EducationColleges and Universities

Linguistic College in Minsk: specialties and reviews

The State Linguistic University, in the city of Minsk (the Republic of Belarus), is a very famous educational institution. This is due to the fact that it is he who prepares one of the best staff in the field of foreign languages in the territory of the post-Soviet space.

And there is also a college with a linguistic university in Minsk, graduates of which can become university students, and studying in it under the reduced program.

But first things first…

History of the University foundation

Minsk University was founded on the basis of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, then the Pedagogical Institute in 1948. And he was called before the Minsk State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.

And then, already in 1993, it was renamed the Minsk State Linguistic University.

And for the years of his life Inyaz released about 25 thousand teachers, 2,5 thousand translators. And this is a huge indicator! Moreover, specialists who graduated from this educational institution successfully find employment both in the republic itself and in other countries. They also work as educators of kindergartens, teachers, teachers, translators, and authorities (where they occupy high-ranking positions).

University studies

Receiving a specialty "translator", "philologist", "teacher" and "teacher", each student goes through a serious school to study language subjects. In addition to teaching specialized disciplines, students are also taught how they can most effectively apply the acquired knowledge in their professional activities.

At the university, training takes place in many major specializations. For example, "foreign languages", "literature", "linguistics", "rhetoric", "orphotonics", "economics" (including international) and others.

And also there were formed such scientific schools, which have international recognition. Also, the university actively cooperates with other countries: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Vietnam, Cuba, Morocco.

How to become a university student

The first condition for admission to an institution of higher education is points above the average on centralized testing (CT). And it will take about three items. And also money is necessary for training if the future student does not pass on the budget.

The second condition is to be a student of a linguistic college in Minsk, which operates at the university itself. And then, at the end of it, there is much more chance to study at once for 2, and maybe even for 3 courses of the university.

By the way, important additional information for college graduates: they have the right to enter the university for all specialties of higher education, in accordance with the Procedure for Admission to the University.

Linguistic College

This is his second name, and officially he is called a linguistic and humanitarian college. It is a part of the university and is its structural subdivision.

The college is very popular and quite in demand among Belarusian students wishing to enroll in a language school, having a basic secondary education of a secondary school. Also, some specialties are recruited after the full graduation from secondary school (more on this later). Here students of the college are given a very high quality basic language education. And in the theoretical plan, and in practice.

Teaching students, the collective of the linguistic college in Minsk (after the 9th grade here many schoolchildren are dreaming to enter) strives to solve the task of training highly qualified specialists at the highest pedagogical and specialized level. And also teachers educate students in the spirit of high culture, morality and patriotism, in relation to their country and other states.

The peculiarities of the educational process perfectly take into account the needs of the labor market and allow the preparation of sufficiently competitive professionals in the language sector.

Currently, the college is a modern multi-structure, optimal in all indicators, an institution that provides an excellent starting set of knowledge and skills necessary for the further growth and development of a person as an individual and a specialist.

Admission of entrants

The college education is full-time. It is carried out on the basis of secondary education (basic, that is, they study in a linguistic college in Minsk after the 9th grade of secondary school).

The directions on which the institution prepares students are the following: a foreign language (English, German, French); Document management and document management; Linguistic support of socio-cultural activities.

Also since 2008, it became possible to enroll in a linguistic college in Minsk after the 11th grade - the last two specialties. Entering them, you get a profiling subject - a foreign language.

Documents required for admission

In order to be admitted to the entrance examinations, the entrant must submit the following documents:

- An application filled out in a certain form, addressed to the director of the college.

- Original document on the basic or secondary education with the application.

- Certificate on the passage of DH (for applicants who wish to enter after the full completion of secondary school).

- Medical certificate (in form 1 zdr / y-10).

- 6 photos 3x4 cm (matte).

- The document (provided that there is one), which confirms the entrant's right to receive benefits upon admission.

- If necessary, you can provide the originals of documents confirming the receipt of a prize place at the republican level olympiads in academic disciplines for the last academic year.

- A letter of recommendation from the teachers' council of the school - for graduates who graduated from 9 classes with honors or who have a gold or silver medal at the end of the school.

Plan for admission of applicants in 2017

Table 1





2-02 03 08 "In.Language - English" 85 people 75 people
"In.Language - German" 15 people 5 people
2-26 02 31 "Document management and document management support" 25 people 35 people
2-23 01 32 "Linguistic support of socio-cultural activities" 25 people 95 people

Admission to all college specialties after grade 9 is based on the arithmetic mean of all points in the education document.
And enrolling in a linguistic college in Minsk after 11th grade involves the surrender of CT.

Terms of training on the basis of 9 classes: 48 months for all specialties, except for "Document management and document management support" (secretary-referent) - 34 months.

The passing score of the linguistic college in Minsk is different for different professions. And he can fluctuate a little every year. Pass-through (semi-pass) points for 2016 are shown in Table 2.

table 2



Budget Chargeable
2-02 03 08 8.9 (semi-pass) 8.1 (p / n)
8.8 7.7
2-26 02 31 8.8 7.9 (p / p)
2-23 01 32 9.3 (p / n) 8.1 (p / n)

Features of the educational process in the college

Within the walls of the college all the best conditions for comprehensive development and real realization of students' internal potential have been created.

There are also comfortable and equipped with all necessary audiences. And language laboratories, which are equipped with modern computers, audio and video equipment, necessary for quality teaching.

Also in college there is an excellent library system. Within its limits are the reading and information rooms. Also at the disposal of students the richest selection of books. There is a satellite TV, an Internet network.

And in the walls of the educational institution there is a conference, exhibition and assembly hall, in which various mass student events take place.

Each student is also taught in the college such a vital skill - to lead a healthy lifestyle. This is facilitated by the fact that there are several gyms, a gym, the opportunity to ski, there is a shooting gallery. Annually sports events for 8 kinds of sports are held for students.

But the most valuable thing in college is, of course, his pedagogical staff. Students are trained by 128 teachers: 46 of them with the highest qualification category; 30 - with the first category; 17 - with the second category; And 35 are young specialists.

During the existence of the linguistic college in Minsk, about 6,000 specialists were trained and produced. Now they are employees of various educational enterprises, scientific institutes, travel agencies, hotel business, editorial offices of periodicals and so on. And also most of them entered and were trained at the university, the structural unit of which is this college.

Student feedback

Almost all those who studied at the linguistic college in Minsk, the reviews about it leave the warmest.

It is believed that if you graduated from college, then you are guaranteed to become a student of a linguistic university. So it is, since most college graduates who wish to continue their studies successfully enter the university.

That is why there are these reviews about the college at the linguistic university in Minsk, that it fully provides all the knowledge and skills necessary for further education. And those who decided to start their labor activity - to find a decent job.

Students from more than 68 countries study at the university. And almost everyone is very satisfied with their student years, and even more than expected initially.

That is why there is something to strive for every future student - both a linguistic college and a university in Minsk.

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