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List size is what? Number of employees of the enterprise. Calculation of the list size

The calculation of the number of employees of the enterprise is one of the important reports that is submitted to state bodies. This is the compilation of statistical data, record keeping and similar items, often not very clear to the common man. In any case, it is necessary to fulfill the requirements of laws, otherwise problems will arise with it. It should be remembered that not only the fact of submitting the document is important, but also the correctness of its filling, timeliness, reflection of all changes and strict compliance with the established norms.


The list size is the number of all the workers of a particular organization. This includes everyone, including those who work in different divisions, other structural units, do their work at home, are only accepted for a certain time (season), and so on. Absolutely all are specified as integers. For example, even a person who works only for one season, and not all of the year, the list size of the enterprise will take into account as a unit, and not in the form of 0.25. The exception is those categories of employees who combine work, do not have an employment contract, or groups of people who work on the basis of a civil contract.

Basic provisions

The list size of the workers is compiled by absolutely any enterprise that has its own balance. It should also be unambiguous towards legal entities. All information about the various units, teams, laboratories and similar structures that are part of the company, are also submitted on the same principles. It should be remembered that even if in fact the department is not part of the firm, but formally refers to it, it must appear in the general report. The exception is those units that have their own balance. Here, at the request of the main structure, they can both provide the necessary information to the central office, and transfer it to the territorial statistical offices independently.

The process of compiling the report is broken down by the time frame. There are monthly, quarterly and annual varieties. In each of them it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rule that the time interval starts from the very first day of the period (even if it is a day off, a holiday, etc.) and ends with the last date. For example, in the context of the year it will be from January 1 and December 31 without any exceptions. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the deadlines for delivery of documents, because otherwise an error may appear and a fine will be imposed.

A responsibility

As in the situation with absolutely any report sent to state bodies, when drawing up this document, it is always necessary to take into account the responsibility of key figures of the company. This is a common practice aimed at maximum accuracy of the information that is provided in the report. So, the main culprit in case of discrepancy is the chief accountant and the head of the department (structures, divisions and so on). The list size compiled by the employee is, of course, an important document, and it must be rechecked by the responsible persons.

Report Requirements

Without fail, the document for submission to the state bodies must be drawn up in a strictly established form. They are a huge number of varieties, and for each individual situation you can find the perfect fit. Only in this way it will be possible to accurately and correctly calculate the number of workers in the payroll structure. This is simply necessary to maintain the document circulation in accordance with the procedure established by law. It should be remembered that any notes in the report card can be carried out solely on the basis of the original documents. For example, if the employee is sick, you can not make changes without a hospital or using a copy of it.

Another important element that is not known to everyone, but can greatly affect the final figures in the report, is the transfer of departments or employees between companies. In this situation, it is necessary to remove the person (or subdivision) from the document only in the next period. The introduction is made in the same way. The next point, which also deserves attention, is the error. If it was admitted and detected in a timely manner, it would be necessary to make changes to the report in which the problem arose, and in all subsequent cases where the figures from the wrong document appeared.

Listed strength

This category includes absolutely all employees, regardless of how long they were hired, even if this time interval is only one day. Correctly compiled number of payroll is the key to successful delivery of reports without problems and errors. It is necessary to take into account those workers who for some reason are not present at the enterprise in a certain period of time.

Given the number of people who are required to enter the report, and those who do not specify it, it is easier to list the latter. So, not everyone in the document who is not a member of the staff, works part-time or in accordance with a specific agreement that the individual has concluded with a particular state organization should not appear in the document. Employees who actually belong to this company, but currently work for another company, provided that they do not receive salaries in the main place, are also not taken into account.

Separately, it should be said about the students. List size is a document about those who work at the moment, but not about those who are trained. That is, all potential employees who are trained at the time of writing the report, are trained or otherwise receive the necessary experience are not included in the report. Once they are fully and officially recruited, then only a note about them will appear in the relevant document. And the last group of people who do not need to be reflected in the report are those who quit. Regardless of how this happened, from the date of termination, the former employee is automatically removed from the list.

Average number of employees

This indicator is slightly different from everything mentioned above. The average list size of employees is used to calculate labor productivity, average wages, turnover, constancy, turnover rate and the like. All this done with the help of standard numbers is not possible, since it is taken for a specific date. In this case, the calculation is made for a certain period.

Next, let's look at how the average list size is determined. The formula here is relatively simple, but it needs to be understood. So, the first thing you need is to determine the number of days correctly. They will be 30 or 31, depending on the month (in the February version - 29 or 28). Be sure to include in your calculation any holidays and weekends. Now take the number of employees and divide it by the number obtained in the previous paragraph. It is important to consider that the number of employees at the weekend will be identical to the same number for the previous working day. For example, on Friday there were 30 workers. As a calculation for Saturday, too, you need to take the same 30 people. A similar situation will be in case if the weekend 2 or more. That is, on Sunday, too, there will be 30 workers. It is very important to choose the right kind of employees who are included in this list, since they are different from what the ordinary list size requires. This requires special attention, because at this stage, and most of the errors occur.

Employees in the average number of employees

Such workers who are on the decree or leave for adoption of the child are not included in the list. Additional leave to care for the baby is also not taken into account. If the employee has been sent for construction, installation, commissioning or harvesting, regardless of whether he is paid for this money at his main duty station, then he should not appear on this list either. It should be remembered that it should be included in the list of the company to which it was sent. Another category of workers who should not also appear on the list are invalids of the Second World War. Separately, it should be said about those employees who work not on a full-time basis. They need to be calculated exactly from the time that was actually worked out. But those who work under the full program, but at the same time fulfill their duties at home, still fit as full-fledged units.

Even more original way is calculated the number of employees who work under contract with the state. In such a situation, it is important to accurately and correctly determine what their average payroll number will be. The formula in this case will be as follows: FZ / SZP = SSF. Where SZP is the average salary of one employee. FZ is the wage fund for all persons employed under an agreement with government agencies. A SSH - the average number. That is, if in general all such employees received 100,000 rubles, and the salary of one employee is 20,000 rubles, then the number will be equal to 100,000 / 20000 = 5. And it does not matter that in fact they worked 10 or 2.


All employees of the company are divided into two main groups by type of employment. This is another important parameter that is required in order to correctly calculate the list size. One category is the workers, and the other is the employees. The first few times more than the second. So it makes sense to specify exactly those that are smaller, and all the others will automatically fall into the category of workers. Thus, all employees (both of the enterprise as a whole and of its individual units) are employees. Chief accountants, engineers, economists, editors, research workers, electricians, and so on also fall here. These are persons falling under category 1 code (all employees are also divided into 3 groups by codes). The usual engineers, accountants, mechanics, technicians and so on already go under the code 2, and secretaries, timeskeepers, accountants and the like persons - 3 category. All specified data are necessary to ensure that the list size of the company's employees is correctly formed. This is not so important, but if you fill in incorrectly, it will also be considered an error.

Execution and dismissal

In addition to all other parameters, the report implies a separation according to arrival and departure indicators. That is, hiring and dismissal from her. They are taken into account in several ways. If the arrival is signed by the source from which the new employee has appeared, then the departure is determined by the type of dismissal. Only by accurately understanding this point, you can correctly draw up a report and determine the number of employees of the payroll structure. This may seem rather complicated, but for simplicity of perception below we give a conditional table.

Separation by type of arrival and departure



Graduated educational institutions

Transfer to another organization

Transfer from another company

Termination of the contract

Organized set

Retirement, military service, study

Accepted by the enterprise (all the others)

Dismissal at will

Firing absenteeism

It should be understood that there are certain exceptions, which should also be taken into account. Without them, the correct list size of employees will not work. This, in turn, can lead to errors, fines and so on. So, all persons who were previously engaged in non-core activities, and then were transferred to the main, in this list as newcomers are not included. But those who used to be an employee, and then become workers, are indicated in a separate column. A similar situation with the departure. In addition, it should be borne in mind that all absenteeism, even if the employee is not yet dismissed, is also indicated in a special point.

Custodial and payroll number

These indicators are quite different from each other. It is important not to confuse them and use only correct indicators when calculating. So, the list size of employees is, as already mentioned above, the number of employees employed in certain areas of the company for a certain period. There are exceptions that do not enter here, but there are not so many. But the number of workers means the number of workers who are required to be present at their place on a daily basis, for the appropriate period of time. Naturally, without taking into account weekends or holidays. That is, if there are 100 employees on the list size, then there will be only 20 of them for the outgoing staff, since all the others can work at home, be involved for a certain time or on a part-time basis, and so on.


All of the above will help to compile the statistical report as correctly and efficiently as possible. As a rule, at most enterprises, all processes have been worked out for a long time and the workers' movements, which could cause difficulties when drafting the document, are also already familiar. In any case, if there is a controversial question or a situation that has not occurred before, it is best to study the problem in advance and update the data, rather than make a mistake.

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