defatted kefir may contain harmful additives. The fact is that in the process of processing the product loses its taste qualities, which are often compensated by various substances - flavors and sugar replacer. Together with fats, the liquid loses its thick consistency, because of which the producers add starch, gum, pectin and agar to the drink.

The best skimmed yogurt contains only milk and sourdough. The liquid should be homogeneous - without lumps and interlayers. It is important to pay attention to the name of the product on the package - the kefir product though contains useful bacteria, but it has significant differences from the natural drink. The shelf life on the label should not exceed seven days - this indicates that no harmful preservatives have been added to the liquid.

How to prepare a drink yourself?

Low-fat kefir, yoghurt and other dairy products can be made at home, if you buy a starter in the store. Instead, it also uses the already prepared product. It is necessary to purchase the leaven solely on the basis of kefir fungi. It requires certain storage conditions, which are indicated on the package.

To get a light kefir, skim milk as a basis will be enough - no re-processing is not necessary. From the dishes for cooking, you need only a pot and a jar. First, you need to boil the milk and let it cool down to 30-40 degrees, and then add the right amount of leaven to the pan. The resulting liquid must be poured into a jar, wrapped in a towel and put in a warm place. Kefir will be ready in a day.

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