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List of the best films that everyone should see

Among all the abundance of various tapes there is a list of the best films that every person should see. By themselves, just no self-respecting fan can simply pass by. Film fans and film lovers are certainly familiar with most of the proposed tapes, the rest - a recommendation: look necessarily. These tapes have become cult for millions of viewers around the world, some of them were filmed 25-30 years ago, but still occupy a leading position in the ratings of film critics and in the number of views.

List of the best films of the world - top 5

1. "Escape from Shawshank" from Frank Derabont. Drama on how not to lose strength of spirit and hope even in the most difficult conditions. They shot one of Stephen King's novels.

Flying over the Cuckoo's Nest Milos Forman. A 1975 film about an enterprising young man, McMurphy, who went to a crazy house. And about the coolest movie villain - the nurse Ratched.

3. "Knockin 'on Heaven" from Christopher Nolan. What can two deadly people do? As it turned out, a lot of things - to get hold of a large sum of money, to escape from the mafia, to give my mother a pink Cadillac and to wave at sea.

4. "Forest Gump" by Robert Zemekes. How, being a man with a low intelligence, get into college, become a famous athlete, become famous in the war and get rich? The main thing - obey your mother!

5. "Schindler's List" from Steven Spielberg. The fact that you always need to remain human.

List of the best horror films - top 5

Horror films are vainly reckoned to the lower genre of cinema. Among them there are works that were appreciated not only by the audience, but also by critics, and quite high.

1. "Dracula" by Bram Stoker from the director Francis Ford Coppola. Mystical Transylvania, a young lawyer, his fiancee Mina and the mysterious earl. Blood and murder, hope and loneliness are all mixed up in this film.

2. "Shine" by Stanley Kubrick. Cult film of 1980. A hotel in the mountains, cut off from all over the world, and a family of caretakers - a husband, wife and a small child. They do not have everything smoothly, and when strange events begin, everything becomes very bad.

3. "Psycho" by Alfred Hitchcock. Old black and white film. Marion is an ordinary girl, and one day she breaks down, steals a large sum from her office and tries to leave for her fiancé. But stopping in the way, he chooses the wrong hotel.

4. "Stranger" by Ridley Scott. A film about the most eerie alien creatures.

5. "Scream" by Wace Craven. One of the best films about maniacs and, perhaps, the best film of the genre of youth horrors.

The list of the best comedies of the world includes such well-known and beloved films as "Groundhog Day", "Ocean's Eleven", "Shrek", "Red Dog", "In Jazz Only Girls" and others. The first two positions are occupied by films with Tom Hanks in the main male role - "Big" and "Larry Crown".

Interestingly, the list of the best films, compiled on the basis of various sources, got a lot of works with Tom Hanks. This is the "Escape from Shoushenk", and "Green Mile", and in the rating of comedies of the tape with his participation in the first places. So everyone who wants to watch interesting and exciting films should pay attention to this actor.

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