HealthDiseases and Conditions

Low body temperature: is there any cause for concern?

As you know, body temperature is an important indicator of the health of the body. The mechanisms of thermoregulation keep it constant, and the norm is the indicator of the thermometer at 36.6 ° C. However, in practice very often this value deviates significantly from the usual norm, but more often people react to its rapid increase, and much less often patients are confused by low body temperature. Why is this happening? Why should a fever be eliminated immediately, and a very low body temperature does not cause significant anxiety?

Let's try to study this issue in detail, finding out the causes and consequences of such a violation of the body's thermoregulation. So, if there are changes in the thermal regime at least one degree in any direction - this means that the body found any malfunctions. So, the norm is the value of 36.6 ° C, but when the temperature drops to 35.5 ° C, a low body temperature occurs . A similar anomaly is caused by a number of pathological factors.

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that the decline of strength is inherent in most clinical cases of the adult category of patients. But often they just do not pay attention to such an alarm signal, referring to excessive fatigue, but in fact, everything is not so simple. So, it is necessary to determine reliably why there is a low body temperature.

No matter how far-fetched the problem may seem at first glance, it is still necessary to turn to a specialist in a timely manner. In addition, it is important to pay special attention to the duration of this pathological process: a two-day decline in strength can really be a consequence of fatigue or stress, but if the temperature index does not rise for a week or more, then there is really cause for concern.

So, let's try to systematize those pathogenic factors that provoke its decrease in the degree of their complexity.

There is that category of people for whom low body temperature is a common occurrence. To reveal a pathology in this case is very difficult, since it can have the most unexpected character. For example, a patient may simply have weakened immunity or experience seasonal vitamin deficiency, but also do not exclude infectious diseases or complete exhaustion of the body.

Also, the temperature drop can be caused by a general malaise. This condition is often accompanied by apathy, drowsiness, excessive irritability, weakness in the whole body and a marked decrease in performance. The reasons for this physical "apathy" can be different, ranging from fatigue and ending with serious internal disorders.

However, do not forget about the most serious reason for the temperature drop. Here we are talking about dysfunction of the endocrine system, chronic bronchitis, a low level of hemoglobin, brain pathologies, intoxication, hypothermia, inflammatory processes, shock and anorexia. By the way, in the latter case, complete exhaustion of the body is possible.

Anyway, the violation of body thermoregulation requires immediate diagnosis. For this purpose it is necessary to enter the name on consultation to the expert and to hand over all the recommended analyzes. When the pathogenic cause is finally identified, it is necessary to proceed to further treatment.

If nothing serious is found and all the functions of the body are working in the usual mode, then it is more about preventing this abnormal phenomenon. It is advisable to revise your life rhythm, that is, to make some changes in the habitual diet, enriching it with vitamins and minerals, begin to temper the body and stick to an active lifestyle, more often in the fresh air. Believe me, this will only benefit.

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