
Longitude candles

Longitude candle is a long-acting preparation with enzymatic proteolytic activity (like natural enzyme - hyaluronidase), as well as immunomodulating, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions. The long-acting action of longidase is due to the fact that, when ingested, it binds to a high-molecular carrier, which prevents its destruction. Longitude does not allow the acute course of the inflammatory process to develop, regulating the production of substances that provoke inflammatory reactions (tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-1). Compared with hyaluronidase (an enzyme produced in the body), lonidase is more stable. In contrast to the natural enzyme, longidase not only destroys the connective tissue that rapidly grows in inflammation, but also adsorbs the substances that activate the inflammatory process (copper, iron, heparin).

The action of longidase is manifested in the flattening of scars, reducing edema of the tissue, increasing the mobility of the joints, preventing the formation and reduction of contractures already formed, suppressing the adhesion process. The drug "Longitude candle" does not affect normal connective tissue, but destroys only the altered connective tissue in the field of fibrosis. The drug is well tolerated, rarely causes side effects with increased individual sensitivity. Does not have mutagenic, teratogenic, embryotoxic and carcinogenic effects.

The use of "Longitude candle" does not cause deterioration of the patient's condition after surgery, does not interfere with the restoration of bone tissue, does not lead to exacerbation of infectious diseases. The use of longidase in the complex treatment of diseases accompanied by active proliferation of connective tissue (the main cause of which is inflammatory processes) is shown. In urology, such situations can occur with interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, urethral strictures and ureters, Peyronie's disease, after operations on the ureters, bladder or urethra. In gynecology - with adhesive processes occurring in inflammation after operations on the pelvic organs, gynecological manipulations, with chronic endomyometritis, intrauterine synechiae. In dermatovenerology - with limited scleroderma, the prevention of complicated fibrotic infections. In surgery - for the prevention and treatment of adhesions after operations on the abdominal organs, to treat long-term wounds that do not heal. Contraindications to the use of longidase are malignant neoplasms, pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the drug. Caution should be applied to the drug in diseases of the kidneys, especially kidney failure, in the presence of pulmonary hemorrhage in the history.

Side effects are rare. More often it is allergic reactions. With hypersensitivity to the drug, use "Longidase suppository" for 1 suppository after 1-3 days depending on the disease. Course - 10 suppositories. If necessary, additional supportive therapy is prescribed. Conducting a second course is possible in three months. Supportive therapy can take place for several months (up to four). When allergic reactions occur, the drug should be discontinued immediately. If there is a concomitant infectious disease, it is necessary to combine longidase with antimicrobial agents prescribed by a doctor. The remedy is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

The drug "Longitude candles", an analogue is - is Polyoxidonium.

If you yourself, without prescription of a doctor, buy "Longidase candles", the instruction for their application should be studied carefully to avoid undesirable consequences.

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