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List of novelties of cinema-2015. New Russian Cinema 2015: a list of the best films

The question of boredom is quite acute recently. One of the main ways to have fun is the cinema. However, the audience became too picky, and it is almost impossible to please them. Today we will review the list of novelties in the movie of 2015 and tell you a brief description of them.


We will begin, perhaps, with the most ambiguous genre. If the action movie can be estimated by the number of special effects, comedy by the level of humor, and the drama based on the problems and relationships raised in it, then in horror people like different things. Someone likes "bu-moments", someone prefers bloody violence, and the third likes oppressive and frightening atmosphere. So, to your attention novelties of cinema-2015 are presented. The list is quite impressive.

  1. "Paranormal phenomenon 5: Ghosts."
  2. Krampus.
  3. "Visit".
  4. "The Last Rite."
  5. "We're still here."
  6. "The demons of June."
  7. "Slender".
  8. "Crimson peak".

On the quality of each of the films could be a long time to argue, but the taste and color, as you know, all the markers are different. Most of the films adhere to the newfangled direction of "realistic" shooting and a good amount of black humor. However, they can scare only the unsophisticated viewer. Thus, the list of novelties of the 2015 movie in the horror genre is unlikely to bring you many new discoveries.


Many people prefer to relax while watching films of this genre. The list of novelties in the movie of 2015 includes a number of paintings of this direction. Unfortunately, nothing memorable for this year was released. Those options that we will offer you, although they are included in the novelties of the film-2015, the list of the best films is unlikely to be able to lead.

  1. "Holidays".
  2. "Moon scam".
  3. "Christmas".
  4. "Superforsage!".
  5. "Supernyan".

Even from the names of these pictures it becomes clear that it is not necessary to expect something supernatural and new from them. Old, jaded stories about family rest, children and parodies. Therefore, if you are offered to watch the comedy of 2015, you better reject it.

However, despite the fact that the list of novelties in the movie of 2015 does not please us in this area, there are other genres that brought us a lot of new and interesting.


Oh, this is a genre that people have always been able to shoot regardless of the country. With what it is connected, it is not clear, do we all so badly live that pictures of this kind are most effective? The novelties of the movie of 2015, the list of which we present to you, are very diverse. There are films about the opposition of man to nature, and about universal values, and about ordinary, but touching life situations.

  1. "Survivor" ("The Returnee").
  2. "Martian".
  3. "Defender".
  4. "Cinderella".
  5. "Wave".
  6. "Stonewall".
  7. "A robot named Chappi."

The list can be continued indefinitely. After all, what are we being presented with news of cinema-2015? List of films presented here, it is worth to study and see at least a few pictures of it for their own development. Plots are original and will let you know a lot of new things.


Such a genre, of course, does not exist, but it would be worth it to make it. Recently, very popular stories have been about how some people are tortured and brought to a point. Call it a drama does not rotate the tongue, because how much need to be sick to shoot such abominations? However, now it's not about the director, but about two quite certain pictures that are included in the novelties of the movie-2015.

The list of the best films, according to experts, you can start with the picture "Fifty shades of gray." The movie, based on a sensational novel, tells of a virgin girl who fell in love with a perverted millionaire and their relationship. The artistic value is difficult to overestimate. Love by calculation? Sexual "merrymaking"? About what this film, it is difficult to say.

What other genres can you add to the movie-2015 novelties? The list of films continues the picture "Who is there?". Here, the audience will be shown the horror of a man who is in a desperate situation. An exemplary family man is left alone at home on the weekend, and the same evening two young girls are asking him for shelter, with whom he naturally changes his wife. And in the morning they begin to twist the rope from him and torture him. What does this picture promote? Family values? Do not help strangers? Indifference to others? This will remain a mystery at the end of the film. What did the director want to tell us?


This genre also does not exist in cinematography, but films on it are shot regularly. We decided to take it apart just because not everyone likes watching comic characters. But, despite this, we can not ignore the novelties of cinema-2015. The list of the best still leads this particular genre.

The past year has pleased us with two films shot on comics. The first is the continuation of the "Avengers" under the title "The Age of the Altron," tells us about the already established team in their struggle against the new enemy.

The second one is "The Man-Ant", it will tell about the wonders of "modern" technology and show the next stamped hero with his fears and experiences.


And here is where to go for a walk. Hollywood has always been famous for this genre. We will tell you about the novelties of the movie of 2015. The list will consist of films that saw the light for the first time.

  1. "The Last Witch Hunter".
  2. "The Man from ANKL" ("Agents of ANKL").
  3. "The ascent of Jupiter".
  4. "Echo of war."
  5. "Divergent 2".
  6. "The Ultramarines."

I would like to write more, but it will not work. Unfortunately, not much new film is being shot. The franchises known to all are in great demand, which in due course turn into real serials.


And now it's time to tell about movie novelties in the summer of 2015. The list of films turns out to be quite sad, because, in fact, over the past year, the directors have not removed anything new and invented no unique universe.

  1. "Star Wars 7".
  2. "Carrier 4".
  3. "Fast and furious 7".
  4. "Terminator 5".
  5. "The World of the Jurassic Period" (already the 5th in the series).
  6. "Mad Max 4".
  7. "Bond 24: Spectrum."
  8. "Creed: Rocky's legacy."
  9. "Hunger Games: Jay Mockingbird".
  10. "Mission Impossible: The Tribe of Outcasts."

Figures frighten. Is it really so interesting and profitable to shoot so jaded materials that people go by inertia, just seeing the familiar name? However, as long as the viewer likes it, we will see the 10th and 20th part of the already annoying films, because nothing else is being removed.


Perhaps, this is the only genre that continues to please us every year. Animation is getting deeper and smarter, people come up with new characters, images, and most importantly, these cartoons are not scary to show the children.

Let's talk about movie novelties in the summer of 2015. The list of films could unconditionally be headed by the animated cartoon "Jigsaw". The viewer will get acquainted with the inner world of a little girl who is going through a difficult period in her life. This tape is devoted to what emotions are born and run by the child, and not only. A very kind and instructive cartoon that teaches us the versatility of being.

"House" - another animated film about the aliens. The plot is somewhat reminiscent of "Chicken Tsypu", but with all this it is much better and allows you to see that, despite the fact that all people (and not only) are different, we have much in common.

"Minions" - side-story, or prequel (call it what you want), about the little yellow men we know from the cartoon "Ugly I". The audience will be told their story, about how they got into the underworld and began to help Grew.

"Monsters on vacation 2" - another small opening. You will find out what happens when a vampire and a man have children, and what to expect from the father-in-law, if the latter is determined to teach the child to fly.

"In hell and back" - plasticine cartoon with clearly not childish humor for those whose intelligence level is higher than "cake in the face." This picture will allow you to relax and have fun. After all, what can be more fun than the living modern people who have fallen into hell?


Every year the Russian Film Academy declares that our cinema reaches ever higher heights, but our films have not received world recognition. What can be said about the novelties of Russian cinema-2015? The list, although impressive, does not differ in its special variety. Cops and bandits, war - two distinctive features of the domestic cinema, as well as its main themes, but even in this case there are some pictures, which should pay special attention.

"30 visits"

Despite the fact that this film clearly shows off with the production of "Comedy Club", the description alone is able to interest. What will happen if the girl is unlucky in terms of relations, she will try to arrange 30 visits in a month?

"Voices of a great country"

Obvious and unmasked PR show "Voice". We will be shown behind-the-scenes intrigues and relations between the participants of the program. About their aspirations, ups and downs.

"Mafia: a game of survival"

But this is already a worthwhile attempt to imitate American blockbusters. One of the most ambitious projects after the Night Watch. The film tells about the near future, in which the card "Mafia" acquired an incommensurable scale ... But only the game turned into a life, and its participants began to die for real. The film is full of chases, adventures and a fantastic plot. Will the players survive?


Animated picture, imitating the story "Brave heart", only in the entourage of Russian folk tales.

As you can see, Russian cinematography still gets out of the pit in which he was, although he still has a long, long way to go. At least, the novelties of the Russian cinema-2015, the list of which we have provided, allow us to hope for this.

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