HealthDiseases and Conditions

Halyazion - treatment and prevention of disease

Halyazion is a very unpleasant and most famous ophthalmologic disease. It represents a sharp inflammation of the cartilage surrounding the meibonium gland of the eyelid. Such inflammation can occur anywhere, on both the upper and lower eyelids. In general, inflammation arises from the accumulation of excess secret in the clogged gland. Halyazion reminds me of barley. Indeed, these diseases are very similar, but there is a significant difference - halyazion, whose treatment and prevention is carried out for both chronic disease, in contrast to barley, which eventually passes. The popular name of the halyazion is "hailstones", because, blinking, a person feels constant discomfort, feels that something has got into the eye. Inflammation with this disease is quite long-term and usually is on the eyelid in the period from two weeks to several months, while creating unpleasant pressure on the eyeball. Since this inflammation, it can easily attract many other dangerous eye diseases, so it is necessary to immediately begin the appropriate treatment with the first such symptoms. Next, consider the possible folk ways of treating this unpleasant disease.

Halyazion - treatment with folk remedies

Halyazion - treatment of this inflammation should be started at the first similar symptoms. Traditionally, haljazion is removed in the hospital, by surgical intervention. This is the best and most reliable way out of the situation. But, there are also various folk methods that also help quite well. If you can see that the inflammation is still fresh and not formed, the severely spread haljazion - treatment should start with different physiotherapy procedures. Be sure to consult with a doctor, the main thing is to determine which halyazion - the treatment should be started immediately. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe various eye drops or ointments, plus means of disinfection. If a more dense, out-dated halyazion is formed, the treatment is performed with the use of corticosteroid therapy. To do this, the doctor will direct a direct injection of the medicine directly into the nodule of inflammation. For example, if cholazion of the upper eyelid is formed, treatment can be performed either with the help of surgical intervention or with the help of modern laser therapy. The latter method is most effective. If you perform the operation with a laser, haljazion on this site will never appear.

If you treat this inflammation with the help of well-known folk methods, then for starters it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor so that there are no sudden complications in the treatment.

With a fresh, slight inflammation, it is possible to get rid of haljazion, only attaching a warm object to the inflammation site, for example, just a boiled egg, a heating pad.

Let's consider one more popular way of treatment of this disease:

You will need to make a calendula tincture. To do this, take 10-15 dry leaves of marigold and steamed them, filling one glass of hot boiled water. Insist 30-40 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth and can be used as a lotion on an inflamed place.

In addition, cure haljazion will help the most useful of all plants - aloe. So, you need to squeeze out the juice of the plant and then just regularly lubricate the sore, inflamed place.

Also, there is another popular way: when it's time to go to bed, you need to rinse the sore spot, and better the whole eye is completely and put on it wrapped in a napkin cottage cheese.

In any case, with the first symptoms of this disease, you should immediately consult a doctor who will suggest the most appropriate treatment for you. Sometimes self-medication can be dangerous and only create complications, remember this.

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