HealthDiseases and Conditions

Peyronie's disease. Peyronie's disease is a cure. Peyronie's disease - symptoms

Peyronie's disease is a disease in which a man's penis is curved . At the same time not only the physical condition of the stronger sex suffers, but also his psychological attitude. Such men can be very sensitive to any situation that occurs with them.

The disease manifests itself in the formation of microtraumas on the penis during sexual intercourse. Although such damage is invisible to the human eye, they are accompanied by tissue ruptures. The microtrauma is tightened quickly enough, after which there are no traces. In men who are susceptible to such a disease, the wounds heal in a short time, while in places of tissue rupture there is a scar that eventually begins to harden.

The lesion of the penis occurs only on one side. And with the next erection, one side of the penis stretches, and the second, which has a seal, can not stretch. After sexual contact, the penis becomes twisted, which causes the man great discomfort and even pain. In this case, serious problems with the erectile function may appear.

Peyronie's disease usually occurs in men after 40 years. On average, the age of the stronger sex susceptible to this disease is 53 years, but the ailment can appear almost at any time. Most of the cases are representatives of the white race, sometimes there are representatives of the Negroid population among the patients, and very rarely - residents of eastern countries.

Currently, the spread of Peyronie's disease around the world is 0.3-1%. In this case, a significant proportion of men do not visit the doctor in time and postpone the examination indefinitely. At the first appearance of pain during an erection, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of development

At present, the number of men diagnosed with Peyronie's disease has increased significantly. The causes of the onset of this disease are still not accurately established. But there are certain factors that trigger the onset of the disease.

  • Microtraumas on the genital organs of a man.
  • Genetic pathologies.
  • Diseases: diabetes, contracture Dupuistern, atherosclerosis.

Symptomatic of the disease

In patients with Peyronie's disease, symptoms of the disease appear almost immediately.

  • Sensible pain with an erection.
  • Reducing the rigidity of the penis.
  • The curvature of the organ.
  • Notable seals on the penis.

Because of the inflammation of the penis in the belly shell, there are seals that deform the organ. In this case, venous and arterial obstruction in the phallus region can be disturbed. The curvature of the penis in Peyronie's disease can reach 90 0 . The penis can have various forms: a bottle neck, an hourglass. Any curvature gives discomfort to a man and leads to a violation of erectile function.

Course of the disease

Peyronie's disease can occur both in acute and chronic forms. Very often, the acute form goes directly to the chronic form. The acute form is the active phase of the disease. Its duration ranges from six months to one and a half years. If the plaques appearing on the penis do not disappear on their own, the patient is prescribed treatment. With timely medical intervention, the likelihood of developing the disease is significantly reduced. In the complete absence of treatment, erection loss is possible, which is fraught with severe psychological problems in the patient.


It's pretty easy to diagnose Peyronie's disease. The photo shows common problems that arise in men.

At the end of sexual contact, the penis changes its direction, painful sensations appear. If you have such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. The reason to visit the doctor will also be the appearance on the penis of seals, as well as visible irregularities in the shape of the organ during erection.

Clinical picture

The detection of plaques in 78-100% of cases indicates the initial stage of the disease. With curvature of the penis in 52-100% of cases diagnosed with the disease, and with the appearance of a painful erection - in 70% of men discover Peyronie's disease. Treatment will be assigned depending on the problems found.

The diameters of the seals can be different. The average size of plaques is 1.5-2 cm. They can be localized in different places. At their location, the dorsal, ventral and lateral curvatures are distinguished.


There are therapeutic and operational ways to restore patients with a diagnosis of Peyronie's disease. Treatment, or rather the selection of the method itself always becomes a very difficult problem for any doctor. To date, there are conservative ways of treating the disease and surgical intervention.

Conservative methods of therapy

As such methods of treating Peyronie's disease, various medications are isolated. The mechanism of action of most of the drugs is based on the decomposition of collagen fibers, which consist of seals. Thus, the plaque becomes less dense, and its expansion stops.

It is very important to use the methods of physiotherapy. In this case, use ultrasound, laser-magnetic method, phonophoresis (joint use of ultrasound and drugs). Methods of physiotherapy are based on increasing the speed of reactions occurring in tissues, and vibrating massage.

Conservative ways to restore the health of men are quite effective, and the number of recovered patients is about 10-25%. And with severe forms of the disease and in the absence of positive dynamics from sparing therapy, the question of surgical intervention is being considered.

Treatment with medicines

For men with a diagnosis of Peyronie's disease, medication is prescribed at the first stage of the disease, at the onset of the inflammatory process. It is at this stage that the first symptoms of the disease are noticed and the painful feelings of the man persist. Drugs stop the process of inflammation and keep the belly in a satisfactory condition. With timely intervention, the course of the disease can be interrupted and completely cured by a man. When using injections once every 2 weeks, the curvature of the penis becomes less in 60% of cases, and in 71% of men the sex life becomes better.


To restore the form of the penis, surgery may also be required . Such intervention can help men with erectile dysfunction, for which treatment with pharmaceuticals, physiotherapy and vacuum methods have proved ineffective.

To restore the shape of a member with a curvature angle less than 45 0, operations are not assigned.

Operation Nesbit

This method has a positive result in almost 95% of cases. First, the doctor evaluates the erectile function. For this, vasoactive drugs are used. The main advantage of the operation is its simplicity, and the disadvantage is the shortening of the length of the penis.

Grafts on the belly coat

Transplants provide an opportunity to restore the shape of the genital organ without shortening its length and without erectile dysfunction. If during the operation to dissect the seal on the penis, then the risk of complications is very high. In 18% of cases there is a recurrence of curvature, and in 20% of patients there is erectile dysfunction. To eliminate possible risks, it is necessary to dissect the seal. Transplants may be subcutaneous veins or bovine pericardium. The method is quite effective, in almost 95% of cases, patients recover.

Implants of penile prostheses

With the simultaneous occurrence of Peyronie's disease with erectile dysfunction, which are resistant to drugs, vacuum therapy and injection, use implantation of penile prostheses. The method is standard, and there is no need to perform relaxing incisions and install grafts.

Folk ways of restoring health

There are also non-traditional methods of treating such a disease as Peyronie's disease - treatment with folk remedies.

  • Primrose, initial letter, sage, burdock root, oregano and linseed are mixed in 100 grams each and ground. Then in a thermos 2 tbsp. L. The mixture is poured with 2 cups of boiling water and steamed overnight. In the morning the infusion obtained is filtered. The mixture should be consumed 4 times a day for 100 ml 30 minutes before meals. Infusion should be prepared every day.
  • A glass of boiling water is poured 15-20 grams of ripe fruit of horse chestnut, previously shredded, everything is boiled and cooked for 15 minutes. After the solution has cooled, it is necessary to strain it. You should drink 1/3 cup in small sips before each meal, but not more than one glass a day. To improve the taste, you can add berry syrup directly into the infusion.

Simultaneously with the treatment used, it is recommended to take healing baths. For this, 3 packs of sage are used, which are poured with a bucket of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes, then strain and pour into a prepared bath. Such procedures can be performed every other day. The duration of each bath should not exceed 10-15 minutes. After a bath it is recommended to go to bed at once.

More and more men are faced with such a diagnosis as Peyronie's disease. How to treat such a disease, can only say a professional doctor, a specialist in their field. When trying to self-cure, you can only exacerbate the situation, in addition, increase the risk of complications. Therefore, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.

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